1.20 I'm trying to RESTORE some files from a system backup tape set but I'm getting the following error message on the RESTORE listing: FILES NOT RESTORED CREATOR NOT IN DIRECTORY. How can I recover my files?

You get this message when the creator of a file has been purged from the system. In this case there are two alternate methods to restore the files to the system.

1. Use the ;CREATE option on the RESTORE command. As long as the user has AM capability, the original creator of the file will be created with default capabilities and the file will then be restored.

2. Use the option ;CREATE=username on the RESTORE command. To use this option, choose a username that currently exists for the account. When the file is restored, its CREATOR will be changed to the user specified. For example, you could say ;CREATE=MGR or ;CREATE= MANAGER, because most accounts have MGR or MANAGER defined as a user of the account and won't be purged from the system.