4.6 Our goal is to keep user data on a user volume set. But programmers often forget and just enter NEWGROUP <groupname> without specifying the ONVS option. Is there something that can help in this?

From Jeff Vance:

I know of several large customers who have the same basic problem: their developers need to be able to create groups, but they forget to specify the VS name or they intentionally bypass VS limits by creating the groups on the system volumeset.

My goal in creating the NEWACCT and NEWGROUP UDCs (on CSY’s Jazz Web site) was primarily to address your concern. Using these UDCs, the System Manager only needs to specify the NEWACCT command once and then automatically:

The account is created on the system volume set with FILES=0,

The account is created on the target volume set

The PUB group on the system volume set has FILES=0 applied and is homed to the target volume set, and

the PUB group is created on the target user volume set.

But you only needed to enter a single NEWACCT command.

SMs and AMs also need only enter the NEWGROUP command once:

The group is created on the system volume set,

The group is created on the appropriate user volume set,

The group on the system volume set is homed to the user volume set

If the parent account has not been created on the user volume set, and the user has SM cap, the account will also be created on the target volume set.

A config file that maps group or account names to a volume set determines the appropriate user volume set. This config file can be automatically created via a supporting script, or you can use an EDITOR. If the config file is missing, or if there is no match for the desired group (or account), the user is prompted for the correct volume set name. At this point the user can also append this new volume set mapping to the config file so it is easy to keep it current.