Hidden Value March 2002
Q: Can someone please tell me the command in MPE used to identify the node name of our HP3000?
A: Gilles Schipper replied:
:run nettool.net.sys;info="status;node;quit"
Frank Smith added another way:
You may also use the shell command: uname -n
Q: I was doing an audit of PUB.SYS and found X.PUB.SYS. Does anyone know what this file is for?
print X.PUB.SYS
* Stub of /usr/include/net/if_arp.h
#include <net/if_arp.h>
#endif /* _IF_ARP_INCLUDED */
A: Bill Cadier replied:
The file contents indicate that it is really "/usr/include/if_arp.h". I found an X.PUB.SYS on my 6.0 system and one on a system that was just updated to 7.0 last week. My guess is that this file was created on a CSY system in some early installation testing and we have accidentally propagated it out via the installation tapes.
Gilles Schipper added:
This file has been there at least as far back as 5.5 and probably even before that. I have renamed this file to x.delete.sys before later deleting it without any consequences. I seem to recall that it reappears after each MPE/iX update.
Q: Does anyone have a quick and dirty way of sorting a text file alphanumerically by the content of each line?
A: Michael Berkowitz replied:
Assuming a file of 80 bytes and no defined columns.
>OUTPUT YOURFILE of any other filename
>KEY 1,80
Andreas Schmidt added:
Posix: sort.hpbin.sys HFS-filename
For more options see the man page!
Q: When dropping to the shell and doing a 'more' or 'vi', I get a message that reads
more: history: File too large
What is the meaning of this message and where do I find this history file?
A: Rick Clark replied:
The file is .sh_history. From the shell, type, "man history"
Ted Ashton added:
If you don't want it's contents, you should be able to simply remove it and start afresh.
Q: We installed 2.0.7 Samba when we upgraded to 7.0. Even though I can 'see' the Samba directories, mine and other users when I do the old 'map network drive', I get one of 2 errors:
1) Unexpected network error, or
2) The network name cannot be found.
A: Lars Appel and others supplied the answers to both:
1) Your username must map to a group with the same name on the HP 3000, otherwise you'll receive "An unexpected network error occurred".
2) M/S Windows NT doesn't like > 12 characters total for the user and account name.
Q: I am building a new IMAGE data base. What is the number I need to get the record to fit into. Is it still a multiple of 256?
A: Denys Beuchemin replied:
Because MPE/iX is a page driven system, I have long maintained the best blocking factor for IMAGE datasets to be 2048 words, or a fraction thereof, like 256, 512 or 1024.
Q: I have a new 100 Mb card for my 9x9. I've installed the software, but now I need to install and configure the card. I can't find any indication of the physical path of the LANIC (the slot).
A: The web knows all. Tom Turner replied:
There is a nice diagram in the K class IO upgrade manual that labels all of the slots. It's available on-line:
Go to docs.hp.com
select browse by topic
select System Hardware
select K Class Servers
Select I/O Upgrade manual (pdf format)
it's on page 21
Q: We had a power failure and the attention light on our N-class is on. Any help on what to do would be appreciated.
A: Liz Campbell replied:
You have to clear the logs - <cntl> b - then sl - view error logs.
Q: Has anyone heard of using the "big pin" with MPE/iX 7.0? It is suppose to let the N class servers allowing more processes to run.
A: Guy Paul replied:
Your 7.0 PP1 communicator describes this in the Technical articles section. See
Tracy Johnson then asked, tongue firmly in cheek, "What happens after you pull the Big Pin?"
Q: Will MPE/iX 7.0 run on my 918?
A: Many people responded that 7.0 will run on 9x8, 9x9, 99x, A- and N-class systems.
Joe Dolliver noted a word of caution:
Remember to check the size of Ldev 1. Many of these systems came with a 1gb disk for Ldev1.
Q: Would a store tape created on a DLT4000 be able to be restored using a DLT8000 and would it work the other way around?
A: Denys Beauchemin and Thomas Root replied:
The DLT8000 will be able to read any tape created on a DLT4000. If you use TYPE III tape, then it will automatically be readable on a DLT4000. If you use Type IV tape in a DLT8000 then you must force a density switch to make it readable by a DLT4000 drive.
Q: I'm trying to keep application files from being created on the system disc. So, I added a new class via sysgen but my build fails. What is the matter?
Build of file "X.SUPUTIL.SYS" failed. (CIERR 279)
A: Bill Cadier replied:
You'll need to add the same device classes in VOLUTIL.
Q: We suddenly ran out of disc space. We have recovered, but cannot get the job queues to start. What should we do?
A: Keven Miller and Cheryll Ganzel replied:
Try :OPENQ @
Q: I know we've used stageman to stage patches in the past, but do not remember if we ever committed them. How can I determine where we are? If we commit a stage, should we create a new SLT?
A: John Burke replied:
Go into stageman and use the STATUS and LIST commands to determine where you are. And, after a commit, you should absolutely create a new SLT.