Q: In VOLUTIL, what is the difference
I thought that SHOWSYSLOG was for the system volume set and SHOWUSERLOG for all the application volume sets. But it appears that the system has two different log files for each volume set.
A: Paul Courry quoted from the MPE/iX 6.0
Communicator article on the Transaction Manager:
Manager (XM) is an integral part of the MPE/iX file system. It provides a
facility to log all the transactions that are done on a file that is attached
to XM via a system intrinsic. It ensures data integrity by protecting such
files across system crashes.
"Files on
MPE/iX are of two categories: system files and user files. System files are
label tables, directories and SSM bitmaps. User files are those created by the
user. All the transactions on system files are logged onto an XM system log
file on the master volume of each volume set, just as all the transactions on
user files (such as IMAGE/SQL and KSAM files) are logged onto an XM user log
file on the master volume."
Q: I don't understand what's going on with a
simple COBOL ACCEPT statement:
DISPLAY "Enter KAD contract to process or 'E' to Exit: "
One contract value is "#7", and if I try that value, it's treated as spaces, and so is just the single value of "#".
A: Michael Berkowitz and John Pollard
ACCEPT "free" uses the "#" sign as the termination character.
Q: Is there a list, somewhere, of why the HP
impact printers start flashing 13 when there is no paper jam?
A: Cynthia Fowler replied:
Your "jam sensor" is probably going bad. We had that problem before with our 256x printers and had to have the sensor replace.
Q: Is anyone running Apache/iX with PRI=CS?
Any negatives?
A: John Burke replied:
Yep, I’ve been running Apache/iX this way for years on several different machines. No negatives whatsoever. In fact, I recommend that Apache always be run in the CS queue. Remember, the transactions are generally very short. In my job stream I use
altproc pin=0;pri=cs
This way I do not have to worry about the global jobpri setting. Of course the Apache user the job runs under must have OP or SM to issue this command, which might violate your security procedures.
Q: When booting from the alternate path (a
tape created by sysgen) I get - IPL
error "BAD LIF MAGIC". Any ideas what is wrong?
A: Doug Werth replied:
Typically this is because the tape was created on, for example, a DDS-II machine but is trying to be read on a DDS-I. [Note: the original poster confirmed this was the problem.]
Q: I came in this morning to a crashed
system. It appears I have a 'Bad System Logical Sector' that caused the crash
as that was the last thing on the console when it went down and now when it
tries to recover the MPE_SYSTEM_VOLUME_SET it gives me the error again (and
again). I assume at this point, I will need to replace that disc drive and do a
reload. Fortunately, the drive is part of the smallest volume. Are there any
websites that show the necessary steps to do a reload (assuming I can find my
latest SLT)? Anyone have any cheat sheets
they can provide?
A: John Burke replied:
Do you have a copy of the System Software Maintenance Manual? This has the instructions. Otherwise, just print out what you need from one of the SSMMs at docs.hp.com. If you are using something other than HP's TurboStore, you should also check your backup product's manual for guidance.
Q: We try to allow certain computers to
connect to one of our HP3000 via FTP in the File INETDSEC.NET.SYS. As the list
of IP-Adresses will exceed one line we tried to follow the editing tips from
the manual:
"To continue an entry on the next line,
place a slash (/) at the end of the line to be continued."
A: Greg Skvorak replied:
My testing
indicated that it is a backslash '\' as the final character on the line rather
than a forward slash for the continuation character.
Jeff Kell
suggested that you could also use vi from the shell and have one very long
Q: I'm trying to get an old 927lx on our
network but I don't know to determine the physical path of the LAN interface
controller (the format is something like xxx.yyy).
A: John Burke and Bob J both replied that
the path for the 9x7 is 56.
However, Steve Macsisak suggested that to find this out for any system , run mapper at the ISL prompt or, if the system is up, SYSGEN -> IO -> LPATH.
Q: I need to know the values of previous
month and year from HP variable. Is it possible? I mean, if HPDATETIME and
HPYYYYMMDD can show today’s date and month, is there any such variable that
shows me previous month and year?
A: Jeff Vance replied:
The simple answer is "no". If you
are willing to run a script that returns these values, then "yes".
Q: I'm running into conflicting advice on
whether I can put HSC FW SCSI cards into my 9x9. What is the answer?
A: Bob J replied:
Can't do it. We wish the HSC cards would work on a 3000 as they are much faster. The HSC 100BT cards actually get up near 100 megabits/s. The A2969A FWD cards can burst at nearly triple the speed of a 28696A.
John Clogg elaborated:
The HSC SCSI cards are not supported by MPE. The only HSC device supported is the upper bus converter that is used to drive the PB expansion cage. I visited the CSY headquarters in Cupertino for an "executive briefing" back in 1998 or 1999, and asked the people there when MPE would support the HSC FW/D SCSI cards which were available on the equivalent 9000's at the time. The answer I got was "never". They were already planning the move to the PSI bus, and had made the decision not to support the HSC cards on MPE.
Q: I am running FILERPT from the CSL. After reading the logfiles, it summarizes
like this.
Number of types of log records:
Records Type
29013 5 : File Close
21 102 : NM Log: Job init
6 103 : NM Log: Job termination
49 115 : NM Log: console
16513 205 :
I am get very high numbers for log type 205. Question is, what is log type 205, since SYSGEN and SYSLOG will only go up to 163?
A: Bill Cadier replied:
Log type 205 is the posix file close record type. Turn on type 105 and 205 is also on for any files whose names are in the posix name space. While I've never seen this used, the code says we now use type 305 for large files (>4GB).
Q: I'm running into trouble on a MPE/iX 6.5
system sorting a large variable length record file and I was hoping someone
would have some input. I have tons of contiguous space on that volume set. I've
tried setting the ;STACK= on RUN SORT.PUB.SYS, but nothing is working.
A: Craig Lalley replied:
When sorting a
variable length record file you should use the syntax
>input filename,#numrec,rec-size
Where rec-size is: "A positive integer specifying the maximum allowable number of bytes in a record. This parameter may be used to set the record size of the output file, but is used mainly for files containing variable-length records. When sorting such files, this parameter should be set to the size of the largest record present in the input. If rec-size is not specified when sorting variable-length record files, SORT/XL will use the block size as the maximum record size. This could result in more space than necessary being used for the scratch file, as well as causing some degradation of performance."
Q: Does anyone know if Store-to-Disk (S-T-D)
is available for MPE/iX 6.0 as a patch for STORE, and if so, where we can
download from. There doesn't appear to be any reference to this on ITRC. We can
RESTORE OK from a .STORE file but we get a "not supported" message
from STORE when we try to create a .STORE file.
A: John Burke replied:
The patch was MPELX57A. It has been superceded and it appears you can get this functionality now with MPEMX85A. And, no, the documentation on the ITRC does not mention STD functionality, one of the many inadequacies of the ITRC.
Q: While running IMAGESQL:
Split 16 compound source field(s) (ATCWARN
Mapped 1076 source table/source field
name(s) (ATCWARN 32062).
(ATCERR 32353).
ALLBASE/SQL shared memory lock allocation failed in DBCore. (DBERR 4008)
ACTERR 32353 points to the Allbase/SQL error messages. DBERR 4008 says to use SQLUTIL to increase the number of control block pages. SHOWDBE tells me that there are 37 control block pages. I increased it, arbitrarily to 100 and it seems to be working. How can I calculate the proper number?
A: Dennis Hassell replied:
Refer to Allbase/SQL DBA Guide, pp3-28 ff - there are some formulae about estimating the Control Block Buffer Pages. It involves estimation of locks held - table, page, and row level. The range for control block pages is 17 to 2,000 pages, with 37 as the default. PUBLIC vs. PUBLICROW declarations reduces the need for Control Block Pages, if you don't really need row level locking.
Q: I have a DETAIL dataset (with 26 fields
in it) that has its 4 key items associated with Automatic Masters. I would like
to add 5th item from this dataset also to be associated with another new
Automatic Master (or may be Manual Master). How do I accomplish this? What do I
have to do get this done? Does redefining the field into a key item associated
with an Automatic Master automatically add all those entries into the Automatic
A: Jerry Fochtman replied:
This is a fairly easy task with any of the 3rd party tools (DBGeneral, Adager or Flexibase). The steps involved would be specific to the particular tool you may have. If you're unsure of what steps are involved, contact the vendor's support group for assistance. And, yes, all the items get added to the Automatic Master.
Q: A fellow developer of mine is attempting
to read an entire message file nondestructively. Several attempts have been
made using the fcontrol 47 and read commands but the application just keeps
reading the same record in the message file. Is there a way to nondestructively
read a record in a message file, move the pointer, do a nondestructive read,
move the pointer, etc until the end of the message file?
A: Ken Hirsch and Michael Abootorab replied:
What you want to do is open the file with the COPY aoption. Either you can specify COPY in the file equation or use an aoption of 10000 (octal) in the FOPEN call.
Q: Please let me know if there is any
startup script (similar to .profile in Unix ) in HP3000? I need to set my
prompt setting and many others in the startup script.
A: Joseph Rosenblatt, Dave Waroff and Paul
Christidis replied:
Logon UDCs (User Defined Command) would be
the way to 'simulate' the '.profile' functionality. Setting the HPPROMPT
variable, for example, can set the prompt.
John Burke showed an example of what he does
for prompt:
which yields, for example,
20, 2003 11:15 PM </SYSADMIN/PUB>