Q: I would like to know how do we chat on
the HP3000 system with the other users who have logged on, like for example we
have TSO messaging on the IBM-Mainframes?
A: Lars Appel replied:
You can try the TELL and TELLOP commands. Also see :HELP TELL or :HELP TELLOP.
Q: :run dbutil.pub.sys
>>set MYDB btreemode1=on
Database root file must be at least "C"4 for SET <db>
What's going on?
A: Rene Woc replied:
It means that before you can "set btreemode1" the database has to have Btrees. You add Btrees with "addindex MYDB for all (or specific master datasets)". This command will also set root level to C4. To use "addindex" your system need to be at least on TurboIMAGE version C.07.xx.
Which brings us to Q: How do I find out what
version of IMAGE we have?
A: Use the Version command of QUERY.
Q: I need to take some groups off of the
mirrored drives, and add (move) other groups onto the mirrored drives. Is it as
simple to use the altgroup command and specify the volume set?
A: [Editor's note: "mirored
drives" is a straw man that has nothing to do with the problem or answer.]
Craig Lalley and John Clogg replied:
It is simple but not that simple. What you need to do is create a temporary group on the target volume set. Copy files in the group you want to move to the temporary group. Delete the source group. Create the new group using
NEWGROUP xxx;homevs=volume_set
NEWGROUP xxx;onvs=volume_set
Note that it is a two-step command. Then rename the files from the temp group to the newgroup. John Clogg also noted that another approach would be to STORE the files, and restore them once the group was relocated. That way you could preserve creation and modification dates, and creator ID.
Q: On one of my client's machines, which is
running 6.5 pp2, LISTJOBQ shows that a queue called EDI has a limit of 2,
executing jobs 1, total jobs 0 (not a typo):
10 9 11
1 0 0
2 1 0
1 0 0
SHOWJOB;JOBQ shows no jobs executing in the
EDI queue. How can this be corrected?
A: Michael Berkowitz replied:
It can be corrected by a reboot. However a more permanent fix can be found in patch MPELXC2B or its successors.
Q: I have two device numbers I don't want to
be in use and assigned to users on the network. LDEV's 5 and 6 are available for use and we don't want them to
be. Is there some place to configure these out of use?
A: Gilles Schipper replied:
Simply add these devices as network printer devices (id=hptcpjd path=none) in sysgen. This will prevent them from being used by any logon session.
Q: I just had a chance to CONTIGVOL on our
development system (MPE/iX 6.5):
size=600000 timeout=10;unrestricted
After Volutil has processed the labels on the 4 drives, it states:
*Warning: Contigvol - Inverse Extent Tbl
Full, Internal resource limit.
However, it appears to continue and finish normally. What does this mean?
A: Goetz Neumann replied:
It is a warning that an internal table has filled up. It appears it only handles looking at 40,000 extents at a time. There was an enhancement request (back in 1997) to increase the internal tables, which HP decided not to work on. You can run CONTIGVOL multiple times if the first run does not condense the free space enough because of this limitation.
Q: I moved our HP 3000 9x7 from one room to
another to do some configuration changes. After setting everything up exactly
the same, I attempted to boot the machine. After waiting several minutes I got
the ‘Boot from primary boot path (Y or N)’ question and answered yes. The
machine then asked ‘Interact with IPL (Y or N)’ and I answered yes. Then after
20 seconds I got this on the console:
ENTRY_TEST status = 0
Failed to initialize
ENTRY_TEST status = -4
(then a hex dump)
I have checked all of the connections, reseated the boards, twice and still get this response. What does this error mean?
A: John Burke replied:
In the November 2002 issue of the 3000 Newswire, Gavin Scott and Rich Trapp replied to the same question: Do you have a SCSI terminator in place? [Editor's note: this was in fact the problem, no SCSI terminator.]
Denys Beauchemin noted this time:
Either that, or a disk drive (ldev1 most probably) is not spinning up.
Q: I have inherited a HP3000, and I was
trying to clean off an old TurboImage database. I did a purge @.data and it
purged about 100+ files. However, it did not purge everything. They can't be
purged, even when logged in as manager.sys. The error that I get is CIERR 45,
Privileged File access. I have tried to release it with no luck either. Any
A: Steve Macsisak and Denys Beauchemin
You can purge TurboImage databases using the utility DBUTIL.PUB.SYS and the command PURGE (database name). The database name is the name of the root file, the one without numbers at the end. The command will purge all the datasets of the database. There are a few other ways to do this, but this is the most secure way of doing it.
Q: I have a Mannessman Tally printer
connected on my e3000 via a DTC. The config is given through a profile, term
type 0, and a printer type file name called 'TTMT360.PUB.SYS'. The TTMT360 file
has been made with the TTUTIL utility, which uses a VFC file called
VFCMT360.PUB.SYS. I had to make some minor changes to the init string in the
VFC file, which is easy using the TTUTIL utility. I saved the config in NNMGR,
validated DTS/LINK, stopped and started DTS, and also rebooted the DTC to force
download of config. This doesn't work, since if I look at the last access date
& time of the VFCMT360 file, it hasn't changed since my minor changes. Does
anybody know how to activate this new config without rebooting the system?
A: Goetz Neumann replied:
If I recall correctly you cannot get TT and VFC files re-freshed in memory without a reboot. What you can do for testing your new settings is to make copies of your TT and VFC files (make sure to edit the copy in TTUTIL to point to the copy of the VFC file), and setup a file equation with ;ENV=TTCOPY for your test.
Q: A poster is trying to test his DR
scenario, installing a CSLT tape produced on a 9x7 to a 9x8 and is getting a
number of errors indicating hardware
configuration problems. He asked what he could do to eliminate these errors.
A: Robert Schlosser replied:
After the install you will need to specify a config group when you do the start norecovery. For a 9x8 system you may want to try: START NORECOVERY GROUP=CONFG9X8. This will give you the basic hardware configuration to start with so you can add whatever else is attached. I would also suggest running mapper from the ISL prompt to get the correct paths to all devices attached.
Q: I have a SCSI bus defined as HP28642A, I
am not sure what the performance specs are. My question is, how many DDS3
HPC1537A devices (2MB/s) can be put on the above SCSI chain before performance
will degrade and the DDS3 will not stream efficiently? I'm thinking three (3)
would be the max and probably be pushing it. How many 1533 DDS2? or 1504B DDS
drive drives can operate efficiently on the internal single ended SCSI
A: Denys Beauchemin replied:
Here I get to use the perennial answer to performance questions, "It depends." If you intend to use DDS devices simultaneously, you will have to contend with the Fast SCSI-2 bandwidth limitation for all the devices on that bus. The Fast SCSI specifications call for up to 10 MB/second, but that will only be in your dreams. On an HP 3000, think closer to 5 MB/second. I would say that if you place a pair of DDS3 and nothing else on that bus, you should get proper performance. You might even add a third one, but no more, though even this depends upon which model HP 3000 you have.
[Editor's note: I successfully ran 3 DDS2 and 2 DDS3 drives simultaneously off a single SE-SCSI interface with good performance. The system was a 959/400.]
Q: When I do an "MGET *" I get multiple
files. I expected the "MGET 8 ;move" to delete the files on the non
HP box. It pulled nothing? Any help. I want to get a file and delete it from
the non-HP box.
A: James Hofmeister replied:
I tested ";move" MPE to and from MPE and MPE to and from UNIX and the ";move" worked for me (with general release patches installed) every time. One possible problem is if you entered the "MGET" exactly as you displayed in the subject line, you are correct this will not work. The FTP syntax has a "very" specific format and a <space> is commonly treated as a terminator. In the case of the ";<space>MOVE" the "MOVE" text is not seen as part of the command as the blank space following the ";" is treated as a command line terminator.
Q: I am processing a list containing the
'posix style' name of MPE files. If a file in the list has a lockword I do not
get prompted to supply it (See below):
<SYS>:print ./TUNE2
The PRINT command failed. (CIERR 9080)
And I cannot supply the lockword as part (in this case) of the print command:
<SYS>:print ./TUNE2/XXXXXX
The PRINT command failed. (CIERR 9080)
Can anyone suggest of a way to successfully 'process' an MPE file with a lockword using its HFS name?
A: Tom Emerson and Gavin Scott replied:
I think the short answer is "you can't". The longer answer is that, in posix terms, there is simply NO concept of a "lockword", hence no ability to specify such. The problem in this particular case is that MPE does not consider this an HFS file because apparently you're in an MPE GROUP at the time you try this. Files with lockwords that exist outside of MPE GROUPs have their lockwords deactivated until such time as the file is moved back into an MPE group. If the file is in a GROUP and it has a lockword, then you must specify the lockword in order to open the file, and there's no way to embed a lockword into HFS syntax and there's no way to pass the lockword independent of the filename (that I know of). Also the open won't prompt for a lockword if you use HFS syntax to name it.
Q: We have a few questions regarding limits
on the HP 3000 with MPE/iX 7.0. We have found some answers, but need to
reconfirm. What is the maximum number of open files per each process? What is
the maximum number of files that can be open per job or session? What is the
maximum number of son processes that can be created by a program?
A: Goetz Neumann replied:
On 7.0, the maximum number of open files per process is 1024 (increased to 4096 on 7.5) In both cases you have to account for file numbers 1..8 to be reserved by the OS, and if your program needs multiple libraries to be loaded for execution, then these libraries will also occupy file numbers. The number of files that can be open per job or session is essentially unlimited, although there is a maximum number of open files total on the system limited by an OS table (VSOD/GUFD): on 6.5/7.0/7.5, 68759. The number of son processes is, again, essentially unlimited, although there is a maximum number of processes allowed on the system, which is scaled with the memory size. Please see the "BIGPIN Feature: Support Up To 12000 Concurrent Processes" article in the MPE/iX 7.0 Express 1 Communicator for more details. (http://docs.hp.com/mpeix/onlinedocs/30216-90328/30216-90328.html)