Generated from C.60.01 /SYS/PUB/CICAT last modified on Thu Jan 11 09:18:52 2001

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     Alters the attributes of an existing user logging


     ALTLOG logid

        [;LOG=logfile {,DISC}]


        [{;AUTO  }]


logid               The logging identifier whose attributes are to be
                    changed.  This identifier must contain from one to
                    eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an
                    alphabetic character.

logfile             The name of the file to receive data from the
                    logging procedure.  This name must contain from one
                    to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an
                    alphabetic character.  You must specify the device
                    class on which log file resides, DISC or TAPE.

password            The new password for the logging identifier.  This
                    password must contain from one to eight alphanumeric
                    characters, beginning with an alphabetic character.

AUTO                Initiates an automatic CHANGELOG if the current log
                    file becomes full.  Refer to the CHANGELOG command.

NOAUTO              Prevents the initiation of an automatic CHANGELOG.
                    A CHANGELOG will not be performed if the current
                    log file becomes full.  Default.


     This command changes the attributes of an existing user
     logging identifier to those specified in the parameter list.
     Parameters not included in the ALTLOG command retain their
     current values. You must have system supervisor (OP) or User
     Logging (LG) capability to execute ALTLOG. Only the creator
     of the logging identifier can alter its attributes.

     To use the AUTO parameter, the log process for logid must be
     enabled for changing.  You may do this by ending the log
     file name with the numeric characters 001 (for example,
     fname001).  This naming convention works in conjunction with
     the file set number to generate sequential file names

     If a log file is restricted to a single volume or volume
     class when it is created with the BUILD command, then
     successive log files created by user logging will have the
     same restriction.

     If a new log file name is specified with the ALTLOG command,
     the links with any previous log file will be broken.

     This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in
     BREAK.  Pressing [Break] has no effect on this command.  It
     requires User Logging (LG) capability.


     To change the destination log file of the logging identifier
     KIM to log file C and specify that C resides on disk, enter


     Since the keyword parameter, PASS=, was not included, KIM
     retains any password previously specified.



Manuals :   MPE/iX Intrinsics Reference Manual (32650-90028)
            System Startup, Configuration, and Shutdown
              Reference Manual (32650-90042)

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