Generated from C.60.01 /SYS/PUB/CICAT last modified on Thu Jan 11 09:18:52 2001

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     Copies one file to another by creating a new file or by
     overwriting an existing file. The copy command can be used
     to copy files to and from HFS directories.  Also users with
     SM capabilities are able to copy files to MPE accounts
     outside of their current logon account, or to restricted


     COPY [FROM=]sourcefile[[;TO=]targetfile]
            {NO }


This command follows the more flexible MPE/iX command line syntax.


sourcefile          The name of the file that is to be copied.  A
                    file with HFS syntax must begin with a dot (".")
                    or a slash ("/").

targetfile          The name of the file to which sourcefile is to be
                    copied.  If targetfile is omitted, the sourcefile is
                    copied to sourcefile in the user's current working
                    directory (CWD).  targetfile may be specified as
                    a qualified or unqualified MPE or HFS name, as only
                    a group[.account] name, or as only a directory name.

                    If only the group is specified COPY puts a copy of
                    the source file in a file named "",
                    or as "/ACCOUNT/GROUP/sourcefile" if the source file
                    is an HFS name.

                    If only a directory name is specified COPY copies
                    the source file to "./directory/sourcefile".
                    Note: MPE named source file names are upshifted as
                    target names.

                    A target group name is specified as ".group[.account
                    A target directory name is specified as "dirname" or
                    "./dirname", depending on the syntax of the
                    directory name.  Optionally, a target directory name
                    can end in a slash (/) as a way to improve the
                    readability of COPY command in JCL and scripts. When
                    the target name ends in a slash it is assumed to be
                    a directory.

                    Since a target groupname is introduced with a
                    leading dot (.) and HFS filenames can also start
                    with a dot, (.), this could lead to confusion as to
                    whether an MPE group or HFS filename is desired for
                    the targetfile. f the targetfile is an HFS filename
                    starting with a dot, then the targetfile must be
                    preceded with a dot, slash and dot.  For example,
                    to represent a targetfile ".foo" in the CWD, the
                    name must be specified as "./.foo".

ASK                 If targetfile already exists, copy will prompt the
                    user to choose an action with the following prompt

                    "Purge old TARGETFILE.GROUP.ACCOUNT?"

                    Valid replies to this prompt are

                    Y or YES       instructs COPY to purge the original
                                   targetfile, thus creating a new

                    N or NO        instructs copy to terminate.

                    ASK is the default, except in a job or in other
                    cases where $STDIN and $STDLIST are not an
                    interactive pair. In such cases, ASK has no meaning
                    and YES becomes the default.

YES                 instructs copy to purge targetfile if it already
                    exists.  No message is displayed for the user, as
                    would be the case with ASK.  YES is the default in
                    jobs, or at other times when $STDIN and $STDLIST are
                    not an interactive pair.

NO                  instructs COPY to terminate if targetfile already


     This command performs a fast copy of sourcefile to targetfile and
     leaves sourcefile unchanged. Both files must be disk files residing
     on the host system. The user must have appropriate file system
     access to both the source file and the directory or group where the
     new target file will reside.

     You may specify files that are backreferenced with a file equation
     (*).  However, this command supports only three file equation
     options:  file name, final disposition (;SAVE or ;TEMP) and the
     disc volume or volume class (;DEV=disc or ;DEV=).
     All other file equation options are ignored.  Also, the right-hand
     (actual designator) name cannot refer to a directory.

     The file disposition of the targetfile defaults to that of the
     sourcefile. For example, if the sourcefile is TEMP, the targetfile
     will be created TEMP.  If the sourcefile is PERM, the targetfile
     will be created as PERM. You may override this default disposition
     by using a file equation.

     All file access attributes of the sourcefile, including ACD's
     (Access Control Definitions) will be duplicated for the
     targetfile.  If a source file has an ACD, the ACD will be copied
     to the target file.  If a file does not have an ACD, when it is
     copied outside an MPE group, it will be automatically assigned
     an ACD.

     You may not specify system-defined files ($ prefix) or CM KSAM
     files as sourcefile or targetfile.

     Note: the target file MAX EXTENT value may not be the same as for
     the source file.

     The COPY command may be invoked from a session, job, or
     program or in break.  Pressing [BREAK] aborts the execution
     of this command.  If the target file existed prior to the copy
     and COPY was permitted to delete it, the target file is not
     reinstated after BREAK aborts the copy operation.

     The COPY command is CWD relative.  If a filename is not fully
     qualified, the current working directory information is appended
     to the file and used as path information.  If there is a
     programmatic chdir(), the COPY command executes based on the
     new CWD.


         The command below copies ./CWD/ABCD to ./CWD/EFG.  Note
         that unless you have changed your current working directory,
         your CWD is your logon group.  When your CWD is the same as
         your logon group, the command below copies ABCD.logongroup
         to EFG.logongroup.

     COPY abcd, efg

         The commands below copy ./CWD/ABCD to ABCD.newgroup.  When your
         CWD is the same as your logon group the command below copies
         ABCD.logongroup to ABCD.newgroup.

     COPY abcd, abcd.newgroup


     COPY abcd  .newgroup

         The next example copies ABCD.GRP to ./CWD/ABCD.  Note if your
         CWD is the same as your logon group then the command below
         copies ABC.GRP to ABC.logongroup.

     COPY abcd.grp

         The commands below copy a file with a lockword on it,
         separated from the file name with a slash (/).

     COPY abcd/lockword tofile


     COPY abcd/lockword.grp,efg

         In the next example the file "" is copied to
         an HFS file named "MyFile".  Note that the target file name has
         to have the "./" prefix.

     COPY, ./MyFile

         In the next example, the file "Posix" under the CWD is copied
         to "MYFILE.PUB" in the current account.

     COPY ./Posix,

         The next examples copy the MPE-named file CALI to the MPE-named
         directory DIR in the CWD, resulting in ./CWD/DIR/CALI.  Note,
         in the last case, a trailing slash (/) is allowed but not
         required.  Using a trailing slash after a directory may improve
         readability of job streams and scripts.

     COPY cali dir


     COPY cali ./DIR


     COPY ./CALI ./DIR/

         The example below copies the HFS-named file "summer" to the HFS
         named directory "a_dir" in the CWD, resulting in

     COPY ./summer , ./a_dir

         The last example copies a file named "Sierra" to the directory
         named "/bin"

     COPY ./Sierra /bin



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