Generated from C.60.01 /SYS/PUB/CICAT last modified on Thu Jan 11 09:18:52 2001

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Commands for Managing Devices

ABORTIO/       Aborts one pending I/O request for a device.
ASSOCIATE      Gives a user operator control of a device.
DISASSOCIATE   Removes operator control of a device from a user.
DOWN           Removes a device from normal system use.
DOWNLOAD       Downloads format information to a line printer.
HEADOFF        Stops header/trailer output to a device.
HEADON         Starts header/trailer output to a device.
REFUSE         Disables jobs/sessions (and/or data) on a device.
SET            Sets terminal configuration.
SETMSG         Enables/disables receipt of messages on the terminal.
SHOWDEV        Reports the status of I/O devices
SHOWIN         Reports the status of input devices.
SHOWOUT        Reports the status of output devices.
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Commands for Managing Devices (cont.)

SPEED          Sets the I/O speed for a terminal.
STREAMS        Enables/disables the STREAMS device -- allows user
               to submit job/data streams to a designated device.
UP             Returns device (not disk) stopped with DOWN command
               to normal function on the system.
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