Generated from C.60.01 /SYS/PUB/CICAT last modified on Thu Jan 11 09:18:52 2001

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     Transfers or copies a disk file from one node to another (or
     within a single node).  User must have both read and lock
     access to the source file.


            [sourcefile [sfileloc][to[targetfile]
                                     [tfileloc][; opt]..]]
     DSCOPY [+[sfileloc] [to[tfileloc][; opt]...]               ]
            [+ opt [; opt]...                                   ]


sourcefile          The name of the file to be transferred.  You may
                    optionally include a lockword, group name, and
                    account name.  The sourcefile can be a formal
                    designator defined in a prior file equation. The
                    formal designator must be preceded by an asterisk
                    if a file equation is used.

sfileloc            A node specification for the source file
                    can be specified in the following format.

                    [delim1 [location]]["["[logon]"]"] [delim2  device]

                    Brackets within quotes are required.

                    The first delimiter (delim1) is either a colon (:)
                    or a comma (,).  The  location  parameter is either
                    a node name or a previously defined environment id.
                    Logon must be a valid logon sequence for the node in
                    question, including all necessary passwords.  If
                    specified, the logon is used to create a temporary
                    remote session on the node.  Note that brackets ([])
                    are required around the  logon  sequence.   Delim2
                    is either a comma (,) or a pound sign (#).  The
                    device parameter is the device class name of a disk
                    device (default DISC).

                    If delim1 and location are omitted, then the
                    default is the global specification of the
                    source file location or, if no global
                    specification is currently in effect, the
                    local node name.  If delim1 appears without a
                    location, the local node name is used whether
                    or not there is a global specification.

                    If you specify an individual or global logon,
                    it is used to create a new session even if a
                    session already exists on the node in
                    question (in the specified remote
                    environment).  If the logon parameter and its
                    surrounding brackets are omitted, the default
                    is the global logon  sequence.  If no global
                    logon is currently in effect, and there is no
                    current remote session, the default is the
                    logon sequence specified in a prior DSLINE
                    command for this remote environment (in the
                    LOGON= option).  If you include the brackets
                    but omit the logon, then a global logon
                    specification is ignored and the DSLINE logon
                    specification (or existing session if there
                    is one) is used. The order of priority (from
                    high to low) is:  the specified logon, global
                    logon, existing session, DSLINE logon.

+                   Indicates a global option that affects all
                    subsequent file transfers until overridden by CLEAR
                    or a new global option.

to                  Either the word TO or a semicolon (;).  If sfileloc
                    ends with a colon (:), not followed by a node name
                    or environment id, you must use the semicolon (;)

targetfile          The name of the file (with optional lockword, group
                    name, and account name) into which the source file
                    will be copied.  The targetfile can also be a formal
                    designator defined in a prior file equation, as long
                    as an asterisk precedes the target file.  You can
                    specify a KSAM file pair in the tfile parameter by
                    enclosing a pair of names (separated by a comma) in
                    quotation marks.

                    The file equation can redirect the target file to
                    the temporary domain by specifying the disposition
                    parameter ';TEMP'.  In this case, you cannot use
                    domain parameters such as NEW, OLD, and OLDTEMP,
                    nor can you use the disposition parameter ;DEL.
                    Below is an example of redirection to the temporary

                    FILE targetfile=targetfile;TEMP
                    DSCOPY sourcefile;*targetfile

                    DEFAULT  If the file name is omitted, the
                    corresponding source file name is assumed.
                    If the group and/or account names are
                    omitted, corresponding portions of the target
                    node session are assumed.

tfileloc            A node specification for the target file, with the
                    same syntax and DEFAULTS as the sfileloc.

                    [delim1 [location]]["["[logon]"]"] [delim2  device]

                    You can specify alternate disk devices for a
                    KSAM file pair by enclosing a pair of device
                    names (separated by a comma) in quotation
                    marks. [delim2 "dev1,dev2"].

opt                 Any of the following options (available only over
                    nodes linked by a Local Area Network).

                    The following parameters are mutually
                    exclusive SEQ and DIR; APP, MOVE, OVER, and
                    REP; FIX and VAR; and ASC and BIN.

                    NOTE  * indicates the option invokes
                    Interchange Format.

                    APP *          Appends the source file to the

                                   existing file specified as a target

                    ASC *          Causes the target file to contain
                                   ASCII data.

                    BIN *          Causes the target file to contain
                                   binary data.

                    CHECKPT=       Where = [interval]

                    cspec          [,[restart id file][,record]]]
                                   Initiates checkpointing during a

                    CLEAR          Clears all global specifications
                                   issued up to that point (not
                                   including specifications after CLEAR
                                   on the same line).

                    COMP           Causes the source file to be
                                   compressed before being transferred.
                                   Compression minimizes the space
                                   required to represent sequences of
                                   repeated characters.  The data are
                                   decompressed before they are written
                                   to the target file.

                    DIR *          Causes the target file to be
                                   organized to allow direct access.

                    FCODE= Gives the file code for the source
                                   file.  In order to copy a privileged
                                   file (for example, an IMAGE data
                                   base), you need to supply the
                                   appropriate negative file code in
                                   this option.  You must have system
                                   manager or Privileged Mode capability
                                   in order specify a negative file

                    FIX *          Causes the target file to contain
                                   fixed length records.

                    FSIZE=*  Specifies the size of the target
                                   file in records.

                    ICHAR=*  Defines the character (char) to be
                                   inserted at the end of each logical
                                   record in a file copied to an HP-UX

                    INT *          Files are copied using Interchange

                    MOVE           Purges the source file after a
                                   successful transfer. (Otherwise the
                                   file will be copied but the source
                                   file will remain.)

                    OVER           Causes a copy of the source file to
                                   be written over an existing target
                                   file, beginning with the first
                                   record.  If the source file EOF is
                                   less than the target file EOF then
                                   the target file EOF will not change.
                                   The excess data in the target file is
                                   preserved ("write save").  The
                                   attributes of the source and target
                                   files must match.  If the target file
                                   does not exist, a new file is

                    QUIET          Suppresses extraneous output such as
                                   the "% complete" message.

                    REP (replace)  Purges the existing target file and
                                   replaces the target file with a copy
                                   of the source file.  If the target
                                   file does not exist, a new file is

                    RESTART=       Where = 
                    rspec          or rspec= restart id file
                                   [,[record]].  Restarts an
                                   interrupted transfer which
                                   was initiated using the CHECKPT

                    RSIZE=  Specifies the length (in bytes) of
                                   the target file records.

                    SCHAR=*  Specifies the character (char) used
                                   to delimit logical records in files
                                   copied from HP-UX systems.

                    SDEV=source_device   Names the disk device on the
                                   source node where the source file
                                   resides.  The device name can also be
                                   included in the file location

                    SEQ *          Opens the target file for sequential

                    SHOW           Shows global specifications currently
                                   in effect (not including
                                   specifications after SHOW on the same

                    STRIP          Removes padding from the ends of
                                   records when creating the target

                    TDEV=target_device   Names the disk device on the
                                   target node where the target file is
                                   written.  The device name can also be
                                   included in the file location

                    VAR *          Causes the target file to be composed
                                   of variable length records.

                    +  opt         Indicates that the following
                                   specifications are global.  All
                                   specifications except file names may
                                   be made global.  These remain in
                                   effect until a new, conflicting
                                   global specification is issued or the
                                   CLEAR option is used. Individual,
                                   non-global specifications override
                                   global specs for one transfer only.
                                   Global specifications are cleared
                                   when the DSCOPY subsystem terminates.
                                   If an invalid or unsupported keyword
                                   is specified as a global option, NFT
                                   ignores any options that follow.
                                   Options preceding the invalid option
                                   will not be ignored.


     The DSCOPY command enables you to copy one or more files between
     systems.  With DSCOPY you can copy a file and store the file on the
     same node, or on another node in the network.  The location
     from which you issue the transfer request is independent
     of the source and target locations.

     Global specifications are indicated by placing a "+" before the
     specification.  Global specifications take effect for all
     subsequent transfers until, or unless, one of the following
     conditions occurs:

     o A new global specification which conflicts with the old one
       is given.  For example, if REP is specified globally, it will
       override and cancel a prior OVER global specification
       currently in effect.

     o An item given in an individual, non-global transfer
       specification conflicts with a previous global specification.
       This item will override the global specification for this one
       transfer only.

     o The CLEAR option is used. This clears all global
       specifications currently in effect (not including further
       specifications on the same line after the CLEAR).

     o The DSCOPY subsystem is terminated.

     All specifications except file names can be made global in
     this manner. The REP and OVER options override each other.
     Specifying a new SDEV or TDEV , or issuing "SDEV=" or
     "TDEV=" without a device name, clears a previous global
     source or target device. The only way to clear MOVE, COMP,
     or QUIET is to use CLEAR.

     If all source and target parameters are omitted, or if the
     command begins with "+" (global), you will receive a
     subsystem prompt consisting of the string DSCOPY.  (You
     can also issue global specifications within the
     subsystem.)  You may then submit a series of transfer
     requests interactively. After each transfer you will
     receive another prompt. File transfer requests are read
     from your terminal unless you specify that you want the
     requests to be read from a (command) file.  To do this you
     must issue a file equation that equates the specified
     command file to the formal file designator DSCOPYI (for
     example FILE DSCOPYI=CMNDFILE).  The file must be

     You may invoke the DSCOPY help facility by typing a
     question mark in response to the DSCOPY prompt.  An
     ampersand (&) at the end of a line allows you to continue
     a command on the following line.  To cancel the current
     line, or to interrupt a transfer, type "Control-Y."

     To terminate the subsystem from the DSCOPY prompt enter
     either "//" or "Control-Y."


Local to Local


     Remote to Local (* Assumes Session was set up on remote node
     via Virtual Terminal *)


Local to Remote


     Remote to Remote  (* Assumes Session was set up on REMNODE
     via Virtual Terminal *)


Global Specifications


     (* "+" denotes global specifications. Command moves
     denotes active data compression *)


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