Generated from C.60.01 /SYS/PUB/CICAT last modified on Thu Jan 11 09:18:52 2001

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     Declares the file attributes to be used when a file is
     opened.  This declaration, informally known as a file
     equation, may be used to override programmatic or system
     default file specifications.  With the addition of shared
     parameters from the NS3000/XL AdvanceNet subsystem, the
     declaration may specify a formal file designator that may
     used to access a remote file or device in a subsystem command
     or intrinsic.  NS3000/XL AdvanceNet is not part of the 900
     Series HP 3000 Computer System Fundamental Operating System
     and must be purchased separately.


     FILE formaldesignator =$OLDPASS


NOTE                The symbol ">" can no longer be used in a special
                    forms message after B.30.00.


formaldesignator    A formal file designator that has the form


                    in which filename, groupname, and accountname are
                    the identifiers that form a fully qualified file
                    name.  Each identifier may contain from one to eight
                    alphanumeric characters, beginning with an
                    alphabetic character.  This file name may be used to
                    identify the file in subsequent commands or
                    intrinsic calls.

                    The nodespec extension of the formal file
                    designator, explained below, is a parameter shared
                    with the NS3000/XL AdvanceNet subsystem It is not
                    part of the Fundamental Operating System.  MPE/iX
                    accepts this extended formal file designator, with a
                    node specification following a colon (:), in FILE
                    and RESET and in the FOPEN and HPFOPEN intrinsic.
                    Refer to the RESET command and also
                    the MPE/iX Intrinsics Reference Manual (32650-

                    If formaldesignator is not equated to another file
                    designation, the  parameter specifies the name of an
                    actual file.  Placing an asterisk ahead of the
                    parameter (*formaldesignator) establishes a
                    backreference to a formal file designator defined in
                    a FILE command.

                    The backreferenced form, *formaldesignator, is valid
                    only if it appears on the right side of the equal
                    sign ( = ).

$NULL               Actual file designator of a system-defined file that
                    is always treated as an empty file.  When $NULL is
                    accessed by a program for input, that program
                    receives only an end-of-file indication. When it is
                    accessed by a program for output, the associated
                    WRITE request is accepted by MPE/iX, but no physical
                    output is actually performed.

$NEWPASS            A system-defined temporary job file. When $NEWPASS
                    is closed, it is referenced by the name $OLDPASS.
                    Opening $NEWPASS destroys any previous $NEWPASS
                    temporary file.

$OLDPASS            The system-defined name of the last temporary file
                    that was closed as $NEWPASS.

$STDIN              The system-defined name of the standard job input
                    device.  A colon () as the first character read on
                    this file indicates end-of-file.

$STDINX             The same as $STDIN except that a colon can be read
                    as the first character and received as data.  An
                    (EOD produces an end-of-file on $STDINX.

$STDLIST            The system-defined name for the standard job or
                    session list device.

filereference       The actual file designator of the file.  If the
                    name does not begin with a dot (.) or slash (/),
                    the name is considered to follow standard MPE file
                    naming syntax rules.  Filenames will be in the
                    following the format:


                    Each identifier may contain from one to eight
                    alphanumeric characters, beginning with an
                    alphabetic character.  The filename resolution is
                    as follows:

                    o if filename = FN, look for file "FN" in CWD
                      (current working directory)

                    o if filename = FN.GP, look for file "FN" in group
                      "GP" of the logon account (regardless of the
                      current working directory)

                    o if filename = FN.GP.AC, look for file, "FN" in
                      group "GP" of account "AC:.

                    In a batch job, the file will

                    fail to open if the file has a lockword that is not
                    specified in filereference.  In a session, MPE/iX
                    will prompt you for a lockword if one exists.
                    If the name begins with a dot (.) or a slash (/),
                    the name is considered to follow the HFS file
                    naming syntax rules:

                    o filenames are not upshifted

                    o filenames can be up to 255 characters in length

                    o filenames can begin with, and contain, any of
                      the following characters:

                      * a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _, -, .

                    File names are of the form:


                    Where the path/filename combination may have a
                    maximum of 255 characters.  The expected
                    behavior of the path/filename resolution is as

                    o if filename = ./.fn, look for file ".fn" in CWD
                      (current working directory)

                    o if filename = ./..fn, look for file "..fn" in CWD

                    o if filename = /fn, look for file "fn" in root (/)

                    o if filename = ./fn, look for file "fn" in CWD

                    o if filename = ../fn, look for file "fn" in
                      parent directory

                    If a file has a lockword, attempts to open the
                    file with the HFS naming syntax will fail.  It is
                    recommended that all lockwords be removed in favor
                    of ACDs.

nodespec            An extension of the formal file reference.  It may
                    be an environment identification (specified in a
                    previous DSLINE or REMOTE command), or it may be
                    $BACK.  It may appear in the formal file designator
                    of the file or as an extension of an actual file
                    reference. If an environment identification appears
                    in a file designation and in the DEV= option, an
                    attempt to open the file (with the FOPEN or HPFOPEN
                    intrinsic, for example) produces an error.
                    The nodespec parameter will not function when used
                    with HFS naming syntax.

                    $BACK instructs MPE/iX to "hop backward" one node
                    toward your local system to find the specified file.
                    This works only if the FILE command is issued in a
                    remote session.  If the systems involved are
                    connected in a Local Area Network (LAN), one "hop
                    backward" always means returning to your local
                    system.  The $BACK specification is the same as
                    DEV=# without an environment name.


The nodespec parameter and REMOTE command are not part of the 900
Series HP 3000 Computer System Fundamental Operating System. The
NS3000/XL AdvanceNet subsystem must be purchased separately.  The
nodespec parameter is optional  if you do not have NS3000/XL
AdvanceNet, omitting the nodespec parameter will make no difference in
the performance of the FILE command.

However, specifying nodespec on a system that does not have NS3000/XL
will produce an error. The nodespec parameter is controlled by the
NS3000/XL subsystem.  Refer to the NS3000/XL User/Programmer Reference
Manual (36920-90001).

filedomain          The domain of the file, which may be OLD, NEW, or

                    NEW           Creates a new file, which is the
                                  default.  The NEW file may be
                                  permanent or temporary, depending on
                                  how the file was created.  You must
                                  use either the BUILD command or the
                                  FOPEN or HPFOPEN intrinsic to create
                                  the file.  Refer to the BUILD command

                    OLD           Specifies an existing permanent file
                                  that was saved in the system or in a
                                  movable volume set domain.  The file
                                  continues to exist after the current
                                  job or session ends.

                    OLDTEMP       Specifies a temporary file that
                                  already exists in the temporary
                                  session or job file domain. The file
                                  is deleted at the end of the current
                                  job or session.

envname             This may be a NS3000 environment name as
                    specified by the NSFILE command. The parameter
                    envname may consist of as many as eight
                    alphanumeric characters, beginning
                    with an alphabetic character.


The envname parameter is not part of the 900 Series HP 3000 Computer
System Fundamental Operating System.  The NS3000/XL AdvanceNet subsystem
must be purchased separately.  The envname parameter is optional  if
you do not have NS3000/XL AdvanceNet, omitting the envname parameter
will make no difference in the performance of the FILE command.

However, specifying envname on a system that does not have NS3000/XL
will produce an error.  The envname parameter is controlled and by the
NS3000/XL subsystem. Refer to the NS3000/XL User/Programmer Reference
Manual (36920-90001).

DEV=                If you choose the DEV= option, it must be followed
                    by at least one parameter (the parameter can be
                    simply #).  The DEV= parameter does not accept
                    device names.  The DEV= parameter will accept
                    either a volume class. An asterisk (*) must
                    precede a volume class name and ** must precede
                    a volume name.

                    The default device class is DISC.  A previously
                    defined environment identifier is permitted in
                    the DEV= option, but the domain and organization
                    qualifiers are not permitted.

device              The logical device name or logical device number of
                    a device, such as a disk, tape, printer, or a
                    terminal.  The default is DISC.  If the DEV= option
                    appears, it must be followed by at least one
                    parameter (the parameter can be simply #).

                    If you are opening a file that is to reside on a
                    movable volume set, you must specify a device class
                    that includes the drives upon which the home volume
                    set is mounted.  The file is then allocated to any
                    of the volume set's volumes that fall within that
                    class.  The default device class is DISC.  A
                    previously defined environment identifier is
                    permitted in the DEV= option, but the domain and
                    organization qualifiers are not permitted.

outpri              The output priority requested for a spooled device.
                    This may have a value of 1 (the lowest priority) to
                    13 (the highest).

numcopies           The number of copies requested for a spooled output
                    device file.  The maximum number is 127.

VTERM               Instructs MPE/iX to use the Reverse Virtual Terminal
                    service instead of the Remote File Access.  You may
                    use VTERM only if the designated device is a remote
                    terminal.  Using VTERM allows a local application
                    program to perform I/O to remote terminals located
                    on systems which support Reverse Virtual Terminal.
                    Refer to Communicator 3000, Volume 2, Issue 6
                    (Version G.02.00 of MPE V/E "U-MIT").

envfile             The name of a file containing laser printer
                    environment information, which controls the printing
                    output formats on the laser printer.  This name may
                    be an actual file designator, or it may be a formal
                    file designator preceded by an asterisk (*).

                    The information in this file contains such
                    specifications as page size, the character font,
                    forms, and other printer requirements to be used
                    with the HP Laser Printing System, entered with IDS
                    3000/XL and IFS 3000/XL.  The file must be in a form
                    suitable for downloading to the HP2680A, 2688,
                    2563A, or 2608S.

                    To specify an environment file called
                    TRADMIN.HPENV.HP2680A for a form printed on the
                    HP2680A, enter


                    Refer to the IFS 3000/XL Reference Guide (36580-
                    90001) for discussions on creating environment

                    The ENV= parameter in the FILE command overrides
                    the environment specified in the FOPEN or HPFOPEN

                    The ENV= parameter will not use the system default
                    environment file (which is the one for a HP2680
                    system).  Only a fully specified environment option
                    will override the environment option supplied by
                    a program in FOPEN or HPFOPEN.

option              Any valid option for the FILE command.


                                    {V}  {ASCII }


     [ {;RIO  } ]

     [ {;MSG} ]




     [ {;REUSE}   ]

     [;LANG= { langid  } ]
             { langname}


recsize             Record size.  A positive number indicates words; a
                    negative number indicates bytes for new files only.
                    For fixed length files, this is the logical record
                    size.  For undefined length files, this is the
                    maximum record size. For variable length files, this
                    is the maximum logical record size if blockfactor is
                    1.  If not, this is used to calculate the maximum
                    logical record size and physical record size.
                    For byte stream files, recsize is assigned a
                    length of 1 byte.

                    Records always begin on word boundaries.  Therefore,
                    the record size is rounded up to the nearest word
                    boundary for block size calculations. For a binary
                    file or a variable length ASCII file, odd byte
                    lengths are rounded up and the extra byte is
                    available for data.

                    However, if an odd byte length record size is
                    specified for a fixed or undefined length record
                    file, the extra byte is not available for data.
                    Default is the configured physical record width of
                    the associated device.  If you do not use the DEV=
                    parameter, the default will be DISC with 128

                    For example, a fixed length ASCII file with a record
                    size specified as 11 bytes will have only 11 bytes
                    available for data in each logical record.  However,
                    to determine actual block size, 12 bytes will be
                    used for the record size (block size = 12 bytes
                    multiplied by the blockfactor).  If the file was
                    specified as a binary file, the 11 bytes would be
                    rounded up to 12 bytes (6 words), all of which are
                    available for each logical record.

blockfactor         Number of logical records per physical block, for
                    new files only.  Default is calculated by dividing
                    the specified recsize into the configured block
                    size; this value is rounded downward to an integer
                    that is never less than 1.  For variable length
                    record files, blockfactor is always set to 1 after
                    using the original value along with recsize to
                    calculate maximum logical record size and physical
                    record size. The blockfactor is ignored for
                    undefined length records.  Maximum size is 255.

F, U, V or B        Defines the format of the records of the file. A
                    file may contain fixed length records (F), undefined
                    length records (U), variable length records (V),
                    or byte stream format (B).  Default is F for disk

BINARY or ASCII     Indicates the type of records. BINARY indicates
                    binary coded records and is the default. ASCII
                    indicates ASCII coded records. Byte stream files
                    are ASCII coded.

density             Corresponds to tape densities in BPI (bits-per-inch)
                    for new files only. This parameter is only
                    applicable when writing to a tape mounted on the HP
                    7976A or HP 7978A, variable density tape drive.

                    The density value from a file equation takes
                    precedence over the density specified in FOPEN or
                    HPFOPEN.  The supported densities are 800, 1600 and
                    6250.  For details on the operation of density
                    selection, refer to FOPEN and HPFOPEN in the MPE/iX
                    Intrinsics Reference Manual (32650-90028).

numrec              Maximum number of logical records, for new files
                    only. For fixed and undefined length files the
                    maximum value allowed for this field is
                    2,147,483,647.  Since this maximum will be limited
                    by block size, the actual maximum number of records
                    per file is 2,097,120, which is based on 65535
                    sectors per extent and 32 extents.  An approximate
                    practical limit of NUMREC is 2,097,119 for files
                    with variable and undefined length records, and
                    267,382,000 for fixed length files.  Default is

                    The file system uses these values to compute other
                    characteristics of the file as well.  Therefore, the
                    values (or default values) specified in the FILE
                    command may be valid within their respective fields,
                    but may cause overflow errors in the computation of
                    internally needed file specifications.

numextents          Maximum number of disk extents.  This is a value
                    from 1 to 32.  Default is 8.

initialloc          Number of extents to be initially allocated to the
                    file at the time it is opened.  This is a value from
                    0 to 32.  Default is 0.

filecode            Code indicating a specially formatted file.  This
                    code is recorded in the file label and is available
                    to processes accessing the file through the FGETINFO
                    or FLABELINFO intrinsic. For this parameter, any
                    user can specify a positive integer ranging from 0
                    to 32767 or a mnemonic name.  Certain integers and
                    mnemonics have been reserved for particular Hewlett-
                    Packard defined meanings.


There are many file codes.  To examine them, type:


MPE/iX File Codes

File codes are recorded in the file label and are available to
processes accessing the file through the ``FFILEINFO'' or ``FGETINFO''
intrinsic.  Although any user can specify a positive integer ranging
from 0 to 32767 or mnemonic name for this parameter, certain reserved
integers and mnemonics have particular system defined meanings,
beginning on the next page.

File Codes

Integer   Mnemonic  Meaning
1024      USL       User Subprogram Library
1025      BASD      Basic Data
1026      BASP      Basic Program
1027      BASFP     Basic Fast Program
1028      RL        Compatibility Mode Relocatable Library
1029      PROG      Compatibility Mode Program File
1030      NMPRG     Native Mode Program File
1031      SL        Segmented Library
1032      NMXL      Native Mode Executable Library
1033      NMRL      Native Mode Relocatable Library
1035      VFORM     VPLUS Forms File
1036      VFAST     VPLUS Fast Forms File
1037      VREF      VPLUS Reformat File
1040      XLSAV     Cross Loader ASCII File (SAVE)
1041      XLBIN     Cross Loader Relocated Binary File
1042      XLDSP     Cross Loader ASCII File (DISPLAY)
1050      EDITQ     Edit Quick File
1051      EDTCQ     Edit KEEPQ File (COBOL)
1052      EDTCT     Edit TEXT File (COBOL)
1054      TDPDT     TDP Diary File
1055      TDPQM     TDP Proof Marked QMARKED
1056      TDPP      TDP Proof Marked non-COBOL File
1057      TDPCP     TDP Proof Marked COBOL File
1058      TDPQ      TDP Work File
1059      TDPXQ     TDP Work File (COBOL)
1060      RJEPN     RJE Punch File
1070      QPROC     QUERY Procedure File
1080      KSAMK     KSAM Key File
1083      GRAPH     GRAPH Specification File
1084      SD        Self-describing File
1090      LOG       User Logging Log File
1100      WDOC      HPWORD Document
1101      WDICT     HPWORD Hyphenation Dictionary
1102      WCONF     HPWORD Configuration File
1103      W2601     HPWORD Attended Printer Environment
1110      PCELL     IFS/3000 Character Cell File
1111      PFORM     IFS/3000 Form File
1112      PENV      IFS/3000 Environment File
1113      PCCMP     IFS/3000 Compiled Character Cell File
1114      RASTR     Graphics Image in RASTER Format
1130      OPTLF     OPT/3000 Log File
1131      TEPES     TEPE/3000 Script File
1132      TEPEL     TEPE/3000 Log File
1133      SAMPL     APS/3000 Log File
1139      MPEDL     MPEDCP/DRP Log File
1140      TSR       HPToolset Root File
1141      TSD       HPToolset Data File
1145      DRAW      Drawing File for HPDRAW
1146      FIG       Figure File for HPDRAW
1147      FONT      Reserved
1148      COLOR     Reserved
1149      D48       Reserved
1152      SLATE     Compressed SLATE File
1153      SLATW     Expanded SLATE Work File
1156      DSTOR     RAPID/3000 DICTDBU Utility Store File
1157      TCODE     Code File for Transact/3000 Compiler
1158      RCODE     Code File for Report/3000 Compiler
1159      ICODE     Code File for Inform/3000 Compiler
1166      MDIST     HPDESK Distribution list
1167      MTEXT     HPDESK Text
1168      MARPA     ARPA Messages File
1169      MARPD     ARPA Distribution List
1170      MCMND     HPDESK Abbreviated Commands File
1171      MFRTM     HPDESK Diary Free Time List
1172      None      Reserved
1173      MEFT      HPDESK External File Transfer Messages File
1174      MCRPT     HPDESK Encrypted Item
1175      MSERL     HPDESK Serialized (Composite) Item
1176      VCSF      Version Control System File
1177      TTYPE     Terminal Type File
1178      TVFC      Terminal Vertical Format Control File
1192      NCONF     Network Configuration File
1193      NTRAC     Network Trace File
1194      NLOG      Network Log File
1195      MIDAS     Reserved
1211      NDIR      Reserved
1212      INODE     Reserved
1213      INVRT     Reserved
1214      EXCEP     Reserved
1215      TAXON     Reserved
1216      QUERF     Reserved
1217      DOCDR     Reserved
1226      VC        VC File
1227      DIF       DIF File
1228      LANGD     Language Definition File
1229      CHARD     Character Set Definition File
1230      MGCAT     Formatted Application Message Catalog
1236      BMAP      Base Map Specification File
1242      BDATA     BASIC Data File
1243      BFORM     BASIC Field Order File for VPLUS
1244      BSAVE     BASIC Saved Program File
1245      BCNFG     Configuration File for Default Option BASIC Program
1246      BKEY      Function Key Definition File for Terminal
1247      BSVXL     Business Basic/XL Program File
1248      BDTXL     Business Basic/XL Data File
1249      BBNCM     Business Basic/V Binary File
1258      PFSTA     Pathflow Static File
1259      PFDYN     Pathflow Dynamic File
1270      RFDCA     Revisable Form DCA Data Stream
1271      FFDCA     Final Form DCA Data Stream
1272      DIU       Document Interchange Unit File
1273      PDOC      HPWORD/150 Document
1275      DFI       DISOSS Filing Information File
1276      SRI       Search Restart Information File
1401      CWPTX     Chinese Word Processor Text File
1421      MAP       HPMAP/3000 Map Specification File
1422      GAL       Reserved
1425      TTX       Reserved
1428      RDIC      HP Business Report Writer (BRW) Dictionary File CM
1429      RSPEC     BRW Specification File
1430      RSPCF     BRW Specification File
1431      REXEC     BRW Execution File
1432      RJOB      BRW Report Job File
1433      ROUTI     BRW Intermediate Report File
1434      ROUTD     BRW Dictionary OUTPUT
1435      PRINT     BRW Print File
1436      RCONF     BRW Configuration File
1437      RDICN     BRW NM Dictionary File
1438      REXNM     BRW NM Execution File
1441      PIF       Reserved
1461      NMOBJ     Native Mode Object File
1462      PASLB     Pascal Source Library
1476      TIFF      TAG Image File Format
1477      RDF       Revisable Document Format
1478      SOF       Serial Object File
1479      GPH       Chart File for Charting Gallery Chart
1480      GPD       Data File for Charting Gallery Chart
1483      VCGPM     Virtuoso Code Generator Processed Micro File
1484      FRMAT     Formatter
1485      DUMP      Dump Files Created and used by IDAT and DPAN
1486      NWMD0     New Wave Mail Distribution List
1491      X4HDR     X.400 Header for HPDesk Manager
1500      WP1       Reserved
1501      WP2       Reserved
1502      LO123     Lotus 123 Spread Sheet
1514      FTCF      Form Tester Command Spec File
1515      INSP      Spooler XL Input Spool File
1516      OUTSP     Spooler XL Output Spool File
1517      CHKSP     Spooler XL Checkpoint File
1521      DSKIT     HPDesk Intrinsics Transaction File
1526      MSACK     Mail Server Acknowledgement
1527      MSNDN     Mail Server Non-Delivery Notification
1528      MSTRC     Mail Server Trace File
3333                Reserved


Default is the unreserved file code of 0.

Using ``1090 (LOG)'' as your designated file code may not yield the
number of records you specify in the ``;DISC'' parameter. Most files
use the number of records specified in the``;DISC'' parameter as the
maximum limit; user logging uses this specified number as a minimum.

RIO or NORIO        Creates a relative or nonrelative I/O file. RIO
                    creates a relative I/O file.  The record length
                    parameter will be implicitly changed to fixed record
                    length.  RIO is a special file access method
                    primarily intended for use by COBOLII programs;
                    however, you can access these files by programs
                    written in any language. NORIO creates a nonrelative
                    I/O file.  Default is NORIO.

                    RIO and NORIO specifications affect only the
                    physical characteristics of the file.  If NOBUF is
                    specified in the FILE command, the file will be
                    accessed in non-RIO mode; otherwise RIO access is
                    used with RIO files.  NOBUF access is provided for
                    special operations on RIO files such as replicating
                    RIO file.  NOBUF is not normally used by the RIO
                    user.  Refer to the MPE/iX Intrinsics Reference
                    Manual (32650-90028) for a discussion of relative

STD, MSG, CIR,      Defines the type of file.  STD is a standard MPE/iX
KSAMXL, SPOOL       disk file.  Default is STD.  MSG (message) file
                    allows communication between any set of processes.
                    MSG acts like a Fifo (first in, first out) queue
                    where records are read from the start of the file
                    and logically deleted and/or are appended to the end
                    of file. CIR acts as normal sequential file until
                    full.  When full, the first physical block will be
                    deleted when the next record is written, and
                    remaining blocks will be logically shifted to front
                    of file. CIR cannot be simultaneously accessed by
                    readers and writers.

                    KSAMXL specifies a Native Mode KSAM file (KSAM/XL

                    SPOOL specifies an output spoolfile.  The default
                    outpri on the file is 8; the default number of
                    copies is 1; the default device is as configured in

numlabels           The number of user label records to be created for
                    the new file.  Up to 255 labels can be specified.
                    This parameter applies to any type of file.

^filereference or   Filereference2 is a file containing keyinfo.  This
                    parameter only applies to, and is required for new
                    KSAM files.  The "^" means that the contents of the
                    file will be used.

                    Keyinfo has the following format:

                     ;KEY=(keytype,keylocation,keysize [{,DUP }];
                           keytype,keylocation,keysize [{,DUP }])

                    One key specification (keytype, keylocation, keysize
                    [,DUP|,RDUP]) must be included for each key in the
                    KSAM file.  The first occurrence of the key
                    specification describes the primary key; each
                    subsequent key specification describes an alternate
                    key.  There may be up to 15 alternate key
                    specifications in addition to the primary key

keytype             KSAM key type specified as BYTE, INTEGER, REAL,
                    IEEEREAL, NUMERIC, PACKED, or *PACKED.  The whole
                    word or only the first letter need be specified.
                    Valid abbreviations are B, I, R, E, N, P, and *,
                    respectively.  If more than one letter is specified,
                    the word must be spelled correctly.

keylocation         Location of the first byte of the key within the
                    data record counting from the first byte in the
                    record.  The first byte in the date record is always
                    numbered 1.  Only one key can start at the same

                    This parameter applies only to KSAM files.

keysize             Length of the KSAM key in bytes.  The length depends
                    on keytype as follows:

                         BYTE      1 to 255 bytes
                         INTEGER   1 to 255 bytes
                         REAL      1 to 255 bytes
                         IEEEREAL  4, 8, or 16 bytes
                         NUMERIC   1 to 28 bytes
                         PACKED    1 to 14 bytes (odd number of digits)
                        *PACKED   2 to 14 bytes (even number of digits)

                    This parameter is required for all key types.

DUP or RDUP         These two options apply only to KSAM files.  The DUP
                    option allows the user to specify that duplicate key
                    values are permitted.  If DUP is not specified,
                    records with duplicate key values are rejected and
                    an error message is issued when such records are
                    written to the file.  When the DUP option is used,
                    each new duplicate key is inserted at the end of the
                    duplicate key chain.  This maintains the
                    chronological order of duplicate keys.

                    The RDUP option specifies that duplicate keys are
                    allowed and are to be inserted randomly in the
                    duplicate key chain.  This method makes insertion of
                    such keys faster, but does not maintain the
                    chronological order of the duplicate key chain.

                    The default is that duplicate keys are not allowed.

recnum              Determines whether record numbers in the new KSAM
                    data file are to start with zero or one.  If the
                    integer 1 is specified, then records are numbered
                    beginning with 1; otherwise, they will start with 0.
                    The only acceptable values for recnum are 1 and 0.

                    The default is record numbering that starts with

;REUSE or ;NOREUSE  The REUSE option forces KSAM files to be compacted
                    by reusing deleted record space.  If the DUP option
                    is specified for akey, then duplicate records are
                    placed chronologically at the tail of the file, but
                    all nonduplicate records are assigned to the first
                    available space.

                    If the NOREUSE option is used, deleted record space
                    will not be reused.  The default is NOREUSE.  This
                    option can only be used for new KSAM files.

langid              An integer number indicating the native language of
                    the file.  The default is 0, or NATIVE-3000.  The
                    language can only be selected at the time of file
                    creation.  The language must be currently configured
                    on the system.

langname            The name indicating the native language for the
                    file.  The default language is NATIVE-3000.  The
                    language can only be selected at the time of file
                    creation.  The language must be currently configured
                    on the system.


     [{;NOCCTL}]                               {;NOMULTI}
      {;CCTL  }                               [{;MULTI  }]
                                               {;GMULTI }
            {IN     }                         [{;NOMR   }]
            {OUT    }                          {;MR     }
     [;ACC=[{UPDATE }]]
            {OUTKEEP}                         [{;WAIT   }]
            {APPEND }                          {;NOWAIT }
            {INOUT  }
                                              [{;LOCK   }]
     [{;BUF=[numbuffers]}]                     {;NOLOCK }
      {;NOBUF           }
                                              [{;COPY   }]
      {;EXC }                                  {;NOCOPY }]
     [{;SHR }]
      {;EAR }                                 [;FORMS=formsmsg]
     [{;NOLABEL                                     ]
      {;LABEL=[volid ][,[{IBM}] [,[expdate][,seq]]]}


NOCCTL or CCTL      Indicates whether carriage control characters are or
                    are not specified. NOCCTL indicates that carriage
                    control characters are not being specified in writes
                    to the file.  CCTL indicates that carriage control
                    characters are being supplied in writes to the file.
                    Default is NOCCTL.

IN                  Defines the type of file access.
OUT                 IN only permits READ access to the file and
UPDATE              is the default for all input devices.  OUT only
OUTKEEP             permits WRITE access to the file and is the default
APPEND              for output devices.  UPDATE permits any type of
INOUT               access to the file.  OUTKEEP only permits WRITE
                    access to the file, except previous data is not
                    deleted. APPEND only permits APPEND access to any
                    file.  INOUT only permits INPUT/OUTPUT access; any
                    file intrinsic except FUPDATE can be issued against
                    the file.

BUF=numbuffers or   Specifies whether buffers are to be allocated
NOBUF               to the file.  The numbuffers parameter is the number
                    of buffers ( 1 to 16) to be allocated for the file.
                    The numbuffers parameter is ignored for terminals.
                    The default is BUF=2 buffers.  NOBUF specifies that
                    no buffers are allocated for the file.

EXC, SHR, EAR, SEMI Specifies shared or exclusive file access.  EXC is
                    EXCLUSIVE access; after the file is opened no other
                    accessors are permitted.  For message and circular
                    files, EXC means one writer and one reader.  SHR is
                    SHARE access; after the file is opened other
                    accessors are permitted.  EAR is exclusive for one
                    writer, allowing multiple readers.  SEMI is intended
                    for use with message files; it allows allows one
                    exclusive reader, multiple writers.  If the file is
                    not a message file, SEMI acts like EAR (one
                    exclusive writer, multiple readers).  Default is EXC
                    except with READ ONLY file access (IN).

NOLABEL or LABEL    Specifies if this tape is labeled or unlabeled.
                    NOLABEL specifies that this is not a labeled tape.
                    LABEL specifies that this is a labeled tape.
                    Default is NOLABEL.

volid               Up to six alphanumeric characters identifying a
                    labeled magnetic tape volume.

ANS or IBM          Type of standard label. ANS is ANSI-standard label.
                    IBM is IBM-standard label.  Default is ANS.

expdate             Month, day, year, written in the format mm/dd/yy.
                    This specifies the expiration date of the file, or
                    the date after which information contained in the
                    file is no longer useful. The file can be
                    overwritten without operator reconfirmation after
                    this date.  Default is 00/00/00; the file can be
                    overwritten immediately.

seq                 Either an absolute file number between 1 and 9999
                    (inclusive), or one of the following, which
                    specifies the position of the file relative to other
                    files on the tape

                    0             Causes a search of all volumes until
                                  the file is found.

                    ADDF          ADDF positions the tape to add a new
                                  file on the end of the volume (or last
                                  volume in a multivolume set).  Note
                                  that ADDF should not be used to add to
                                  a new labeled tape volume.

                    NEXT          NEXT positions the tape at the next
                                  file on the tape.  If this is the
                                  first FOPEN or HPFOPEN, then NEXT will
                                  cause the tape to be positioned to the
                                  first file on the tape.  If the
                                  previous FCLOSE specified REWIND, the
                                  tape backspaces to the last file, and
                                  the position is as it was, on the
                                  previous file. This is the default.
                                  Refer to FOPEN and HPFOPEN in the MPE
                                  XL  Intrinsics Reference Manual
                                  (32650-90028) for more information.
NOMULTI, MULTI, or GMULTI         Specifies the sharing of files in jobs
                                  and sessions.  NOMULTI prohibits
                                  sharing files in MULTI mode and is the
                                  default.  MULTI allows concurrent
                                  accessors of the file and may regard
                                  the file as if no buffering is taking
                                  place.  Access control information can
                                  be shared by the processes of the same
                                  CI process tree (that is father-to-son
                                  processes) with MULTI.  GMULTI is the
                                  same as MULTI except it allows
                                  accessors to be in different jobs or

NOMR or MR          Specifies whether multirecord access is permitted.
                    NOMR specifies that no multirecord access is
                    permitted.  MR allows multirecord access to the
                    file. Default is NOMR.

WAIT or NOWAIT      Specifies whether I/O requests are to be completed
                    or queued before control returns to the program.
                    WAIT completes I/O requests to the file before
                    control is returned to the program.  NOWAIT returns
                    control to the program as soon as I/O requests are
                    queued by MPE/iX; only Privileged Mode programs are
                    allowed.  In this way, the program does not have to
                    wait for the physical I/O to be complete before
                    resuming execution and also implies NOBUF.

NOLOCK or LOCK      Specifies whether dynamic locking/unlocking is
                    permitted. NOLOCK prohibits dynamic locking and
                    unlocking of file through the FLOCK and FUNLOCK
                    intrinsics. LOCK allows dynamic locking. The
                    default is NOLOCK.

COPY or NOCOPY      Specifies whether files can be copied. COPY allows
                    MSG, KSAM, and CIR files to be either copied
                    (logical data record read) or replicated (block read
                    and write completely duplicating file) to another
                    file. NOCOPY accesses the file in its natural mode,
                    that is, as a MSG file.  Default is NOCOPY.

formsmsg            A message to the Operator requesting that certain
                    forms be mounted.  The message must be displayed and
                    verified before the output data can be printed on a
                    line printer.  The message is a string of no more
                    than 49 ASCII characters terminated by a period.
                    Control characters for bells and inverse video may
                    be sent to the system console using this parameter.
                    Attempts to send other control characters, however,
                    will result in a display of blanks and the
                    associated control character letter when the forms
                    message appears on the system console. Default is no
                    forms message sent.

FORMID              Applies only to output spoolfiles.  A string of up
                    to 8 alphanumeric characters, beginning with a
                    letter, which uniquely identifies a special form
                    which is to be mounted.  A message displaying this
                    FORMID is printed on the system console or $STDLIST
                    of the associated user of the spooled device.  The
                    spooler process then awaits verification that the
                    special forms have been mounted before printing the
                    file for which the FORMID was specified.  The
                    default is that no FORMID or message is displayed.

                    This parameter has been added to support the Native
                    Mode Spooler.

PRIVATE             The PRIVATE option generates a spoolfile which may
                    be accessed in privileged mode only.  This means
                    that the file is not accessible to normal users on
                    the system.  Private spoolfiles may not be saved or
                    copied.  They may only be purged, printed, or
                    (within limits) altered by using the SPOOLF command
                    instead of using PURGE or COPY commands.

SPSAVE              If this parameter is used, the resulting spoolfile
                    is created with SPSAVE disposition.  This means the
                    spoolfile is not to be purged after the last copy of
                    it has been printed, but is instead retained in the
                    OUT.HPSPOOL account.

                    PRIVATE spoolfiles cannot be saved using SPSAVE.


      {;DEL   }
     [{;TEMP  }]
      {;SAVE  }


DEL                 The file is deleted when closed.

SAVE                The file is saved in the permanent file domain when

TEMP                The file is saved in the job/session temporary
                    domain when closed.

SPSAVE              A spoolfile will be created with the SPSAVE
                    disposition.  The spoolfile is not to be
                    purged after the last copy of it has been
                    printed.  It will be saved in the OUT.HPSPOOL

                    PRIVATE spoolfiles cannot be saved with

     If none of these parameters are supplied, the disposition of
     the file is as it was when opened, or as specified by the
     FCLOSE intrinsic call issued by the user program.


                    DEFBLK specifies that the data block size will be
                    the default data block size of 4096 bytes.
                    OPTMBLK specifies that KSAM XL will select the
                    optimal data block size based on the record size.

                    The default is DEFBLK


     This command allows you to change the specifications for
     files at run time, including the devices on which they
     reside, overriding specifications supplied via the FOPEN or
     HPFOPEN intrinsic.  The FILE command remains in effect for
     the entire job or session unless revoked by the RESET
     command or superseded by another FILE command.

     To use the FILE command for a file, you must have a valid,
     formal file designator (the name by which your program
     recognizes the file).  The formal file designator provides a
     way for commands and code outside your program to reference
     the file.

     With the addition of shared parameters from the NS3000/XL
     AdvanceNet subsystem, the declaration may specify a formal
     file designator that may be used to access a remote file or
     device in a subsequent command or intrinsic.  NS3000/XL
     AdvanceNet is not part of the 900 Series HP 3000 Computer
     System Fundamental Operating System and must be purchased

     This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or
     in BREAK. Pressing [Break] has no effect on this command.


When you are programming in a language other than SPL, and you do not
write the FOPEN or HPFOPEN intrinsic calls for files used by your
program, the FILE command is the only way you can control or change the
programmatic file specifications.


     A program, MYPROG, references two files by the file names
     (formaldesignators) SOURCE and DEST, but you wish to use two
     existing disk files INX and OUTX as the actual files for the
     program.  Enter


     Output is to be sent to a new file, FILEX, with 64-word
     fixed length records, blocked two records per block in ASCII
     code.  FILEX is limited to 800 records among 10 extents, two
     of which are to be immediately allocated.  The file is to be
     permanently saved when MYPROG closes it.  Enter


     Note that the file equation only modifies those items
     specified.  All other attributes used will come from the
     parameters specified in the FOPEN or HPFOPEN call (or the
     defaults where parameters are omitted) for the file DEST.


     When an actual file designator appears as a command
     parameter, it is automatically equated to a formal file
     designator.  This is then used within the subsystem by an
     implicit FILE command issued by the command executor.  For
     instance, within the FORTRAN77/XL compiler the formal file
     designator for the text file input is FTNTEXT. Suppose you
     specify a file named ALSFILE for text file input as shown


     MPE/iX implicitly issues the following FILE command,
     invisible to you



You cannot backreference any of the formal file designators associated
with the command as actual file designators. Therefore, do not, use the
formal file designators FTNTEXT, FTNUSL, or FTNLIST as actual file
names.  The use of FTNTEXT as a file name, as in the following example,
is invalid because the implicit FILE command issued by the HP FORTRAN
compiler will then backreference itself


     The following is an example of a correct use of the
     *formaldesignator, in this case, specifying, a file on
     magnetic tape used as a source file during an HP FORTRAN


     Implicitly, the command executor issues the following FILE
     command, backreferencing your previous FILE command


     Implicit FILE commands, like explicit FILE commands, cancel
     any previous FILE commands that reference the same formal
     file designators.  Formal file designators are described in
     each compiler command description throughout this manual.


     FILE X=./my_file;SAVE
     PURGE *X


Commands:   None

Manuals :   MPE/iX Intrinsics Reference Manual (32650-90028)

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