Generated from C.60.01 /SYS/PUB/CICAT last modified on Thu Jan 11 09:18:52 2001

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Syntax:     FQUALIFY(string)

Defn:       A CI evaluator function that returns the qualified
            name for the file referenced in the string parameter.
            The filename can be in MPE or POSIX syntax.

Type:       String

Example:    fqualify('a')
Result:     A.!HPGROUP.!HPACCOUNT  when your CWD is your logon group
            /!HPCWD/A              when your CWD is a directory
Example:    fqualify('a.b')
Result:     A.B.!HPACCOUNT         regardless of your CWD
Example:    fqualify('a.b.c')
Result:     A.B.C
Example:    fqualify('./a')
Result:     /!HPCWD/a
Example:    fqualify('./A')
Result:     A.!HPGROUP.!HPACCOUNT  when your CWD is your logon group
            /!HPCWD/A              when your CWD is a directory
Example:    fqualify('/a/b/c')
Result:     /a/b/c
Example:    fqualify('*a')
Result:     *A
Example:    fqualify('$null')
Result:     $NULL
Example:    fqualify('a.b.c.d')

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