Generated from C.60.01 /SYS/PUB/CICAT last modified on Thu Jan 11 09:18:52 2001

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Commands to Compile, Link, and Execute Programs


BASIC          Beings execution of the CM Basic/V interpreter.
BASICGO        Compiles, prepares, and executes a CM Basic/V program.
BASICOMP       Compiles A CM Basic/V program.
BASICPREP      Compiles and prepares a CM Basic/V program.
BBASIC         Beings execution of the CM Business Basic /V interpreter.
BBASICGO       Compiles, prepares, and executes Business Basic/V prog.
BBASICOMP      Compiles a Business Basic/V program in CM.
BBASICPREP     Compiles and prepares a Business Basic/V program in CM.
BBXL           Beings execution of the HP Business Basic/XL interpreter.
BBXLCOMP       Compiles a Business Basic/XL program.
BBXLGO         Compiles, links and executes a Business Basic/XL program.
BBXLLK         Compiles and links a Business Basic/XL program.


CCXL           Compiles a C/XL program.
CCLXGO         Compiles, links and executes a C/XL program.
CCXLLK         Compiles and links a C/XL program.


COB74XL        Compiles a COBOL II/iX program (1974 entrypoint)
COB74XLG       Compiles, links and executes a COBOL II/iX program ('74)
COB74XLK       Compiles and links a COBOL II/iX program ('74 entrypoint)
COB85XL        Compiles a COBOL II/iX program (1974 entrypoint)
COB85XLG       Compiles, links and executes a COBOL II/iX program ('74)
COB85XLK       Compiles and links a COBOL II/iX program ('74 entrypoint)
COBOLII        Compiles a II program on a COBOL 74 compiler
COBOLIIGO      Compiles, links and executes a II program a 74 compiler
COBOLIIPREP    Compiles and links a II program  on a COBOL 74 compiler


FORTGO         Compiles, prepares, and executes a CM FORTRAN66/V program
FORTPREP       Compiles and prepares a CM FORTRAN 66/V program
FORTRAN        Compiles a CM FORTRAN 66/V program
FTN            Compiles, prepares, and executes a CM FORTRAN 77/V prog
FTNGO          Compiles and prepares a CM FORTRAN 77/V program
FTNPREP        Compiles a CM FORTRAN 77/V program
FTNXL          Compiles a FORTRAN 77/XL program.
FTNXLGO        Compiles, links and executes a FORTRAN 77/XL program.
FTNXLLK        Compiles and links a FORTRAN 77/XL program.


PASCAL         Compiles a CM Pascal/V program.
PASCALGO       Compiles, prepares, and executes a CM Pascal/V prog.
PASCALPREP     Compiles and prepares a CM Pascal/V program.
PASXL          Compiles a  Pascal/iX program.
PASCXLGO       Compiles, links and executes a  Pascal/iX program.
PASXLLK        Compiles and links a  Pascal/iX program.


RPG            Compiles an RPG program and creates and object file.
RPGGO          Compiles, prepares, and executes an RPG program.
RPGPREP        Compiles and prepares an RPG program.
RPGXL          Compiles an RPG/XL program and creates and object file
RPGXLGO        Compiles, links and executes an RPG/XL program.
RPGXLLK        Compiles and links an RPG/XL program.


SPL            Compiles a CM SPL/V program.
SPLGO          Compiles, prepares, and executes a CM SPL/V program.
SPLPREP        Compiles and prepares a CM SPL/V program.

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