Generated from C.60.01 /SYS/PUB/CICAT last modified on Thu Jan 11 09:18:52 2001

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     Negates a previously issued LMOUNT or VSRESERVE command.
     This informs the system that the volume set is no longer
     reserved system-wide.  The corresponding new command is


                {*            }
     LDISMOUNT [{             }][,groupname[.acctname]]


For the commands MOUNT, DISMOUNT, LDISMOUNT, and LMOUNT, a volume
set name such as V.G.A can have no more than eight characters in any
part of the name. If the length of V, G, or A exceeds eight characters,
an error is reported.


* or         Specifies the home volume set for the group and
                    account specified, or for the logon group and
                    account if groupname or groupname.acctname is not

volumesetname       An artificial component of a volume set name used to
                    maintain backward compatibility with MPE V/E.

groupname           Used only for compatibility with MPE V/E.

acctname            Used only for compatibility with MPE V/E.


     LDISMOUNT negates a previously issued LMOUNT or VSRESERVE
     command.  It informs MPE/iX that the volume set is no longer
     reserved system-wide.

     Volume sets in MPE/iX are not tied to groups and accounts
     (this differs from the MPE V/E scheme of disk partitioning).

     MPE/iX uses a new naming convention for volume sets.  MPE/iX
     volume set names may consist of any combination of
     alphanumeric characters, including the underbar (_) and the
     period (.).  The name must begin with an alphabetic
     character and consist of no more than 32 characters.

     In MPE V/E, the name V.G.A indicates that V names a volume
     set, that G is the name of a group, and that A is the name
     of an account.

     MPE/iX will accept that name in that form, but no
     interpretation is made as to the referencing of G and A.
     Instead, MPE/iX treats V.G.A as a single, long string name,
     just as it would treat A_VERY_LONG_NAME_FOR_SOMETHING.

     As a convenience to established Hewlett-Packard users, MPE
     XL will, however, accept the naming convention that was used
     for MPE V/E private volumes.  Thus LDISMOUNT V.G.A will
     succeed.  And LDISMOUNT V will access the same volume set,
     provided you are logged on onto account A, group G.  The
     older commands are able to "default" the logon account and

     However, VSRESERVE V will succeed only if there is a volume
     set V in existence.  The new commands will not call up any
     default specifications for group and account.  VSRESERVE
     V.G.A will succeed only if a volumeset V.G.A is on line.
     With all new VSxxxxx commands, the .G.A component of this
     name is interpreted as a string, neither more nor less
     specific than _G _A.

     Be aware, though, that if a volume set is named according to
     the old MPE V/E naming convention (V.G.A), then you must use
     an unambiguous reference when using the MPE/iX volume set

     It is strongly recommended that you avoid using the MPE V/E
     naming convention and the xxMOUNT commands.  Instead use the
     MPE/iX naming convention and the new VSxxxxxx commands.
     Alternating old and new commands may lead to confusion and
     in some cases may lead you into time consuming errors.  For
     example, MOUNT X used in a job stream will attempt to
     access a volume set named X.logongrp.logonacct -- which may
     or may not be your intention.

     This command may be issued from a session, job, or in BREAK,
     but not programmatically.  Pressing [Break] has no effect on
     this command.  It may be executed only from the console unless
     it is distributed to users with the ALLOW command.


     To release a volume set named DATABASE.PAYROLL.ACCTNG,


     You may, as an alternative, use the new VSRELEASESYS




Manuals :   Volume Management Reference Manual (32650-90045)

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