Generated from C.60.01 /SYS/PUB/CICAT last modified on Thu Jan 11 09:18:52 2001

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     Displays the contents of the command line history stack.
     You have the choice of specifying the format in which the
     listing will appear, and whether it will appear on $STDLIST
     or in a file.  (NM)


     LISTREDO [[START=]m][[;END=]n][[;OUT=]outfile][;{REL}]


This command follows the more flexible MPE/iX command line syntax.
Refer to the MPE/iX Commands Reference Manual (32650-90003)


START or END        Specifies the range of commands to be displayed.

              START           END             EFFECT

              (omitted)       (omitted)       Lists all commands in the
                                              redo stack.

              m               n               Lists commands m through
                                              in .

              m               (omitted)       Displays commands m
                                              through the last command
                                              in the stack.

              (omitted)       n               Displays the stack from
                                              the first command through
                                              command  in .

                    If m and  in  are negative values, they refer to
                    relative command numbers (relative to the most
                    recent command, which is -1).  If m and  in  are
                    positive, they refer to absolute command numbers
                    (the order in which they were entered).  To display
                    a single line, m must equal n.
REL                 Displays the commands in their relative sequence
                    (from -m to -1), where -1 denotes the most recent
                    command in the stack.

ABS                 Displays the commands in their absolute order (the
                    order in which they were entered).  ABS is the

UNN                 Suppresses numbering of the commands during display.

outfile             Sends the listing to a disk file named outfile
                    instead of to the default, $STDLIST.  New disk files
                    are created TEMP. File equations are ignored, unless
                    outfile is preceded by an asterisk (*).  You must
                    use a file equation to overwrite a permanent file.


     This command displays the contents of the REDO command line
     stack.  By default, the display order is from the earliest command
     to the most recent command.  Before any command line is displayed,
     anything resembling a lockword is blanked out.  However, any
     lockwords remain active and available for editing through the DO
     and REDO.

     This command is available in a session or a job and in BREAK,
     but not from a program.  Pressing [Break] aborts the execution
     of this command.


     If three commands are written to the REDO stack and the third
     command is LISTREDO, the display would appear this way

     1) commandone
     2) commandtwo
     3) listredo

     If the third command were LISTREDO ;REL, the display would appear
     this way

     -3) commandone
     -2) commandtwo
     -1) listredo ;rel

     To create a permanent disk file called CMDFILE that will contain
     the output from LISTREDO, enter

     build cmdfile;rec=-80,,,ascii;disc=9
     file list=cmdfile,old
     listredo -10,-2;out=*list;unn

     CMDFILE will contain a listing of 9 command lines, but without
     the command number. For example, -10 is 9 lines distant from
     the most recent command; -2 is one line distant from the most
     recent command.  The most recent command is not listed.


Commands:   REDO

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