Generated from C.60.01 /SYS/PUB/CICAT last modified on Thu Jan 11 09:18:52 2001

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     Allows the user to edit and re-execute any command still
     retained in the command line history stack.  (CM)


     REDO [[CMD=]cmdid][[;EDIT=]editstring]


     This command follows the more flexible MPE/iX command line
     syntax.  Refer to the MPE/iX Commands Reference Manual
     (32650-90003) for more information.


cmdid               Specifies the command to execute.  The command may
                    be specified by its relative or absolute order in
                    the command line history stack, or by name (as a

                       Command Directives
                    CMDID             EXECUTES

                    (omitted)         Previous command (same as Redo -1)

                    -n                The nth command before the most
                                      recent one.  N is a number in the
                                      command line stack relative to
                                      the most recent command, which is

                    m                 Command number m in the command
                                      line stack.  The number m is
                                      absolute (not relative).

                    string            The most recent command beginning
                                      with string.

                    The default is -1, the most recent command.

                    MPE/iX detects an error if you specify a cmdid that
                    cannot be found in the history stack.

editstring          A string specifying the first (of one or more)
                    edit(s) to be performed on cmdid before it is
                    displayed on the standard listing device ($STDLIST).
                    When the (edited) command line is displayed, you may
                    edit the line interactively, much as you did in MPE
                    V/E. Like its MPE V/E counterpart, REDO displays
                    the command line and accepts further edits
                    repeatedly, until you signal completion by entering
                    a [Return] only. When all edits have been performed,
                    the edited version of the command is re-executed.

                    If you omit editstring, then you are given the
                    opportunity to edit the command line interactively,
                    as you would with the MPE V/E version of REDO,
                    after which the command is re-executed.

                    If you specify editstring, it must appear, character
                    for character, and space for space, exactly as it
                    would if you were using REDO's interactive mode.
                    The edit string must be surrounded by quotation
                    marks (" ") if it contains any scanner/parser
                    delimiters such as , ; " ' [  ] or = or spaces.

                    The editing directives used in editstring are
                    described in the table below.

Directive           Effect on the current line

i             INSERT.  Inserts  at the position to the
                    left of the i.

r             REPLACE.  Uses  to perform a one-for-one
                    character replacement beginning at the position
                    of the r.

c                   CHANGE.  Changes all occurrences of one string to
                    another when the search string and replace string
                    are properly delimited with a non-alphabetic
                    character such as  ', ", /, and so on.  Specify
                    to substitute characters.  Or, to delete all
                    occurrences of the search string without
                    substitution, omit the replace string.

d                   DELETE.  Deletes a character.  You may specify
                    multiple d's to delete a series of characters.
                    Or, you may type multiple d's, followed by spaces,
                    then followed by more d's to delete some
                    characters while skipping others.  You may follow
                    this directive with other edits.

dw                  DELETE WORD.  Deletes a word starting at the
                    letter d.  A word is defined as all characters
                    except a space, comma, or semicolon.  If you
                    place the d directly beneath a word delimiter,
                    then the word and the delimiter characters are
                    deleted.  If no word exists on the command line,
                    no delete occurs.  You may follow this directive
                    with other edits.

d            DELETE TO DELIMITER.  Deletes all characters
                    starting at the position of the d and ending at,
                    but not including, the specified delimiter.  If
                     is not found, no delete occurs. You may
                    follow this directive with other edits.

d>                  DELETE TO EOL.  Deletes to the end of the current
                    line from the position specified by d.  You may
                    follow this directive with other edits.

^                   UPSHIFT.  Upshifts the character positioned at
                    the ^.  You may specify multiple ^'s to upshift
                    a series of characters.  Or, you may type multiple
                    ^'s, followed by spaces, then followed by more ^'s
                    to upshift some characters while skipping others.
                    You may follow this directive with other edits.

^w                  UPSHIFT WORD. Upshifts the word starting at the
                    position specified by ^.  A word is defined as
                    all characters except a space, comma, or semicolon.
                    If you place the ^ directly beneath a word
                    delimiter, the delimiter is skipped and only the
                    word is upshifted.  If no word exists on the
                    command line, no upshift occurs.  You may follow
                    this directive with other edits.

^            UPSHIFT TO DELIMITER.  Upshifts all characters
                    starting at the position specified by the ^ and
                    ending at, but not including, the specified
                    delimiter.  If  is not found, no upshift
                    occurs. You may follow this directive with other

^>                  UPSHIFT TO EOL.  Upshifts all characters starting
                    from the position specified by the ^ to the end of
                    the current line.  You may follow this directive
                    with other edits.

v                   DOWNSHIFT. Downshifts the character positioned at
                    the v.  You may specify multiple v's to downshift
                    a series of characters.  Or, you may type multiple
                    v's, followed by spaces, then followed by more v's
                    to downshift some characters while skipping others.
                    You may follow this directive with other edits.

vw                  DOWNSHIFT WORD. Downshifts the word starting at
                    the position specified by v.  A word is defined as
                    all characters except a space, comma, or semicolon.
                    If you place the v directly beneath a word
                    delimiter, the delimiter is skipped and only the
                    word is downshifted.  If no word exists on the
                    command line, no downshift occurs.  You may follow
                    this directive with other edits.

v            DOWNSHIFT TO DELIMITER.  Downshifts all characters
                    starting at the position of the v and ending at,
                    but not including, the specified delimiter.  If
                     is not found, no downshift occurs.  You
                    may follow this directive with other edits.

v>                  DOWNSHIFT TO EOL.  Downshifts all characters
                    starting from the position specified by the v to
                    the end of the current line.  You may follow this
                    directive with other edits.

>             APPEND TO EOL.  Appends the text to the end of
                    the current line.  If > is positioned beyond the
                    end of the current line, then a replacement is
                    performed instead.

>d                  DELETE FROM EOL.  Deletes from the end of the
                    current line, right-to-left.  You may specify
                    multiple d's and follow this directive with other

>dw                 DELETE WORD FROM EOL.  Deletes the last word in
                    the command line.  To find the last word, trailing
                    word delimiters are skipped.  If no word exists in
                    command line, then none is deleted.  If you follow
                    >dw with additional editing directives, each edit
                    is performed recursively.  That is, the first edit
                    is performed (updating the current EOL), then the
                    next edit is performed (again updating the current
                    EOL), and so on.

>d           DELETE TO  FROM EOL.  Starting at the end
                    of the current line, deletes all characters
                    right-to-left up to, but not including, .
                    If  is not found, no delete occurs.  If you
                    follow >d with additional editing
                    directives, each edit is performed recursively.
                    That is, the first edit is performed (updating
                    the current EOL), then the next edit is performed
                    (again updating the current EOL), and so on.

>^                  UPSHIFT FROM EOL.  Upshifts the character at the
                    current EOL.  You may specify multiple ^'s to
                    upshift a series of characters (read right-to-left)
                    from the EOL.  Also, you may follow this directive
                    with other edits.

>^w                 UPSHIFT WORD FROM EOL.  Upshifts the last word in
                    the command line. You may follow this directive
                    with other edits.

>^           UPSHIFT TO  FROM EOL.  Starting at the end
                    of the current line, upshifts all characters
                    right-to-left up to, but not including, .
                    If  is not found, no upshift occurs.  You
                    may follow this directive with other edits.

>v                  DOWNSHIFT FROM EOL.  Downshifts the character at
                    the current EOL.  You may specify multiple v's to
                    downshift a series of characters (read right-to-
                    left) from the EOL, and you may follow this
                    directive with other edits.

>vw                 DOWNSHIFT WORD FROM EOL.  Downshifts the last word
                    in the command line.  You may follow this directive
                    with other edits.

>v           DOWNSHIFT TO  FROM EOL.  Starting at the
                    end of the current line, downshifts all characters
                    right-to-left up to, but not including, .
                    If  is not found, no downshift occurs.  You
                    may follow this directive with other edits.

>r            REPLACE AT EOL.  At the end of the command line,
                    this directive replaces the exact number of
                    characters specified in  with .

u                   UNDO.  A single u in column one cancels the most
                    recent edit of the current line.  Using the UNDO
                    command twice in a row cancels all edits for the
                    current line and re-establishes the original,
                    unedited line.  If u is placed anywhere other than
                    column one of the current line, then a simple
                    replacement is performed.  UNDO makes sense only if
                    you have a line on which you have performed some
                    editing that can be "undone."

              SIMPLE REPLACEMENT.  When you enter any other
                    character that is not used in an editing directive,
                    (i.e. i, r, d, ^, v, d>, >, >d, c, or u), 
                    simply replaces the existing character at that
                    position in the command line. In fact, simple
                    replacement also occurs for the editing characters
                    i, r, c, or > if they are not followed by text; or
                    if you type > at or beyond the current end of line.


     Re-executes the command specified by cmdid.  The user may
     specify an optional edit string to edit the command before
     it is re-executed.  This command is a companion to the
     enhanced MPE/iX version of DO.  Unlike DO, this command
     permits interactive editing.

     If editstring is specified, the edit will be performed on
     cmdid before the command is re-executed.  The editstring
     must appear exactly as it would if you were using the REDO
     command interactively.

     In either case, the (edited) line is echoed to $STDLIST
     before it is re-executed.  At this point, you may edit the
     line interactively.  The interactive (editing) mode, remains
     available to you until you press only [Return].

     Both cmdid and editstring must be surrounded by quote marks
     (" or ') if they contain any delimiters such as , ; " '
     [,  ], =, or a space.

     This command is available in a session or in BREAK, but not
     in a job or from a program.  Pressing [Break] aborts the
     execution of this command.


Practical uses of the editing commands listed above are shown here

                    Editing Samples for REDO

EDIT                ACTION

u                   First occurrence undoes the previous edits. The u
                    must be in column one.

u                   Second occurrence undoes all edits on the current
                    line. The u must be in column one.

rxyz                Replaces the current text with xyz starting at the
                    position of r.

xyz                 Replaces the current text with xyz starting at the
                    position of  x.

ixyz                Inserts xyz into the current line, starting at the
                    position immediately before the i.

ddd                 Deletes three characters, one above each d.

d xyz               Deletes a single character above the d, skips one
                    space, then replaces the current text with xyz
                    starting at the position of x.

ddixyz              Deletes two characters, then inserts xyz in the
                    current line in the position before the i.

d   d               Deletes one character above the first d, skips two
                    spaces and deletes a second character above the
                    second d. It does not delete a range of characters,
                    making it unlike the MPE V/E version of REDO.

^wix                Upshifts the word above the ^ and inserts an "x"
                    at the end of the word it just upshifted.

v/abc               Starting at the position of V, downshifts all
                    characters up to, but not including, the "/", then
                    replaces the "/" and the next two characters with

d   d>xyz           Deletes a single character above the first d, skips
                    two spaces and deletes to the end of the line
                    beginning at the second d, and then appends xyz to
                    the end of line.

>xyz                Appends xyz to the end of the current line.

>ddxyz              Deletes the last two characters from the end of the
                    current line and then appends xyz to the end of the

>rxyz               Replaces the last three characters in the current
                    line with xyz.

>ixyz               Appends xyz to the end of the line. In this case,
                    the i command is superfluous, because > accomplishes
                    the same result. Using >xyz would be sufficient.

>dwxyz              Deletes the last word of the current line and
                    appends "xyz".

c/ab/def            Changes all occurrences of ab to def, starting at c.
c"ab"               Deletes all occurrences of "ab" starting at c.

cxyz                Replace the current text with cxyz, starting at c.
                    Because delimiters have been specified (as they were
                    in the previous two examples), this is a simple

>dw^.dw             Deletes the last word in the current line,
                    recalculates the EOL, then upshifts all characters
                    up to, but not including, the dot (.), then deletes
                    the word to the left of the characters that were


REDO pas            Edits the the most recent command beginning with the
                    string pas.

REDO 10             Edits command number 10 (absolute) on the command
                    history stack.

REDO -2             Edits the second-to-last command on the stack (one
                    command before the most recent).

REDO , "c/$null/$STDLIST"  Change all occurrences of $null to $STDLIST
                           in the most recent command before editing it.

REDO run, ">;debug" Append ;debug to the the most recent RUN command
                    and then edit it.


Commands:   DO, LISTREDO, HPREDOSIZE variable

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