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Suppose we rewrite it to make the command more general:

            "GO [whichway] [TIME=when] [TO {which} {place}]
                      [AND BRUSH {whose} {what}]."

     It looks a lot different.  We have of words in lowercase
     letters.  And the words in lowercase don't tell us very much.
     How soon is "when"?  Suddenly the sentence is not very
     specific.  And suddenly, we have the option of making some
     choices:  "whichway" or "when" or "place" could be all sorts
     of things -- as long as they make some sense.


     This version doesn't leave us many choices.  With
     [UPSTAIRS] we don't have much choice at all.  We can use
     UPSTAIRS or nothing at all. But with [whichway], we can pick
     almost anywhere that makes sense...or use nothing at all,
     because [ ] means optional.

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