Generated from C.60.01 /SYS/PUB/CICAT last modified on Thu Jan 11 09:18:52 2001

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Commands to Manage the Spooler

ALTSPOOLFILE       Alters output spoolfile characteristics.
DELETESPOOLFILE    Deletes a spoolfile from disk.
LISTSPF            Produces a listing of spooled input and output files.
OPENQ              Opens spool queue for logical device/dev class.
RESUMESPOOL        Resumes suspended spooler output to device.
STARTSPOOL         Initiates the spooler process for a device.
SHUTQ              Closes spool queue for logical device/dev class.
SPOOLER            Controls spooler processes.
SPOOLF             Alters output spoolfiles characteristics.
STOPSPOOL          Terminates spooling to specified device/dev class.
SUSPENDSPOOL       Suspends output to a spooled device.

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