Generated from C.60.01 /SYS/PUB/CICAT last modified on Thu Jan 11 09:18:52 2001

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 o   Interactive   -- enter HELP at the system prompt.  Then enter
     COMMANDNAME[,[KEYWORD]].  Exit by entering E or EXIT.

 o   Direct Access -- enter HELP COMMANDNAME[,[KEYWORD]] at the system
     prompt.  Help exits after displaying (and scrolling) the portion
     that you specified.

 o   This SUMMARY contains seven special topics:

     FUNCTION       summary of Help function
     NM             commands that operate in Native Mode.
     CM             commands that have been enchanced for MPE/iX.
     UNSUPPORTED    commands that are NOT SUPPORTED in MPE/iX.
     UNCHANGED      commands that retain their function from MPE V/E.
     XLSYNTAX       discusses SYNTAX FLEXIBILITY with the NM commands.




     :HELP -----> START OF THE HELP FACILITY     |  Help Facility
     >XYZ  -----> START OF THE COMMAND "XYZ"     |  remains interactive
     >EXAMPLE --> EXAMPLE OF "XYZ"               |  until you exit by
     >ABC ------> START OF THE COMMAND "ABC"     |  explicit command
     >PARMS ----> PARAMETERS OF "ABC"            |
     >EXIT -----> leaves the help facility       |  PARMS, OPERATION,
     :                                           |  EXAMPLE

Direct Access


     :HELP XYZ --> START OF COMMAND "XYZ"                |  Quick in,
     :         --> scrolls and leaves the help facility  |  quick out

     :                 --> scrolls and leaves the help facility

Native Mode Commands

These commands operate in Native Mode in the MPE/iX operating system.

In the Help Facility, they are denoted by the notation (NM).

Bbxl       Copy        Option    Vsreleasesys ++=====================++
Bbxlcomp   Deletevar   Pasxl     Vsreserve    || The EXIT command is ||
Bbxlgo     Do          Pasxlgo   Vsreservesys || a subcommand of the ||
Bbxllk     Echo        Pasxllk   Vstore       || Help Facility.  An  ||
Calc       Elseif      Pause     Vsuser       || attempt to access   ||
Ccxl       Endwhile    Print     Warn         || this entry with     ||
Ccxlgo     Errdump     Return    Welcome      || >EXIT       ||
Ccxllk     EXIT        Rpgxl     While        || within the Help     ||
Chgroup    Ftnxl       Rpgxlgo   Xeq          || Facility fails.     ||
Cob74xl    Ftnxlgo     Rpgxllk                || Instead, from the   ||
Cob74xlg   Ftnxllk     Showvar                || system prompt, do   ||
Cob74xlk   Input       Sysgen                 || this -- HELP EXIT   ||
Cob85xl    Link        Vsclose                || to get the text on  ||
Cob85xlg   Listredo    Vsopen                 || the EXIT command.  .||
Cob85xlk   Octcomp     Vsrelease               ++=====================++
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                      Compatibility Mode Commands

The following commands were part of the MPE V/E operating system.
Their functionality has been enhanced in the MPE/iX operating system.

In the Help Facility, they are denoted by the notation (CM).

Altacct     Listf        Purgeuser    Startsess
Altgroup    Listftemp    Redo         Store
Altuser     Listgroup    Report
Data        Listuser     Restore
Debug       =Logoff      Run
Else        Newacct      Set
Hello       Newgroup     Setcatalog
Help        Newuser      Setdump
If          Purgeacct    Showcatalog
Listacct    Purgegroup   Speed

  HP system variables are listed under the entry HPVARS and VARIABLES.
                                                       (more - )

Unchanged Commands

These commands function as they did in the MPE V/E operating system.

In the Help Facility, they have neither the (CM) or the (NM) notation.

Abort         Bbasic      Deletespoolfile  Fortprep     Listeq
Abortio       Bbasicgo    Disallow         Fortran      Listlog
Abortjob      Bbasicomp   Disassociate     Freerin      Lmount
Accept        Bbasicprep  Discrps          Ftn          Log
Allocate      Breakjob    Dismount         Ftnprep      =Logon
Allow         Build       Down             Getlog       Mount
Altjob        Bye         Download         Getrin       Openq
Altlog        Changelog   Dstat            Headoff      Outfence
Altsec        Cobolii     Editor           Headon       Pascal
Altspoolfile  Coboliigo   Endif            Job          Pascalgo
Associate     Coboliiprep Eod              Jobfence     Pascalprep
Basic         Comment     Eoj              Jobpri       Prep
Basicgo       Console     Fcopy            Jobsecurity  Preprun
Basicomp      Continue    File             Ldismount    Purge
Basicprep     Deallocate  Fortgo           Limit        Recall
                                                       (more - )

Unchanged Commands (continued)

These commands function as they did in the MPE V/E operating system.

In the Help Facility, they have neither the (CM) nor the (NM) notation.

Refuse       Save          Showtime      Up
Release      Secure        =Shutdown     Vmount
Rellog       Segmenter     Shutq
Rename       Setjcw        Spl
Reply        Setmsg        Splgo
Reset        Showallow     Splprep
Resetacct    Showdev       Startspool
Resetdump    Showin        Stopspool
Resume       Showjcw       Stream
Resumejob    Showjob       Streams
Resumelog    Showlog       Suspendspool
Resumespool  Showlogstatus Switchlog
Rpg          Showme        Tell
Rpggo        Showout       Tellop
Rpgprep      Showq         Tune
                                                       (more - )

These commands are not supported in MPE/iX.  Almost all of them are
concerned with optimizing the performance of the system.  These
optimizing functions now reside in the background of the MPE/iX system.

ALTVSET             GIVE          QUANTUM
COBOLGO             MOFF          STARTCACHE
COBOLPREP           MON           STOPCACHE
EOF                 MPLINE        TAKE

                              SYNTAX RULE:
:::::::::::::::::  The old MPE-V/E syntax (shown in   ::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::  the syntax diagrams) always works  ::::::::::::::::::

           The MPE-V/E syntax conventions are maintained
           throughout the Help Facility for consistency.  You
           may use the MPE-V/E syntax convention for and
           command:  NM, CM, or UNCHANGED.

           But you may use the more flexible syntax for any NM
           command except SETVAR.  Suppose that the NM
           CMDNAME command has the following syntax:

:CMDNAME KEYWORD1 = value1; KEYWORD2 = value2;... KEYWORDn = valueN

           Because it is a NM command, you may choose how you
           enter the command at the keyboard or in a job stream.

           For the NM command CMDNAME, the following forms of
           entry are valid:


:CMDNAME a, b,... ,n


The order relationship between parameters is still important: positional
parameters must come before keyword parameters, as they did in MPE-V/E.
This is true for all commands, NM, CM, or UNCHANGED.  Because this order
relationship is enforced, the following attempt to enter positional
parameters after a keyword parameter will produce an error:

:CMDNAME a, b;KEYWORD7 = g, h

Introducing a keyword variable (delimited with a semi-colon)
terminates positional assignment.  The positional "h" produces an error.

    The online documentation for the EXIT command causes a problem.

           The word "EXIT" is reserved in the Help facility.

    As a result, attempting to access the EXIT text from within the
    Help Facility ">EXIT" fails.  You may call up the EOJ
    command ">EOJ and then use  to "page" forward
    to the EXIT command text.

    * OR *

    You may invoke the Help Facility and the text for EXIT at the
    system prompt this way -- "HELP EXIT ".

    This "direct" access to the Help Facility gives you the text
    specified and then returns to you to the system prompt.

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