Generated from C.60.01 /SYS/PUB/CICAT last modified on Thu Jan 11 09:18:52 2001

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Several global variables have been pre-assigned by
the command interpreter.  They may be used anywhere you would use
your own variables.

The table below briefly describes each of the global variables.
To get more complete information about a specific variable,
type the variable name (e.g. "HPCIDEPTH") at the HELP system

For additional information, enter "FUNCTIONS", "EXPRESSIONS", and
"OPERATORS" at the HELP prompt.

The global variable types include:

   R         READ ONLY variable (cannot be modified).
   W         READ/WRITE variable (can be modified).
  JCW        A standard MPE/iX JCW.
   I         Integer format.
   B         Boolean format (TRUE/FALSE).
   S         String (ASCII) format.
  (NP)       Not programmatically accessible.  They may be accessed
             through the COMMAND or HPCICOMMAND intrinsics, but not

All user-created variables may be modified and deleted.  However,
Hewlett-Packard-defined variables may not be deleted. JCWs may be
considered integer variables with legal values ranging from 0 to 65,535
and with bits 16 and 17 (bit 0 being the leftmost bit of 32 bits)
having special interpretations (for example, if bit 16 is set, the JCW
setting is FATAL ).

Variable            Definition
CIERROR             Last CI error number
HPACCOUNT           User's account name
HPACCTCAP           Current account capability expressed as an integer
HPACCTCAPF          Formatted list of account capabilities
HPAUTOCONT          Enables or disables automatic CONTINUE
HPCIDEPTH           Number of nested CIs
HPCIERRMSG          Textual message for the most recent CIERROR
HPCMDNUM            Current command sequence number
HPCMDTRACE          Enables or disables User Command Tracing
HPCMEVENTLOG        Displays n occurrences of TOS/REG trap on $STDLIST
HPCONNMINS          Current session connect time in minutes
HPCONNSECS          Current session connect time in seconds
HPCONSOLE           LDEV of the console
HPCONTINUE          CI's continue state, either inactive or active
HPCPUNAME           Name of computer model, e.g. "SERIES 987SX"
HPCPUMSECS          Current session CPU time in milliseconds
HPCPUSECS           Current process CPU time in seconds
HPCWD               User's current working directory
HPDATE              Current day of month
HPDATEF             Current formatted date
HPDATETIME          Current date and time in "YYYYMMDDHHMMSSMMM"
HPDAY               Current day of the week
HPDOY               Current day-of-year
HPDTCPORTID         Port ID of data terminal
HPDUPLICATIVE       Duplicative or nonduplicative device file status
HPERRDUMP           Number of errors dumped from process error stack
HPERRSTOLIST        Controls the destination of CI error messages
HPEXECJOBS          Current number of jobs and sessions executing
HPFILE              File name of executing UDC or command file
HPFSERR             file system error number for most recent CI error
HPGROUP             Current group name
HPGROUPCAP          Current group capability expressed as an integer
HPGROUPCAPF         Formatted list of group capabilities
HPHGROUP            Home group name
HPHHMMSSMMM         Current time in "HHMMSSMMM", MMM is milliseconds
HPHOUR              Current hour number (24-hour clock)
HPINBREAK           Current BREAK status
HPINPRI             Input priority logon
HPINTERACTIVE       Indicates if user can interact with $STDIN
HPINTRODATE         Formatted job/session logon date
HPINTROTIME         Formatted job/session logon time
HPJOBCOUNT          Number of jobs executing
HPJOBFENCE          Fence value for waiting jobs
HPJOBLIMIT          Current job limit
HPJOBNAME           Name of current job/session
HPJOBNUM            Current jobs/session number
HPJOBTYPE           Job type, where "S" is a session, "J" is a job
HPLASTJOB           ID of the job you most recently streamed
HPLASTSPID          Spoolfile ID for the job identified in HPLASTJOB
HPLDEVIN            LDEV number for $STDIN
HPLDEVLIST          LDEV number for $STDLIST
HPLEAPYEAR          True if current year is a leap year
HPLOCIPADDR         IP address of remote client
HPLOCPORT           Local TCP port number for a network service
HPMINUTE            Current minute number
HPMONTH             Current month number
HPMSGFENCE          Fence controlling CI error and skipped commands
HPNCOPIES           Number of $STDLIST copies for jobs
HPOSVERSION         Operating system version ID
HPOUTCLASS          Output device class
HPOUTFENCE          Output fence value
HPPATH              Search path for command files and implied RUN
HPPIN               Process ID number for the executing process
HPPROMPT            CI's prompt string
HPQUIET             Indicates if a session is accepting messages
HPREDOSIZE          Number of entries in the CI's redo stack
HPRELVERSION        Operating system release version ID
HPREMIPADDR         IP address of remote user
HPREMPORT           Remote TCP port number used on incoming connection
HPRESULT            Value of the most recent CALC command evaluated
HPSCHEDJOBS         Number of jobs currently in the scheduled state
HPSESCOUNT          Number of sessions in the executing state
HPSESLIMIT          Current session limit
HPSPLITYEAR         Century split year
HPSPOOLID           Spool file ID for the current job
HPSTDIN             File name for job or session input
HPSTDLIST           File name for job or session output
HPSTREAMEDBY        ID of the user that streamed the current job
HPSUSAN             Factory-assigned unique number for each system
HPSUSPJOBS          Current number of jobs in the suspended state
HPSYSNAME           Name of computer system (user-definable)
HPSYSTIMEOUT        sets the maximum value for the HPTIMEOUT variable
HPTIMEF             Current formatted time
HPTIMEOUT           Number of minutes for timed CI reads
HPTYPEAHEAD         Indicates if typeahead is turned on or off
HPUSER              Current user name
HPUSERCAP           Current user capability expressed as an integer
HPUSERCAPF          Formatted list of user capabilities
HPUSERCMDEPTH       Number of nested UDCs and/or command files
HPUSERCOUNT         Number of current online users
HPUSERLIMIT         Maximum number of online users
HPVERSION           Operating system user version ID (vv.uu.ff)
HPWAITJOBS          Current number of jobs waiting
HPYEAR              Last two digits of the current year
HPYYYY              Current year with the century
HPYYYYMMDD          Current date in "YYYYMMDD" format
JCW                 Job control word (variable)

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