Generated from C.65.00 /SYSADMIN/PUB/MYCICAT last modified on Sun Aug 29 15:08:37 2004

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     Changes characteristics for the specified processes.  Currently,
     you may change the priority, queue attribute and workgroup for
     a process.  This command requires OP or SM capability.


     ALTPROC [ [PIN=]{pinspec                 }]
                     {(pinspec [,pinspec ]...)}
             [ [;JOB=]{jobspec               }]
                      {(jobspec [,jobspec]...)}

             { [;PRI=] pri
               [;WG= ]{workgrp
                       NATURAL_WG  } }

             [;TREE | ;NOTREE]
             [;USER | ;ANYUSER]



pinspec             The process(es) that you want to alter. This is a
                    required parameter.

                    The PINSPEC, expressed [#p], is a Process
                    Identification number.  If PINSPEC is 0, then the
                    caller's pin is used.  To alter system
                    processes requires SM capability as well as
                    specification of the SYSTEM option.

                    If PINSPEC is 0, then the caller's pin is

                    NOTREE is the default for all PINSPEC target
                    processes, and can be overridden with the
                    TREE option.

                    The USER and ANYUSER options do not apply to
                    pinspec.  PINSPEC is optional as long as JOB=
                    is supplied.  If both are omitted an error is

jobspec             The name of the job or session whose processes are
                    to be altered.  JOBSPEC can be any of the
                    following, jobnumber, username, @S, @J,or @.

                    The jobnumber must be in the form of either
                    #Jnnn or #Snnn.

                    The username must be in the form
                    user[.account].  If there is more than one
                    job/session matching the same username, they
                    will all be altered.

                    Wildcards have the following meanings:

                    @S - all sessions
                    @J - all jobs
                    @  - all sessions and jobs

                    The USER and ANYUSER options apply only to
                    jobspec and only if jobspec is wildcarded.
                    The USER option, which is the default, alters
                    only processes matching the user's name, while
                    the ANYUSER option alters all processes
                    matching the wildcarded jobspec altered.  For
                    example, if the user's name is STEVE.UI and
                    the command entered is:

                         ALTPROC job=@j;pri=cs

                    only job processes logged on as STEVE.UI will
                    be altered.  However, if the command is:

                         ALTPROC job=@j;pri=cs;anyuser

                    then all job processes will be altered.

                    TREE is the default for all jobspec target
                    processes, and can be overridden with the
                    NOTREE option.

                    The SYSTEM option is ignored for all jobspec
                    target processes.

                    Jobspec is optional as long as pinspec is
                    supplied.  If both are omitted, an error is

pri                 The queue for the process.  If omitted, the
                    priority is unchanged.

                    Workload Manager users should use the ;WG=
                    option instead of the ;PRI= option.  You
                    cannot specify both ;WG= and ;PRI= in the
                    command line.  If you do, ALTPROC returns
                    an error.

                    The pri value may be one of the following:

                    o A scheduling queue value (BS, CS, DS, ES)
                      will set the queue attribute of the target
                      process(es).  If a user-defined workgroup
                      does not capture the process, the process
                      will fall into the corresponding system-
                      defined default workgroup at the base
                      priority (subject to decay as it consumes
                      CPU).  Specifying a scheduling queue value
                      requires OP capability.

                    o A queue manager value (BM, CM, DM, EM) will
                      set the queue attribute of the target
                      process(es).  If the user-defined workgroup
                      does not capture the process, then the
                      process will fall into the corresponding
                      system-defined default workgroup at the base
                      priority, where it will be non-decayable.
                      Specifying a queue manager value requires
                      SM capability.

                    o An absolute priority will set the priority
                      of the process to a specified, non-decayable
                      value.  The process remains in its queue
                      or workgroup and retains the timeslice value
                      associated with that queue or workgroup.
                      the priority specified need not fall between
                      the base and limit priorities of the work-
                      group.  A process can be placed at a fixed
                      priority by moving it to a workgroup with
                      the base and limit set to the desired value.
                      Specifying an absolute priority value requires
                      SM capability.

                    If you are using the Workload Manager and you want
                    to fix the priority of a process, create a
                    workgroup with the appropriate base and limit
                    and use the ;WG= option to place the process
                    within that workgroup.  Using ALTPROC ;PRI=.
                    to force an explicit change in workgroup should
                    be a temporary measure, and used rarely. Instead,
                    adjust workgroup membership criteria to ensure
                    that the desired processes become natural members
                    of the workgroup.

                    If the user issuing the ALTPROC command does
                    not have SM capability, then that user's
                    MAXPRI value represents the highest priority
                    that she or he can give a process.  A
                    warning appears when the specified priority
                    exceeds MAXPRI.  MAXPRI is ignored for system
                    manager (SM) capability.

workgroup           A workgroup value moves the target process(es)
                    to the specified workgroup.  A process moved
                    explicitly (rather than naturally, by meeting
                    the workgroup's membership criteria), is
                    considered an artificial member of the

                    A process remains an artificial member of its
                    assigned workgroup until the workgroup is purged
                    or the process' assignment is explicitly changed
                    (via ALTPROC or an AIF).  An artificial member
                    is not affected by a system-wide scan or by the
                    changing of its process attributes used to
                    determine workgroup membership.  A workgroup
                    specification requires SM capability and can
                    only be used to modify the workgroup assignment
                    of user processes.

                    You cannot specify both the ;WG= and the ;PRI=
                    parameters in the ALTPROC command line.  Users
                    of the Workload Manager should use ;WG= instead
                    of ;PRI=.

NATURAL_WG          The natural workgroup specification releases
                    a process from its explicit workgroup assign-
                    ment, allowing it to migrate to its natural
                    workgroup.  Natural workgroup specification
                    requires SM capability.

TREE                This option causes each process specified,
                    as well as all of its descendants, to be
                    altered.  TREE is the default for all JOBSPEC
                    target processes.  If both TREE and SYSTEM
                    are specified, a warning is reported
                    indicating that TREE will be ignored.

NOTREE              This option causes only the processes specified
                    to be altered.  Descendant processes will not
                    be altered.  NOTREE is the default for all
                    PINSPEC target processes.

USER                The USER option applies only when JOBSPEC is
                    wildcarded.  It causes only processes
                    matching the user's name to be altered.  USER
                    is the default.

ANYUSER             The ANYUSER option applies only when JOBSPEC is
                    wildcarded. It causes all JOBSPEC target
                    processes to be altered, regardless of their

SYSTEM              The SYSTEM option is necessary if the target
                    process from pinspec is a system process.  SM
                    capability is required.  SYSTEM is ignored
                    for all jobspec processes.  If both SYSTEM
                    and TREE are specified, a warning is issued
                    indicating that TREE will be ignored.


Exercise extreme care when altering system processes as the operating
system efficiency may be significantly degraded.


     System supervisor (OP) or System Manager (SM) capability
     is required to execute the ALTPROC command.  SM capability
     is necessary to alter system processes, and to increase a
     process' priority above MAXPRI.

     WG= requires SM capability. PRI= requires SM or OP capability.

     The ALTPROC command may be issued from a session, job, program,
     or in BREAK.  Pressing [Break] aborts the execution of this


     To alter process 133 and its current descendants so that
     their priorities execute within the DS_Default workgroup,

     ALTPROC #p133; TREE; wg=DS_Default

     To alter process 133 and its current descendants so that
     their scheduling queue attribute is DS, enter:

     ALTPROC #p133; tree; pri=DS

     The outcome of this command is not necessarily identical
     to the outcome achieved with the previous command.  If the
     system was configured with a user-defined workgroup that
     captured the processes (MEMB_QUEUE=DS and a match on other
     specified membership attributes as well), then the processes
     would be a member of the user-defined workgroup rather than
     the DS_Default workgroup.

     To alter all job processes to the CS_Default workgroup, enter:

     ALTPROC job=@j; wg=CS_Default; anyuser

     To return the processes modified by the previous example to
     their natural workgroup(s), enter:

     ALTPROC job=@j; wg=NATURAL_WG; anyuser

     To alter all job processes matching the user's name to the
     CS_Default workgroup, enter:

     ALTPROC job=@j; wg=CS_Default; user

     To alter the current process' priority so that it behaves
     like a CS queue manager (SM capability required), enter:

     ALTPROC 0;pri=CM

     To alter all processes logged on as mgr.payroll to linear
     155 (SM capability required), enter:

     ALTPROC job=mgr.payroll; pri=155

     To alter the queue attributes of pins 150, 247, 211 to be
     ES, enter:

     ALTPROC (150,#p247,211); pri=ES



Manuals :   Using the HP3000 Workload Manager (B3879-90001)
            MPE/iX Intrinsics Reference Manual (32650-90028)

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