Generated from C.65.00 /SYSADMIN/PUB/MYCICAT last modified on Sun Aug 29 15:08:37 2004

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     Alters the scheduling characteristics of an existing workgroup.
     To alter the membership criteria (and create a new workgroup),
     use the NEWWG command.


     ALTWG [WORKGROUP=] workgrp

        [ [;BASE=] base]

        [ [;LIMIT=] limit]

        [ [;MINQUANT=] min]

        [ [;MAXQUANT=] max]

        [ [;BOOST=] {DECAY    } ]

        [ [;TIMESLICE=] tslice]

        [ [;MINCPUPCT=] minpercent]

        [ [;MAXCPUPCT=] maxpercent]


workgrp             The name of the workgroup whose scheduling
                    characteristics will be modified.  This is a
                    required parameter. Wildcarding is not allowed.

base                An integer specifying the priority at which
                    processes executing in the specified workgroup
                    begin their Dispatcher transactions. Priority
                    is inversely related to the integer: a higher-
                    priority process has a lower number.  While the
                    full range is provided for compatability, avoid
                    setting the base priority between 150 and 152,
                    since user processes running at a higher priority
                    than 152 can adversely affect system performance.

limit               An integer specifying the lowest priority
                    which processes executing in the specified
                    workgroup can attain. Priority is inversely
                    related to the integer: a higher- priority
                    process has a lower number.  The limit, which
                    can range from 150 to 255, must be greater than
                    or equal to the base.

min                 The minimum number of milliseconds that a
                    process may use the CPU before its priority is
                    reduced.  The min is a lower bound for the
                    quantum value.  The quantum value determines
                    the rate of priority decay for processes
                    within the workgroup. Values range between
                    1 and 32,767.

max                 The maximum number of milliseconds that a
                    process may use the CPU before its priority is
                    reduced. The max is an upper bound for the
                    quantum value.  The quantum value determines the
                    rate of priority decay for processes within the
                    workgroup. The value of max must be greater than
                    or equal to the value of min. Values range between
                    1 and 32,767.

DECAY               Indicates if the workgroup is to demonstrate
                    the default decay behavior associated with circular
                    queues. If set, a process will decay normally to the
                    limit  priority and will return to the base priority
                    when the Dispatcher transaction is completed.

OSCILLATE           Indicates if the workgroup is to
                    demonstrate oscillation. If set, a process will be
                    placed back to the base priority once its priority
                    has decayed to the limit priority, even if it has
                    not completed a Dispatcher transaction.

tslice              The timeslice is the maximum number of
                    milliseconds a process in the workgroup can
                    hold a CPU before returning to the Scheduler to
                    have its priority recalculated. Values must be
                    multiples of 100, with a minimum value of 100
                    and a maximum value of 32700.

minpercent          Indicates the minimum percent of time which
                    the CPU will be made available to the workgroup's
                    member processes.  Within the target workgroup,
                    this CPU time is allocated according to the
                    processes' priorities.  The workgroup is guaranteed
                    this minimum percentage of time even if higher-
                    priority processes in other workgroups are ready
                    to run.

                    If the processes in the workgroup do not require
                    as much CPU time as their guaranteed minimum,
                    that time will be available to processes in other
                    workgroups.  The default value for this optional
                    workgroup characteristic is that the workgroup is
                    not guaranteed any minimum CPU percent and that
                    CPU allocation is based on process priority only.

maxpercent          Indicates the maximum percent of time which
                    the CPU will be made available to the
                    workgroup's member processes.  The workgroup
                    will be limited to this maximum percentage of
                    time even if no other process in another
                    workgroup is ready to run.  In other words, a
                    workgroup will be limited to this maximum
                    percentage of time even if the system must
                    remain idle for the remainder of the time.

                    The default value for this optional workgroup
                    characteristic is that there is no maximum which
                    would prevent a workgroup's processes from
                    obtaining the CPU time their priorities warrant.


     Each workgroup consists of three components, a name, membership
     criteria, and scheduling characteristics. The membership criteria
     (MEMB_LOGON, MEMB_PROGRAM, and MEMB_QUEUE parameters) determine
     process assignment, which occurs on six occasions:

     o  at process creation
     o  whenever you change one of the process attributes on which
        membership can be based
     o  when you explicitly move a process to a workgroup via the
        ALTPROC command
     o  when you purge a workgroup, and the subsequent purgescan
        redistributes processes to remaining workgroups
     o  when you add a new workgroup to the current workgroup
     o  when the current workgroup configuration is replaced

     Membership conflicts are resolved by assigning a process to
     the first workgroup for which it qualifies.  (Workgroups are
     maintained in an ordered list in which position is important.
     For more information, read the discussion of the POSITION
     parameter of the NEWWG command.  Since the Workload Manager
     uses a first-fit algorithm, other workgroups are not considered
     once a match is found.

     The scheduling characteristics define the scheduling policies which
     govern processes within the workgroup. The MPE/iX Dispatcher is
     priority-driven, giving a CPU to the highest priority process
     ready to run. Each workgroup has a base and a limit, defining the
     priority range for processes within that workgroup. Processes will
     begin their Dispatcher transactions at the base priority and decay
     towards the limit priority as they consume system resources. The
     process priority will never drop below the limit of the workgroup.
     If the boost property of the workgroup is set to oscillate, the
     process priority will be reset to the base priority when it decays
     to the limit priority. Processes completing Dispatcher transactions
     (typically via a terminal read) are reset to the base priority.

     Each system is configured with five default workgroups,
     AS_Default, BS_Default, CS_Default, DS_Default, ES_Default.
     Each of these workgroups represents one of the five scheduling
     queues, AS through ES. A default workgroup will have a specific
     queue's scheduling policies and specify that scheduling queue as
     its only membership criteria. By defining the default workgroups
     as the last five workgroups in the ordered list, the Scheduler
     can guarantee that all processes will be assigned to a workgroup.

     The ALTWG command allows a user to alter only the
     scheduling characteristics of an existing workgroup. ALTWG is
     similar in function to TUNE. In fact, there is overlap between
     the two commands. Both commands maybe used to adjust the
     scheduling characteristics of the CS_Default, DS_Default, and
     ES_Default workgroups.  The ALTWG command changes scheduling
     characteristics of a workgroup, not membership criteria.  As a
     result, there is no need for a system-wide scan since workgroup
     membership has not been changed.

     Altering the scheduling characteristics of a workgroup will be
     deferred while a scan (for example, purge-pending) is in progress.

     The ALTWG command may be issued from a session, job, program
     or in BREAK.  Pressing [Break] has no effect on this command.
     ALTWG requires System Supervisor (OP) or System Manager (SM)


The default workgroups are defined by the system and cannot be
purged.  In fact, only the scheduling characteristics of the
CS_Default, DS_Default, and ES_Default workgroups may be modified.

User-defined workgroups may be created, altered, and/or purged.
However, only the scheduling characteristics of an existing user-
defined workgroup may be altered (for example, a user must use
NEWWG to change the name or membership criteria of an existing
user-defined workgroup).


Altering the scheduling characteristics of a workgroup will affect each
of the member processes. That is, the Scheduler might need to adjust
each process' priority attribute.  The time required to make these
priority adjustments is related to the number of processes in the


     To set the Program_Development workgroup's base to 158, limit
     to 168, and boost priority to decay, enter:

     ALTWG Program_Development, 158, 168, , , decay

     To set the Program_Development workgroup's timeslice to 500
     milliseconds, enter:

     ALTWG Program_Development ;timeslice=500



Manuals  :   MPE/iX Intrinsics Reference Manual (32650-90028)
             Using the HP3000 Workload Manager (B3879-90001)

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