Generated from C.65.00 /SYSADMIN/PUB/MYCICAT last modified on Sun Aug 29 15:08:37 2004

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Syntax:     BASENAME(string, [suffix])

Defn:       A CI evaluator function that returns the base portion
            of an MPE or POSIX filename, minus directory or group
            and account names.  If the suffix is specified then
            it is removed from the base name if found.

Type:       String

Example:    basename('a.b.c')
Result:     A
Example:    basename('/a/b/c')
Result:     c
Example:    basename('/')
Result:     /
Example:    basename('*feq')
Result:     *FEQ
Example:    basename('$null')
Result:     $NULL
Example:    basename('/a/b.c', '.c')
Result:     b

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