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     Compiles a Compatibility Mode BASIC/V program.  BASIC/V is not
     part of the 900 Series HP 3000 Computer System Fundamental
     Operating Software and must be purchased separately.  (CM)


     BASICOMP [commandfile][,[uslfile][,listfile]]


commandfile         Actual file designator of the input file from which
                    the compiler commands are read.  This can be any
                    ASCII input file. Formal file designator is BSCTEXT.
                    Default is $STDINX.

uslfile             Actual file designator of the User Subprogram
                    Library (USL) file to which the object code is
                    written, which can be any binary output file with
                    file code of USL or 1024.  Its formal file
                    designator is BSCUSL.  If the uslfile parameter is
                    omitted, the object code is saved to the temporary
                    file $OLDPASS.  If entered, this parameter specifies
                    that the file was created in one of four ways

                    o  By using the SAVE command to save the default
                       USL file $OLDPASS, created by a previous

                    o  By building the USL with the Segmenter command -
                       BUILDUSL (refer to the MPE Segmenter Reference
                       Manual (32650-60026)).

                    o  By creating a new USL file with the MPE/iX BUILD
                       command and a file code of USL or 1024.

                    o  By specifying a nonexistent uslfile parameter,
                       thereby creating a permanent file of the correct
                       size and type.

listfile            Actual file designator of the file on which the
                    program listing is written.  This can be any ASCII
                    output file. Formal designator is BSCLIST.  Default
                    is $STDLIST.


The formal file designators used in this command (BSCTEXT, BSCUSL, and
BSCLIST) cannot be backreferenced as actual file designators in the
command parameter list.  For further information, refer to the
FILE command.


This command may be issued from a session, job, or program.  It may not
be used in BREAK.  Pressing [Break] suspends the execution of this
command.  Entering RESUME continues the execution.


     The BASICOMP command compiles a program from a "fastsave"
     file generated by the BASIC/V interpreter.  If you do not
     specify a USL file, the BASIC/V compiler stores the object
     code in the default system-defined temporary file $OLDPASS,
     as shown in the second example, below.  You may, however,
     build a USL file in the permanent file domain, then direct
     the BASIC/V compiler to store the object code in this file by
     naming the USL file in the BASICOMP command line.  The
     first example, below, does this.


     To compile the BASIC/V program MYPROG onto the USL named OBJECT,

 OBJECT;CODE=USL   ** Builds USL file.                 **
     BASICOMP,OBJECT         ** Calls BASIC/V compiler; specifies**
                             ** USL named OBJECT.                **
     $CONTROL USLINIT        ** Initializes USL.                 **
     $COMPILE MYPROG         ** Compiles fastsave program named  **
                             ** MYPROG.                          **
     $EXIT                   ** Exits from compiler.             **

     The example above builds the USL file, begins executing the
     BASIC/V compiler and specifies the USL named OBJECT, initializes
     USL, compiles the fastsave program named MYPROG, and then exits
     from the compiler

     If you do not choose to build a USL file, the BASICOMP
     command compiles your program, storing the object code in
     the default USL file $OLDPASS.

     BASICOMP           ** Runs BASIC/V compiler, accepting commands **
                        ** from $STDINX, and specifying $OLDPASS     **
                        ** the USL output and $STDLIST for listing   **
                        ** output.                                   **
     $COMPILE MYRUN     ** Compiles from fastsave file named MYRUN   **
                        ** into a USL named $OLDPASS.                **
     $EXIT              ** Exits from BASIC/V compiler.              **

     The example above begins executing the BASIC/V compiler, accepts
     commands from $STDINX and specifies $OLDPASS as the USL output and
     $STDLIST for listing output.  It compiles from the fastsave file
     named MYRUN into a USL named $OLDPASS, and then exits from the
     BASIC/V compiler.

     If you now want to run your program, use the PREPRUN command

     PREPRUN $OLDPASS        ** Prepares and runs program.



Manuals :   BASIC/V Interpreter Manual (32103-90001)
            MPE Segmenter Reference Manual (32650-60026)

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