Generated from C.65.00 /SYSADMIN/PUB/MYCICAT last modified on Sun Aug 29 15:08:37 2004

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                        USEFUL WORDS TO KNOW...

MPE/iX             Every computer has an "operating system".  It's the
                   master program that controls the way the computer
                   works for you.  MPE/iX is the "system" for the
                   newest HP family of computers.

PROMPT             The prompt for MPE/iX is a colon (:) that the MPE XL
                   puts at the left edge of your screen.  HELP has its
                   own prompt, the "greater than" sign ( > ).  You'll
                   find it at the lower left edge of your screen.  By
                   showing you a prompt, the computer is saying:  "Ready
                   for your next command."

COMMAND            Computers obey any command they are programmed to
                   understand.  But what they understand is very limited
                   by human standards.  If the computer understands a
                   command called DOTHISANDTHAT, typing DO THIS AND THAT
                   will accomplish nothing useful.
                                                ...Please press <RETURN>
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