Generated from C.65.00 /SYSADMIN/PUB/MYCICAT last modified on Sun Aug 29 15:08:37 2004

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If you get an error message while using HELP, check back:
Look at the word you typed                        ---> HLLO.
 ...Look at the error message you got
    ...Is it a simple typing error?               ---> Oops!  That's it.
       ...Or did you really enter the wrong word? ---> Well, that, too.
If it's a typing error, just type the word correctly at the ( > ) prompt
and press <RETURN>.  HELP will start searching again for the word.
              If the word looks right
               ...If the spelling is correct
                  ...If you tried it again with <RETURN>
                     ...If you still get an error message...

It's time to check the Command Reference Manual to make certain that the
command name you remember really IS a command that the computer can
find.  Even the most experienced computer programmers sometimes forget.
                                                ...Please press <RETURN>
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