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     Compiles and prepares a Compatibility Mode HP FORTRAN 77/V
     program. HP FORTRAN 77/V is not part of the 900 Series HP
     3000 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must
     be purchased separately.  The Native Mode equivalent of this
     command is FTNXLLK.  (CM)


     FTNPREP [textfile],[progfile][,listfile]



textfile            Actual file designator of the input file from which
                    the source program is read. This can be any ASCII
                    input file. Formal file designator is FTNTEXT.
                    Default is $STDIN.

progfile            Actual file designator of the program file to which
                    the prepared program segments are written. When you
                    omit progfile, the MPE Segmenter creates the program
                    file, which will be stored in the temporary file
                    domain as $OLDPASS.  If you do create your own
                    program file, you must do so in one of two ways

                    o  By using the MPE V/E BUILD command and specifying
                       a file code of 1029, or PROG, and a numextents
                       value of 1.  This file is then used by the PREP

                    o  By specifying a nonexistent file in the progfile
                       parameter, in which case a job/session temporary
                       file of the correct size and type is created.

listfile            Actual file designator of the file to which the
                    program listing is written. This can be any ASCII
                    output file. Formal file designator is FTNLIST.
                    Default is $STDLIST.


The formal file designators used in this command (FTNTEXT and FTNLIST)
cannot be backreferenced as actual file designators in the command
parameter list.  For further information, refer to the "IMPLICIT FILE
COMMANDS FOR SUBSYSTEMS" discussion of the MPE/iX FILE command.

quotedstring        A sequence of characters between two single
                    quotation marks (apostrophes) or between two double
                    quotation marks.  You may use the delimiter as part
                    of the string so long as the delimiter appears
                    twice.  Any occurrence of two single quotation marks
                    in a row, or two double quotes in a row, is
                    considered part of the string, and, therefore, not
                    the terminating delimiter.

                    INFO=quotedstring is used in the HP FORTRAN 77/V
                    programming language to pass initial compiler
                    options to a program.


     The FTNPREP command compiles and prepares a Compatibility
     Mode HP FORTRAN 77/V program into a program file on disk.
     If you do not specify textfile, MPE/iX expects input from
     the current input device.  If you do not specify listfile,
     MPE/iX sends the listing output to the formal file
     designator FTNLIST (default $STDLIST).  The USL file
     $OLDPASS, created during compilation, is a temporary file
     passed directly to the MPE Segmenter.  You may access it
     only if you do not use the default for progfile.  This is
     because the Segmenter also uses $OLDPASS to store the
     prepared program segments, overwriting any existing
     temporary file of the same name.

     This command may be issued from a session, job, or program. It may
     not be used in BREAK.  Pressing [Break] suspends the execution of
     this command.  Entering RESUME continues the execution.


     The following example compiles and prepares an HP FORTRAN
     77/V program entered through your standard input device and
     stores the prepared program segments in the file $OLDPASS.
     The listing will be printed on your standard list device.


     To compile and prepare an HP FORTRAN 77/V source program
     from the source file FORTSRC, storing it in FORTPROG, and
     sending the listing to your standard list device, enter



Commands:   FTN, FTNGO

Manuals :   HP FORTRAN 77/iX Reference (31501-90010)
            MPE Segmenter Reference Manual (32650-60026)

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