Generated from C.65.00 /SYSADMIN/PUB/MYCICAT last modified on Sun Aug 29 15:08:37 2004

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     Assigns a value to a CI variable by reading its value from the
     $STDIN file, or from the system console.


     INPUT [NAME=]varname
           [[;PROMPT=]prompt ] [[;WAIT=]seconds  ]
           [[;READCNT=]chars ] [[;DEFAULT=]default_str ]
           [;CONSOLE ]


varname             Any variable (that can be set with SETVAR) in which
                    the input will be stored.  If varname does not
                    already exist, INPUT will create it.

prompt              The prompt string that is to be displayed prior to
                    receiving input.  If prompt is omitted, INPUT
                    displays nothing, but waits for an input value.  If
                    the CONSOLE option is used the prompt is written to
                    the system console and non-highlighting escape
                    sequences are removed.  Otherwise, the prompt is
                    written to $STDLIST.  If delimiters, such as ","
                    ";" " ", etc., are part of the prompt string, then
                    the entire prompt string must be enclosed within
                    quote marks (" or ').

seconds             A positive value specifying the number of seconds
                    for a timed read.  If a value is assigned to
                    seconds, INPUT will wait "seconds" for input and
                    then terminate the command.  The default is zero
                    (0)--no time limit.  The wait value cannot exceed
                    the positive value of the HPTIMEOUT variable.

chars               The number of characters to read from $STDIN.  If
                    chars is specified as a negative number, INPUT uses
                    the absolute integer value.  The maximum allowed
                    (and the default) is the maximum size of a CI
                    variable, which is currently 1024 characters.
                    However, if the CONSOLE option is specified, chars
                    becomes the maximum length of a legal reply.  An
                    operator may be able to type more than chars
                    characters, but an error will be reported by the
                    REPLY command if chars is exceeded.  Currently,
                    CONSOLE replies are limited to 31 characters.  If
                    chars is zero no read is done from $STDIN, and if
                    the CONSOLE option is used, chars will be set to 31.

default_str         A string value to be used as a default for varname
                    if no response is provided by the user.  No response
                    is indicated if <enter> is pressed with no other
                    input, or if the read has expired due to a timeout.
                    The default_str is not restricted by the 'chars'
                    value.  If default_str is omitted and the user
                    provides no input response, varname will be created,
                    if it does not already exist, with a null string
                    value.  On the other hand, if varname does exist,
                    its value will not be overwritten on null responses
                    unless default_str is supplied.

console             When CONSOLE is specified the prompt is written to
                    the system console, and the value for varname is
                    read from the console.  All of the INPUT command
                    features are available for console input.  However,
                    due to some internal restrictions the maximum input
                    size is 31 characters, and the maximum prompt size
                    is approximately 80 characters.  Absence of the
                    CONSOLE option increases the input value to the
                    maximum size of a CI variable (1024 characters), and
                    the prompt can be as large as the CI's internal
                    buffer (less the characters needed for the rest of
                    the command).


     This command allows the user to assign a value interactively to a
     variable.  It also allows the user to create an optional prompt
     message that will be displayed on the standard list device
     ($STDLIST), or the console, before the value is read.  If the
     prompt is omitted INPUT displays nothing, but issues a read against
     $STDIN or the system console.  INPUT stores the value read as a
     string in the variable named varname.

     The INPUT command provides a way to establish an interactive dialog
     with an executing UDC or command file.  The variable, varname, will
     always be created by INPUT if it does not yet exist.  Varname's
     value is typically the exact value entered as a response by the
     user; however, if the user enters no response (either by just
     pressing the enter key, or via the INPUT read expiring) varname's
     value is determined as follows:
        - if a DEFAULT= value is provided that becomes the value for
        - if no DEFAULT= is specified and varname already exists it is
          not changed.
        - if no DEFAULT= and varname does not exist it is created with a
          value of "" (empty string).
     To delete varname before ending a session, job, or program, use the
     DELETEVAR command.

     The INPUT command can be used with CI I/O redirection to read
     from a disk file.  I/O redirection may be specified, but has no
     meaning, when the CONSOLE option is used.

     The user may request a timed read by specifying the WAIT parameter.
     The read will be cancelled after WAIT seconds.  The INPUT command
     also recognizes the HPTIMEOUT predefined variable.  The length of
     the timed read is seconds or HPTIMEOUT (in minutes), whichever is
     smaller.  If a timed read (using seconds or HPTIMEOUT) expires,
     then the pending read terminates and CIWARN 9003 is reported.  If
     the CONSOLE option was selected and the INPUT read times out, the
     entry in the Reply Information Table (RIT) is removed.

     The user may optionally restrict the number of characters to be
     read by specifying the READCNT parameter.  For example, if
     readcnt=1 is supplied, the read will terminate after the 1st
     character is typed by the user.  The behavior is slightly
     different when the CONSOLE option is used.  In this case, the
     READCNT value is treated as the maximum number of characters
     allowed in the reply.

     This command is available in a session, job, or program or in
     BREAK. Pressing [Break] aborts the execution of this command,
     without creating or modifying varname.  However, break is not
     detectable when using the CONSOLE option, so it may be wise to
     always use the WAIT parameter for console requests.


     It is vital to remember that INPUT does not evaluate expressions,
     but merely stores them as a string.  The command 'INPUT bleep'
     accepts input (somevalue) from the user and stores it as a string.
     To treat "somevalue" as an expression and evaluated the SETVAR
     command must be invoked after executing the INPUT command.

        INPUT bleep
        SETVAR bleep !bleep

     The first command reads whatever value the user responds with and
     sets bleep to the string representation of that input.

     The second command will assign bleep the (evaluated) value that was
     supplied by the user.

        INPUT BLEEP,>
        CALC typeof(bleep)
        2, %$, %2               # this is a string variable
        SETVAR BLEEP !BLEEP     # convert bleep to an integer

        INPUT BLEEP,>

     ABC is not a number. And, since the user did not provide quotes
     around it, ABC is not a string in the right-hand side of the
     SETVAR command.  If ABC is not a defined variable, it has no value
     to extract. So, the attempt to evaluate the result of explicitly
     dereferencing !BLEEP produces an error.

        INPUT go,"Is the first job ready?";readcnt=1;default=Y;console

     This example writes the prompt "Is the first job ready?" to the
     system console, accepts a reply of one character, provides a
     default response of "Y", and stores the result in the CI variable
     name GO.

        INPUT record <*msg

     This example reads a single record from the file referred to by the
     file equation *MSG into the CI variable named RECORD.


            For help on the input() function, enter "HELP INPUTFN"

Manuals :   Using the 900 Series HP 3000: Advanced Skills Self-
            Paced Training (32650-60039)

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