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:::::::::::::::::  End of the HELPSTUDY Introduction  ::::::::::::::::::

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2.  Repeat Study - type HELPSTUDY and press <RETURN>
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:::  If there's a topic in HELPSTUDY that you'd like to look at     :::
:::  again, you can find it by typing its name and then             :::
:::  pressing <RETURN>.  If you can't remember the name of the      :::
:::  page you want, just type CONTENTS (or Contents or even         :::
:::  contents) and press <RETURN>.  That will take you back to the  :::
:::  table of contents near the beginning of HELPSTUDY.  Then you   :::
:::  can find the name of the page you want, type it in, and press  :::
:::  <RETURN>.                                                      :::