Generated from C.65.00 /SYSADMIN/PUB/MYCICAT last modified on Sun Aug 29 15:08:37 2004

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Commands to Manage Accounts, Groups, and Users

ALTACCT       Changes the attributes of an existing account.
ALTGROUP      Changes the attributes of an existing group.
ALTUSER       Changes the attributes of an existing user.
CHDIR         Changes the user's current working directory.
CHGROUP       Changes the user's current logon group.
LISTACCT      Displays information about specified account(s).
LISTGROUP     Displays information about specified group(s).
LISTUSER      Displays information about specified user(s).
NEWACCT       Creates a new account.
NEWDIR        Creates a new directory.
NEWGROUP      Creates a new group.
NEWUSER       Creates a new user.
PURGEACCT     Removes an account(s) from the system.
PURGEDIR      Removes one or more directories.
PURGEGROUP    Removes a group(s) from the system.
PURGEUSER     Removes a user(s) from the system.
REPORT        Displays information about the logon account and group.
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