Generated from C.65.00 /SYSADMIN/PUB/MYCICAT last modified on Sun Aug 29 15:08:37 2004

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     Defines a new user.  (CM)


     NEWUSER username[.acctname]



username            The name of the user.  The name must consist of one
                    to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an
                    alphabetic character.

acctname            Specifies account in which the user is to reside.
                    This parameter is available only to those users who
                    have System Manager (SM) capability.

password            User password, used for verifying logon access only.
                    The password must consist of one to eight
                    alphanumeric characters, beginning with an
                    alphabetic character.  Default is that no password
                    is assigned.

capabilitylist      The list of capabilities, separated by commas,
                    permitted to this user. Each capability is
                    denoted by a two letter mnemonic, as follows

                    System Manager        =       SM
                    Account Manager       =       AM
                    Account Librarian     =       AL
                    Group Librarian       =       GL
                    Diagnostician         =       DI
                    System Supervisor     =       OP
                    Network Administrator =       NA
                    Node Manager          =       NM
                    Save Files            =       SF
                    Access to nonsharable
                      I/O devices         =       ND
                    Use Volumes           =       UV
                    Create Volumes        =       CV
                    Use Communication
                      Subsystem           =       CS
                    Programmatic Sessions =       PS
                    User Logging          =       LG
                    Process Handling      =       PH
                    Extra Data Segments   =       DS
                    Multiple RINs         =       MR
                    Privileged Mode       =       PM
                    Interactive Access    =       IA
                    Batch Access          =       BA

                    Capabilities assigned to the user with the ;CAP=
                    parameter cannot exceed those assigned the account.
                    If the account's capabilities are altered, any
                    capabilities removed from the account are denied to
                    the user.  The user's capabilities are always
                    verified to be a subset of the account's at logon.
                    This prevents a user from being granted a capability
                    not assigned the account.  Note that CV capability,
                    which allows users to define mountable nonsystem
                    volumes, also gives the user UV capability, so that
                    they may use mountable, nonsystem volumes. Default
                    is IA, BA, ND, SF.

subqueuename        The name of the highest priority subqueue that any
                    job or session in the account can request for
                    executing processes.  The subqueuename may be either
                    AS, BS, CS, DS, or ES.  The priority specified for
                    the user in NEWUSER cannot be greater than that
                    specified for the account.

                    The subqueuename defined for the user is checked
                    against the subqueuename defined for the user's
                    account at logon.  The lower priority of the two is
                    used as the maximum priority and restricts all
                    processes of the job/session.  Also, the priority
                    requested by the user at logon is checked against
                    the subqueuename defined for that user, and the
                    lower of these two values is granted.  Default is


                    Processes capable of executing in the AS or BS
                    subqueues can deadlock the system.  Assigning non-
                    priority system and user processes to these
                    subqueues can prevent the execution of critical
                    system processes. Exercise extreme caution in
                    assigning processes to these subqueues.

localattribute      The local attribute of the user, as defined at the
                    installation site.  This is a double word bit map of
                    arbitrary meaning that can be used to further
                    classify users.  While it is not involved in
                    standard MPE/iX security provisions, it is available
                    to processes through the WHO intrinsic for use in
                    the programmer's own security provisions.  The
                    NEWUSER command checks the local attributes of the
                    user with those of the account. Default is double
                    word 0 (null).

homegroupname       The name of an existing group to be assigned as the
                    user's home group.  If none is assigned, the user
                    must always specify a group when logging on.
                    Default is that no home group is assigned.

uid                 The user ID to be created for the account manager
                    in the user database.  The uid must be an unique
                    positive (non zero) 32-bit integer.  Default is
                    for MPE to create a value.  Duplicate id numbers
                    are not allowed.  The uid parameter provides file
                    owner class security for MPE/iX.


     The account manager uses the NEWUSER command to define an
     account member.  When the user is defined, the Account
     Manager may also assign the user a password, capabilities,
     and limit the user's use of system resources.  Parameters
     defining these values may also be omitted from the command
     line; in this case, the defaults will be assigned the user.

     This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or
     in BREAK. Pressing [Break] has no effect on this command.


     To define a new user named LHSMITH, assign a password of
     SMITTY , and a home group of HOMEGPX, enter


     To define a new user named LHSMITH, assign a password of
     SMITTY, a home group of HOMEGPX, and assign a UID of 20,




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