Generated from C.65.00 /SYSADMIN/PUB/MYCICAT last modified on Sun Aug 29 15:08:37 2004

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     Creates a new, user-defined workgroup, either directly,
     via command line input, or indirectly, through a file. (NM)


     NEWWG ^filename [;VALIDATE]


     NEWWG [WORKGROUP=] workgrp

           [;MEMB_LOGON=] logon

           [;MEMB_PROGRAM=] program_file

           [;MEMB_QUEUE=] queue_attribute

           [;BASE=] base

           [;LIMIT=] limit

           [ [;MINQUANT=] min]

           [ [;MAXQUANT=] max]

           [ [;BOOST=  {DECAY    } ]

           [ [;TIMESLICE=] tslice]

           [ [;MINCPUPCT=] minpercent]

           [ [;MAXCPUPCT=] maxpercent]

           [ [;POSITION=] existingwg]


Misuse of this command can significantly degrade system operating


Use the first parameter and option described below (filename and
VALIDATE) when you invoke the NEWWG command to specify an indirect
file.  Use the remaining parameters to enter new workgroup information
at the command line.

filename            The name of the indirect file which contains
                    workgroup specifications.  The file name must
                    be preceded with the "^" (caret) character.

                    When you specify an indirect file, the current
                    user-defined workgroup configuration is replaced
                    with the valid workgroup specification in the file.
                    This action is atomic: either all workgroups
                    are created or, if there were syntax errors,
                    none are created. A system-wide scan is done
                    after all workgroups are created to determine
                    workgroup membership for all processes on the

                    Note that this is an indirect file, and not
                    a command file.  A command file would have
                    a NEWWG command for each workgroup and a
                    system-wide scan would be done after each
                    workgroup creation. Creation would not be atomic.

                    Refer to the File Format section for a description
                    of the parameters valid for use within the indirect
                    file. They include all of the parameters valid for
                    the command-line specification except POSITION
                    since POSITION is actually the workgroup's position
                    within the indirect file.

VALIDATE            Specify the VALIDATE option to check the indirect
                    file for the correct syntax and see the errors.
                    No workgroup replacement occurs. This option lets
                    you ensure that when you subsequently issue the
                    NEWWG command specifying this indirect file, the
                    operation will not fail due to syntax errors.

                    NEWWG allows positional parameters until you
                    specify the first high-level keyword.

workgrp             The name of the workgroup you are creating.
                    This is a required parameter.

                    The workgroup name follows the convention for CI
                    variables and Job Control Words (JCWs) and can
                    be a maximum of 255 alphanumeric characters or
                    underscores, where the first character cannot
                    be numeric or an underscore.  The user-specified
                    name (including case) is preserved, though
                    comparisons are case-insensitive. All 255
                    characters are significant.

                    The following names, expressed in any case (all
                    upper, all lower, or mixed), are unavailable:
                    AS_Default, BS_Default, CS_Default,  DS_Default,
                    ES_Default, and Natural_wg.

The following parameters for logon, program file and queue attribute
constitute the membership criteria for the workgroup. You must specify
at least one membership criterion. You may enter multiple
specifications, using commas as delimiters.  A parameter that you
do not specify is assumed to be a match.

OR is used between values within each parameter and, AND is used across
specified parameters.  That is, a process must match one of the
specifications for each of the specified parameters.  Membership
conflicts are resolved by assigning the process to the first matching
workgroup defined.  That is, a first-fit algorithm is used.  Once a
match is found no further workgroups are considered.

logon               Specifies the job/session, user, and account
                    name of potential workgroup members. The
                    job/session name is optional, but if specified,
                    it must be enclosed in double quotes (" "). The
                    user and account name are required. Wildcarding
                    is supported. The format is shown below:

                    MEMB_LOGON = (logonname [,logonname]...)

                    Where logonname is:

                   "job/session name, username.acctname"



program_file        Specifies the program files of potential
                    workgroup members. The program_file must
                    be a fully qualified MPE/iX file name or absolute
                    Hierarchical File System (HFS) file name. However,
                    wildcarding is supported. The format is shown

                    MEMB_PROGRAM = (program_file [,program_file]..)

                    Note that for HFS file names, comparison is
                    case-sensitive.  Thus, if the file exists in the
                    MPE name space, you must specify it in upper
                    case, for example, /SYS/PUB/WMTEST instead of

queue_attribute     Specifies the traditional queue attribute.

                    This parameter is provided for compatibility.
                    It enables the system manager to collect processes
                    into workgroups without having to change their
                    existing logon priority or job card. Any current
                    specification or alteration of the queue
                    (via HELLO, JOB, LINK, ALTPROC, AIFPROCPUT,
                    GETPRIORITY) will continue to set the queue
                    attribute, but this attribute can be used to
                    determine the workgroup membership of the process.
                    As new job streams or tasks are created, avoid
                    specifying the scheduling queue and allow
                    workgroup membership to be determined by the
                    other categories such as MEMB_LOGON and

                    You can enter the following values for
                    queue_attribute:  AS, BS, CS, DS, and ES.

                    MEMB_QUEUE = (queue_attribute [,queue_attribute]..)

base                An integer specifying the highest priority
                    at which processes executing in the specified
                    workgroup begin their Dispatcher transactions.
                    The base is a required scheduling characteristic.

limit               An integer specifying the lowest priority which
                    processes executing in the specified workgroup
                    can attain. The limit must be greater than or
                    equal to the base. The limit is a required
                    scheduling characteristic.

                    Priority is inversely related to the integer
                    number (for base and limit). A higher priority
                    process has a lower numeric priority. The priority
                    values for base and limit may range from 150 to 255.
                    While the full range is provided for compatibility,
                    it is recommended that the base priority not exceed
                    152.  User processes running at priorities greater
                    than 152 can adversely affect system performance.

min                 The minimum number of milliseconds that a process
                    may use the CPU before its priority is reduced.
                    The min is a lower bound for the quantum value.
                    The quantum value determines the rate of priority
                    decay for processes within the workgroup. Values
                    range between 1 and 32767. The minimum quantum is
                    an optional scheduling characteristics with a
                    default value of 1 millisecond.

max                 The maximum number of milliseconds that a
                    process may use the CPU before its priority
                    is reduced. The max is an upper bound for the
                    quantum value.  The quantum value determines
                    the rate of priority decay for processes within
                    the workgroup. The value of max must be greater
                    than or equal to the value of min. Again, values
                    range between 1 and 32767. The maximum quantum is
                    an optional scheduling characteristics with a
                    default value of 2000 milliseconds.

DECAY               Indicates if the workgroup is to demonstrate the
                    default decay behavior associated with circular
                    queues. If set, a process will decay normally
                    to the limit priority and will return to the
                    base priority when the Dispatcher transaction is
                    completed. The boost property is an optional
                    scheduling characteristic with a default value of

OSCILLATE           Indicates if the workgroup is to demonstrate
                    oscillation. If set, a process will be placed
                    back to the base priority once its priority has
                    decayed to the limit priority, even if it has
                    not completed a Dispatcher transaction.

tslice              The maximum number of milliseconds a process in the
                    workgroup can hold a CPU before returning to the
                    Scheduler to have its priority recalculated. Values
                    must be multiples of 100, with a minimum value of
                    100 and a maximum value of 32700. The timeslice is
                    an optional scheduling characteristic with a
                    default value of 200 milliseconds.

minpercent          Indicates the minimum percent of time which
                    the CPU will be made available to the workgroup's
                    member processes.  Within the target workgroup,
                    this CPU time is allocated according to the
                    processes' priorities.  The workgroup is guaranteed
                    this minimum percentage of time even if higher-
                    priority processes in other workgroups are ready to

                    If the processes in the workgroup do not require as
                    much CPU time as their guaranteed minimum, that time
                    will be available to processes in other workgroups.
                    The default value for this optional workgroup
                    characteristic is that the workgroup is not
                    guaranteed any minimum CPU percent and that CPU
                    allocation is based on process priority only.

maxpercent          Indicates the maximum percent of time which the CPU
                    will be made available to the workgroup's member
                    processes.  The workgroup will be limited to this
                    maximum percentage of time even no other process in
                    another workgroup is ready to run. In other words,
                    a workgroup will be limited to this maximum
                    percentage of time even if the system must
                    remain idle for the remainder of the time.

                    The default value for this optional workgroup
                    characteristic is that there is no maximum which
                    would prevent a workgroup's processes from getting
                    the CPU time their priorities warrant.

existingwg          The POSITION parameter, existingwg, indicates where
                    the new workgroup should be positioned within the
                    set of existing, user-defined workgroups. (Recall
                    that workgroups are maintained in an ordered file.)
                    The existingwg value is the name of an existing,
                    user-defined workgroup. The new workgroup will be
                    inserted before the existing workgroup.  The
                    POSITION specification is optional. If omitted,
                    the new workgroup is appended to the list of
                    existing user-defined workgroups.


You may want to define workgroups with "dummy" membership criteria
that would never match process attributes. Such workgroups will not
have natural members, but can be used as the target of an ALTPROC;WG=
command.  Such workgroups should be placed after all user-defined
workgroups to minimize the number of workgroups that must be scanned
to determine process workgroup membership.


     The NEWWG command will accept an indirect file as input. This
     file should be an ASCII file (for example, the file may be
     temporary or permanent and have fixed or variable length records).
     The file will contain the specifications for creating user-defined
     workgroups. The current workgroup configuration will be replaced
     by the workgroup configuration given in the indirect file.
     Workgroup creation will not begin until all specifications
     within the file have passed a syntax check. Furthermore, the system
     will consider the creation an atomic operation (for example,
     either all workgroups within the file will be created or none).

     A system-wide scan will be performed once all workgroups are
     created to determine process workgroup membership.

     The specification for an individual workgroup is given below.
     The parameters shown match those described when using the
     command line. The POSITION parameter is not valid within the
     indirect file. A workgroup's position in the list of workgroups
     is determined by the position within the file.

     Workgroup     = workgrp
     ;Memb_Logon   = (logon)
     ;Memb_Program = (program_file)
     ;Memb_Queue   = (queue_attribute)
     ;Base         = base
     ;Limit        = limit
     ;MinQuant     = min
     ;MaxQuant     = max
     ;Boost        = {DECAY | OSCILLATE}
     ;Timeslice    = tslice
     ;Mincpupct    = minpercent
     ;Maxcpupct    = maxpercent

     Multiple specifications are permitted within a particular
     membership category (with commas as delimiters), and each
     category need not be specified (unspecified categories are
     assumed matches). A minimum of one category is required.
     For example, if the only specification given were QUEUE=(CS),
     the workgroup will capture all processes with the CS queue
     attribute (with any logon, running any program).  Since only
     the QUEUE category has been specified, the other categories
     are assumed matches.  An "&" or [Return] may be used to indicate
     the continuation of a specification onto a new line.

     Only BASE and LIMIT are required scheduling parameters.  The
     others are optional and will be set to default values unless
     explicitly changed.

     The example above shows each parameter on a new line. However,
     the entire workgroup specification may reside in one physical
     record. The only restriction is that you may not have two
     workgroup specifications in the same physical record.

     Specifications may be "commented out" by using the COMMENT
     keyword, as shown below. Characters appearing on the same line
     and after the COMMENT keyword will be ignored.

     COMMENT  Workgroup     = Old_Finance_WG
     COMMENT  ;Memb_Logon   = @.TEST
     COMMENT  ;Memb_Program = EDITOR.PUB.SYS
     COMMENT  ;Memb_Queue   = ES
     COMMENT  ;Base         = 200
     COMMENT  ;Limit        = 230
     COMMENT  ;MinQuant     = 200
     COMMENT  ;MaxQuant     = 1000
     COMMENT  ;Boost        = DECAY
     COMMENT  ;Timeslice    = 400
     COMMENT  ;Mincpupct    = 20
     COMMENT  ;Maxcpupct    = 30


Before you invoke the NEWWG command and specify an indirect file to
replace workgroups, you may want to use the SHOWWG command and redirect
the output to create an ASCII file that describes the existing
configuration.  For example, to create an ASCII file named "currentwg"

     SHOWWG @; format=wgfile > currentwg
     SAVE currentwg

Substitute a file name of your own choosing, and make certain that it
is unique.


     The system manager creates workgroups to reflect a partitioning
     of the system workload and control the allocation of the CPU(s)
     to user processes on the system. There is no hard limit to
     the maximum number of workgroups that a system may have. The
     system will always be configured with five default workgroups.
     The default workgroups exist to support system processes, and to
     provide backward compatibility.

     Each workgroup consists of three components, a name, membership
     criteria, and scheduling characteristics. The membership criteria
     (the MEMB_LOGON, MEMB_PROGRAM and MEMB_QUEUE parameters), determine
     process assignment.  Workgroup assignment is made at each process
     create, whenever one of the process attributes on which membership
     can be based is changed, and when workgroups are purged or new
     workgroups are created. Membership conflicts are resolved by
     keeping the workgroups in an ordered list. A process will be
     assigned to the first workgroup whose membership criteria is
     matched. That is, a first-fit algorithm is used. Once a match
     is found, no other workgroups are considered.  Therefore, it is
     appropriate to order your workgroup specifications from those
     with the most precise membership criteria, to those with more
     general membership criteria.

     The scheduling characteristics define the scheduling policies which
     govern processes within the workgroup. The MPE/iX Dispatcher is
     priority-driven, giving a CPU to the highest priority process that
     is ready to run. Each workgroup has a base and a limit,
     defining the priority range for processes within that workgroup.
     Processes will begin their Dispatcher transactions at the base
     priority and decay towards the limit priority as they consume
     system resources. The process priority will never drop below the
     limit of the workgroup. If the boost property of the workgroup
     is set to oscillate, the process priority will be reset to the
     base priority when it decays to the limit priority.
     Processes completing Dispatcher transactions (typically via a
     terminal read) are reset to the base priority.

     Each of the five default workgroups represents one of the five
     scheduling queues, AS, BS, CS, DS, and ES. A default workgroup
     has a specific queue's scheduling policies and specifies that
     scheduling queue as its only membership criteria. By defining
     the default workgroups as the last five workgroups in the
     ordered list, the Scheduler can guarantee that all processes
     will be assigned to a workgroup.

     The user-defined workgroups can control all user processes.
     System processes, however, are placed in one of the five default
     workgroups and handled appropriately by the Scheduler. A user
     can customize the workgroup characteristics to reflect the CPU
     scheduling needs of the various components of the system workload.

     The SHOWWG command offers a format option, WGFILE, whose output
     has a format suitable as input to NEWWG.  You may use CI I/O
     redirection to place the output from SHOWWG into a file. For
     example, SHOWWG @;FORMAT=WGFILE > filename, and then issue the
     SAVE command to save it.

     Creation of a new workgroup can affect the workgroup assignment
     of existing processes. As a result, the Scheduler will need to scan
     all processes on the system and adjust their workgroup membership
     as necessary.  This is referred to as a system-wide scan. For
     first release, system-wide scans are performed after each NEWWG
     command.  Therefore, an indirect file provides a performance
     advantage by allowing the definition of multiple workgroups with
     a single system-wide scan (once all workgroups are created).

     The NEWWG command may be issued from a session, job, program or
     in BREAK.  Pressing [Break] has no effect on this command.
     NEWWG requires System Supervisor (OP) or System Manager (SM)

     The following default settings are established when the system is
     booted from the system disk (a START RECOVERY or START NORECOVERY)
     unless the user has customized a workgroup configuration.

Setting    ||AS_Default||BS_Default ||CS_Default||DS_Default||ES_Default
=  base    ||   13     ||  100      ||   152    ||   202    ||   240
= limit    ||   99     ||  150      ||   200    ||   238    ||   253
=   min    ||  N/A     ||  N/A      ||     1    ||  2000    ||  2000
=   max    ||  N/A     ||  N/A      ||  2000    ||  2000    ||  2000
= boost    ||  N/A     ||  N/A      || DECAY    || DECAY    || DECAY
= tslice   || 1000     || 1000      ||   200    ||   200    ||   200
=mincpupct ||  N/A     ||  N/A      ||   N/A    ||   N/A    ||   N/A
=maxcpupct ||  N/A     ||  N/A      ||   N/A    ||   N/A    ||   N/A


Processes within the workgroup are not constrained to have their
priorities fall within the specified base and limit values.  N/A refers
to the fact that the scheduling characteristic is Not Applicable for the
system-defined workgroup. For example, processes within the AS_Default
or BS_Default workgroup (usually system processes) do not experience
decay. Therefore, these workgroups do not support the concept of a
quantum or boost priority.  Also, CPU percentages are not available
for the default workgroups; they apply only to user-defined workgroups.


     The following example creates a user-defined workgroup named

     NEWWG Program_Development; memb_program= (,&
     qedit.@.@, hpedit.@.@);memb_logon=("nm@,@.mytest")]; base= 160;&
     limit= 170; boost= oscillate

     or (using positional parameters),

     NEWWG Program_Development,memb_program=(,&
     qedit.@.@, hpedit.@.@);memb_logon=("nm@,@.mytest")],160,&

     This workgroup has a base priority of 160, a limit of 170, the
     default minimum and maximum quantum of 1 and 2000 milliseconds,
     has an oscillating boost property, and the default timeslice of
     200 milliseconds. The membership criteria requires a program of or qedit.@.@ or hpedit.@.@, AND a logon equal
     to nm@,@.mytest. This workgroup will be appended to the end of
     the user-defined workgroups.

     To create a second workgroup, ahead of the workgroup in the
     previous example, enter:

     NEWWG Program_Test; memb_logon= (@.test); base= 175;&
     limit= 190; boost= oscillate; position= Program_Development

     or (using positional parameters),

     NEWWG Program_test,memb_logon=(@.test),175,190,,oscillate,,&

     This workgroup has a base priority of 175, a limit of 190, the
     default minimum and maximum quantum of 1 and 2000 milliseconds,
     has an oscillating boost property, and the default of 300
     milliseconds.  The membership criteria requires a logon equal
     to @.test.

     To validate the indirect file named spec1.workgrp.system for
     correctness, enter:

     NEWWG ^spec1.workgrp.system; validate

     To have NEWWG replace the current workgroup configuration with
     the workgroups specified in spec1.workgrp.system, enter:

     NEWWG ^spec1.workgrp.system



Manuals :   MPE/iX Intrinsics Reference Manual (32650-90028)
            Using the HP3000 Workload Manager (B3879-90001)

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