Generated from C.65.00 /SYSADMIN/PUB/MYCICAT last modified on Sun Aug 29 15:08:37 2004

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The following table lists the operators supported by the Command
Interpreter.   For additional information, enter "VARIABLES",
"FUNCTIONS", and "EXPRESSIONS" at the HELP prompt.

Symbol             Function

+(numeric)         Addition
                   Example: 4 + 5
                   Result:  9

+(string)          Concatenate
                   Example: "abc" + "de"
                   Result:  abcde

-(numeric)         Subtraction
                   Example: 12 - 6
                   Result:  6

-(string)          Deletion of first occurrence
                   Example: "abc" - "b"
                   Result:  ac

*                  Multiplication
                   Example: 4 * 5
                   Result:  20

/                  Integer division
                   Example: 79/ 10
                   Result:  7

^                  Exponentiation
                   Example: 2^3
                   Result:  8

" or '             String identifier
                   Example: either "abc" or 'abc'
                   Result:  abc

()                 Parentheses
                   Example: (3 + 4) * 2
                   Result:  14

<                  Less than (1)
                   Example: 5 < 6
                   Result:  TRUE

<=                 Less than or equal
                   Example: "abc" <= "abc"
                   Result:  TRUE

>                  Greater than
                   Example: "xyz" > "abc"
                   Result:  TRUE

>=                 Greater than or equal
                   Example: "abc" >= "abc"
                   Result:  TRUE

<>                 Not equal
                   Example: 5 <> 6
                   Result:  TRUE

=                  Equal
                   Example: "xyz" = "xyz"
                   Result:  TRUE

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