Generated from C.65.00 /SYSADMIN/PUB/MYCICAT last modified on Sun Aug 29 15:08:37 2004

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Syntax:     POS(find str,source str[,n])

Defn:       A CI evaluator function that finds the nth occurrence
            of specified string in a source string, beginning either
            from the left (when n is positive) or the right (when n
            is negative).

Type:       Integer

Example:    pos('ab','cgabd')
Result:     3
Example:    pos('b','abcbe',2)
Result:     4
Example:    pos('b','abcbe',-1)
Result:     4

Syntax:     QUOTE(string)

Defn:       A CI evaluator function that doubles all single and
            double quote marks.  This is useful in conjunction
            with the INFO= string in the RUN command.

Type:       String

Example:    INPUT x
            ab"cd"ef          # user input
            run prog; info="![quote(x)]"
Result:     PROG run with INFO="ab""cd""ef"

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