Generated from C.65.00 /SYSADMIN/PUB/MYCICAT last modified on Sun Aug 29 15:08:37 2004

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     Deletes one or more files from the system.


     PURGE filereference[,TEMP]

             [ [;ONLOCKWORD={SELECT}  ]

             [ [;ONERROR=] {CONTINUE} ]
                           {QUIT    }

             [ {;NOAUTOLOCKWORD} ]

             [ {;CONFIRM   } ]
               {;NOCONFIRM }

             [ {;SHOW   } ]
               {;NOSHOW }

             [ {;SHOWERRORS    } ]
               {;NOSHOWERRORS  }


filereference       Actual file designator of file to be deleted, in
                    MPE or HFS syntax.  If filereference does not
                    begin with a dot (.) or a slash (/), it is parsed
                    according to MPE syntax and has the form:


                    If the filename begins with a dot or a slash, it
                    is parsed according to HFS syntax.

                    To delete the file, you must have WRITE access to

TEMP                Indicates that the file is a temporary file in the
                    job/session temporary file domain.  You must enter
                    the TEMP parameter to delete a temporary file. The
                    default is that a permanent file is assumed.

SELECT              Directs PURGE to delete files with lockwords.

SKIP                Directs PURGE to skip files with lockwords, and
                    not delete them.

CONTINUE            Directs PURGE to continue execution until the last
                    file is deleted regardless of whether or not it
                    encounters an error. CONTINUE is the default.

QUIT                Directs PURGE to quit execution when it encounters
                    an error and sets the CIERROR variable to the last
                    execution error.

AUTOLOCKWORD        Directs PURGE to look up and resolve file lockwords
                    automatically.  Users with system manager (SM)
                    capability can specify AUTOLOCKWORD for all files
                    on the system.  Users with account manager (AM)
                    capability can specify AUTOLOCKWORD for all files
                    within their account.

NOAUTOLOCKWORD      Requires the user to specify a file's lockword
                    before the file is purged.  This is the default.

CONFIRM             Requires the user to validate the purge.  Respond
                    "YES" to purge the file; respond "NO" or press
                    [Break] to retain it.  CONFIRM is the default for
                    sessions, unless filereference specifies one file.

NOCONFIRM           Directs PURGE to delete files without user
                    confirmation. NOCONFIRM is the default for jobs
                    and when filereference specifies one file.

CONFIRMALL          Requires user confirmation on each file before
                    the purge is executed. Respond  "YES" to purge
                    the file, "NO" or [Return] to retain the file,
                    and "QUIT" or [Break] to stop the command. The
                    CONFIRMALL option is ignored in jobs.

SHOW                Displays the name of each successfully purged

NOSHOW              Suppresses the display of each successfully
                    purged file. NOSHOW is the default.

SHOWERRORS          Displays each lower-level error which prevents a
                    file from being deleted.  The name of the file is
                    shown, followed by the error message.

NOSHOWERRORS        Suppresses the display of low-level errors.
                    NOSHOWERRORS is the default.


     The PURGE command deletes one or more disk files from the system.
     You cannot use PURGE to delete a directory including ROOT, GROUP,
     or ACCT. If filename refers to a directory, you will get an error.

     When you use wildcard characters to delete multiple files, you
     have several options for controlling the purge process:

     o  use the ONLOCKWORD parameter to skip or delete files with
     o  use the ONERROR parameter to choose how to handle errors
     o  use the AUTOLOCKWORD parameter to have the system automatically
        lookup and resolve file lockwords
     o  use the CONFIRM options to determine whether or not you must
        okay the removal of each file

     In addition, you can use the SHOW and SHOWERROR parameters to
     control how much information the system displays during the
     purge operation.

     If the volume set on which the file(s) reside is not mounted,
     PURGE generates an implicit mount request. Once the operator
     mounts the volume set, the purge will proceed.

     If the file does not exist in the domain specified (temporary
     or permanent), you will get an error.

     You may use the PURGE command to delete a non-private spoolfile
     and all of its links to the spooler print queues.  To do so, you
     must specify the fully-qualified name of the spool file including
     its group and account in the form "filename.OUT.SPOOL".  Once
     you purge the spoolfile, it will not print.

     You may issue the PURGE command from a session, job, program, or
     in BREAK.  When the filename is wildcarded, this command is


     To delete the permanent file PFILE, enter:


     To delete the temporary file TFILE , enter:


     To delete the file called posix/DOC/print.doc in the Current
     Working Directory (CWD), enter:

        PURGE ./posix/DOC/print.doc

     To delete multiple files using wildcards, enter:

        PURGE /users/jeff/bin/FILES/file@
        3 FILES matched
        Continue PURGE? (YEs/NO) yes
        3 selected.  3 succeeded.  0 failed.

     To delete multiple files interactively using wildcards, use
     the CONFIRMALL option to delete a number of files, one at a
     time, in an interactive mode so that you can skip a file or stop
     the delete operation.  For example, to delete selected files
     that begin with the string "file" followed by additional
     characters, enter:

        PURGE /users/jeff/bin/FILES/file@; CONFIRMALL
        3 FILES matched
        /users/jeff/bin/FILES/file1 ? (NO/YES/QUIT) yes
        /users/jeff/bin/FILES/file2 ? (NO/YES/QUIT) no
        /users/jeff/bin/FILES/file3 ? (NO/YES/QUIT) yes
        2 selected.  2 succeeded.  0 failed.

     Type "q","quit", or press the BREAK key if you decide to stop
     the PURGE command completely.

     The following example shows you how to delete all log files within
     your current working directory that start with log, followed by any
     number from 0 - 9 (#), followed by any number of alphanumeric
     characters (@).

        PURGE log#@
        10 FILES matched
        Continue PURGE?  (YES/NO) yes
        10 selected.  9 succeeded.  1 failed.

     Since the PURGE command does not remove the currently opened log
     file, the command always returns "1 failed".



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