Generated from C.65.00 /SYSADMIN/PUB/MYCICAT last modified on Sun Aug 29 15:08:37 2004

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     Purges the specified user-defined workgroup(s).  If no workgroup
     is specified, it executes all the deferred purgescans.




     PURGEWG [WORKGROUP=] {workgrpspec                    }
                          {(workgrpspec [,workgrpspec ]...)}

             [ [;ONERROR=] {CONTINUE} ]
                           {QUIT    }

             [ {;CONFIRM   } ]
               {;NOCONFIRM }

             [ {;SHOWERRORS    } ]
               {;NOSHOWERRORS  }

             [ {;NOSHOW} ]
               {;SHOW  }

             [ {;PURGESCAN  } ]


workgrpspec         The user-defined workgroup(s) to be purged.
                    Wildcarding is allowed. This is a required
                    parameter.   If "@" is specified, only the user-
                    defined workgroups are purged (the five system-
                    defined workgroups cannot be purged).

CONTINUE            Allows PURGEWG to continue until the end of
                    the list is reached. CONTINUE is the default

QUIT                Quits the execution of PURGEWG when it
                    encounters an error and sets the CIERROR
                    variable to the last execution error.

CONFIRM             Requests the user to validate the purge.  If
                    the user responds with "YES", the PURGEWG is
                    executed. This option only asks for verification
                    of the workgrpspec parameter. Valid responses are
                    "YES" or "NO". Pressing [Break] while being
                    prompted is equivalent to responding with a "NO".
                    CONFIRM  is the default for sessions, unless the
                    workgrpspec is specified as a single workgroup.

NOCONFIRM           The purge continues without verification from
                    the user. NOCONFIRM is the default for jobs or if
                    workgrpspec is specified as a single workgroup.

CONFIRMALL          Requests verification for each workgroup
                    before the purge is executed. Proper response is:

                    "Y" or "YES" to purge the workgroup,

                    "N", "NO", or [Return] to retain the workgroup

                    "Q", "QUIT", or [Break] to stop the command

                    The CONFIRMALL option is ignored in jobs.

NOSHOW              Suppresses the display of each successfully
                    purged workgroup. NOSHOW is the default.

SHOW                Displays the name of each successfully purged

SHOWERRORS          Displays each lower-level error which prevents a
                    workgroup from being deleted.  The name of the
                    workgroup is shown, followed by the error
                    message.  By default lower-level errors are not

NOSHOWERRORS        Suppresses the display of low-level errors.
                    NOSHOWERRORS is the default.

PURGESCAN           The PURGESCAN option instructs the Workload
                    Manager to rescan processes belonging to
                    purge pending workgroups after executing the
                    PURGEWG command. This is the default action.

NOPURGESCAN         The NOPURGESCAN option instructs the Workload
                    Manager to defer the rescan of processes belonging
                    to purge pending workgroups until it receives an
                    explicit request. To request a rescan, issue the
                    PURGEWG ;PURGESCAN command.


     The PURGEWG command is used to purge existing, user-defined
     workgroups. The command requires a workgrpspec which allows for
     an individual workgroup or a list of workgroups. In addition, the
     workgroup  name(s) may be wildcarded.   If "@" is specified, only
     the user-defined workgroups are purged; the five system-defined
     workgroups cannot be purged.

     The PURGEWG command handles user prompting through three
     CONFIRM option requests verification of the PURGEWG command
     as a whole. That is, CONFIRM only asks for verification  of the
     workgrpspec parameter. The CONFIRMALL option provides user
     prompting for each workgroup. The NOCONFIRM option overrides
     all verification.

     Since the job environment does not support user prompting,
     the CONFIRM and CONFIRMALL options are ignored.

     By default the PURGEWG command does not display the name of
     each purged workgroup. However, this default can be overridden
     with the SHOW option.

     The ONERROR keyword provides a way for the user to specify how
     PURGEWG should respond after an error occurs while trying to
     purge an individual workgroup (for example, trying to purge a
     default workgroup, which is not allowed). The CONTINUE
     option continues the execution of the PURGEWG command until
     the end of the list is reached. QUIT,  quits the execution of
     PURGEWG where it encountered the error. When purging a list of
     workgroups one of three results can occur:

     o The purge succeeded on all workgroups. As a result, the CIERROR
       variable remains unchanged.

     o The purge failed on some of the workgroups. As a result, the
       CIERROR variable is set to the value CIWARN nnnn.

     o The purge failed on all of the workgroups. As a result, the
       CIERROR variable is set to the value CIERR nnnn.

     When ONERROR=QUIT is specified, CIERROR is set to the
     last error which stopped the execution.

     In addition, the following variables are set only when a list of
     workgroups is specified.

     o HPNUMSELECTED: Contains the number of workgroups
       selected.  It contains the number of workgroups matched in the
       workgrpspec unless the user responded "NO" to verification

     o HPNUMSUCCEEDED: Contains the number of workgroups
       successfully purged.

     o HPNUMFAILED: Contains the number of workgroups which did
       not get purged.

     When PURGEWG is discontinued before it reaches the end of the
     list, the difference between HPNUMSELECTED and
     HPNUMSUCCEEDED + HPNUMFAILED indicates the number of
     workgroups which were selected, but did not have a purge tried
     against them.

     When a workgroup is purged, the Workload Manager needs to rescan
     the affected member processes. The cost of such a rescan depends
     upon the number of processes and workgroups involved.  There
     are situations in which the system manager may want to defer the
     rescan. In terms of the workgroup, the system cannot complete the
     purge until all member processes have found a new workgroup. A
     workgroup in such a state is considered to have a purge pending.
     The scan of processes assigned to purge-pending workgroups is a
     subset of a system-wide scan. That is, a system-wide scan checks
     every process on the system. A purge-pending scan only checks
     processes that are assigned to purge-pending workgroups. While a
     purge-pending scan is performed by default, the NOPURGESCAN
     option allows the user to defer the rescan.

     The CI supports a second syntax, which is used to explicitly
     initiate a purge-pending scan without requiring the purging of a


     Logically, a workgroup in the purge-pending state no longer exists.
     That is, the workgroup can not accept new members. However,
     the workgroup physically exists until either its last member
     has died or is moved to another workgroup, or if a scan is
     performed. It is desirable to allow for the creation of a new
     workgroup using the name of a purge-pending workgroup.
     Therefore, when a workgroup goes into the purge-pending state,
     the system renames the workgroup to the previous name prepended
     with a "~". The last character may be truncated to keep the new
     name to 255 characters. The SHOWWG command displays the workgroup
     with its new name so that the user knows that the workgroup is in
     the purge-pending state.

     The purging of a user-defined workgroup will be deferred while a
     scan (for example, system-wide or purge-pending) is in progress.

     The PURGEWG command may be issued from a session, job,
     program or in BREAK.   Pressing [Break] aborts execution of this
     command. PURGEWG requires  System Supervisor (OP) or System
     Manager (SM) capability.


Misuse of the ability to defer a scan of processes assigned to purge-
pending workgroups could significantly impact system performance.


PURGEWG @ will not attempt to purge the five default workgroups,
since they cannot be deleted.


     To purge all user-defined workgroups, enter:

     PURGEWG @; noconfirm
     2 workgroups matched
     2 workgroups selected. 2 workgroups succeeded. 0 workgroups failed.

     PURGEWG @; noconfirm; show
     2 workgroups matched
     2 workgroups selected. 2 workgroups succeeded. 0 workgroups failed.

     To purge just the User_WG1 workgroup, enter:

     PURGEWG User_WG1
     1 workgroups matched
     1 workgroups selected. 1 workgroups succeeded. 0 workgroups failed.

     To purge the User_WG1 and User_WG2 workgroups by specifying
     a list, enter:

     PURGEWG (User_WG1, User_WG2)
     2 workgroups matched
     2 workgroups selected. 2 workgroups succeeded. 0 workgroups failed.

     To purge the User_WG1 and User_WG2 workgroups by specifying
     a wildcard, enter:

     PURGEWG User_WG#
     2 workgroups matched
     2 workgroups selected. 2 workgroups succeeded. 0 workgroups failed.

     To purge the User_WG1 and User_WG2 workgroups and request
     confirmation, enter:

     PURGEWG User_WG#; confirmall
     2 workgroups matched
      User_WG1 ? (N/Y) Y
      User_WG2 ? (N/Y) Y
     2 workgroups selected. 2 workgroups succeeded. 0 workgroups failed.



Manuals :   MPE/iX Intrinsics Reference Manual (32650-90028)
            Using the HP3000 Workload Manager (B3879-90001)

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