Generated from C.65.00 /SYSADMIN/PUB/MYCICAT last modified on Sun Aug 29 15:08:37 2004

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Commands to Manage System Resources

ALLOCATE       Loads a CM program or procedure into main memory.
ALLOW          Enables a user to access a specific operator command.
ALTPROC        Changes characteristics for the specified processes.
CONSOLE        Moves the system console from another terminal.
DEALLOCATE     Deallocates program or procedure loaded with ALLOCATE.
DISALLOW       Prohibits access to specified operator command.
DISCRPS        Enables/disables Rotational Position Sensing on device.
ERRDUMP        Dumps a process or system error stack.
FREERIN        Release a global Resource Identification Number.
GETRIN         Acquires a global Resource Identification Number.
OUTFENCE       Defines minimum priority to print an output spoolfile.
PAUSE          Suspends current activity for specified time (seconds).
RECALL/=RECALL Displays all pending resource request messages.
REPLY/=REPLY   Reply to pending resource request message at console.
RESETACCT      Resets system counters for an account to zero.

Commands to Manage System Resources (cont.)

SETCLOCK       Alters the system time or system time zone.
SETCOUNTER     Sets the next value of a specified resource counter.
SHOWALLOW      Displays the operator commands allowed (ALLOW).
SHOWCLOCK      Displays information about the system date and time.
SHOWPROC       Displays information about processes.
SHOWQ          Displays process scheduling data and subqueue contents.
=SHUTDOWN      Initiates a shutdown of MPE/iX.
TUNE           Changes filter/priority limits for circular subqueues.

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