Generated from C.65.00 /SYSADMIN/PUB/MYCICAT last modified on Sun Aug 29 15:08:37 2004

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     Starts configuration dialog and/or installation tape
     creation.  This command replaces the SYSDUMP command, which
     is no longer supported.  (NM)


     SYSGEN [basegroup][,newgroup][,inputfile][,outputfile]

basegroup           The name of a base configuration group in the
                    account SYS which contains configuration data to be
                    used as a basis for any changes made during the
                    SYSGEN session and/or to be used for creation of the
                    installation tape.  If the name of a base group is
                    not specified in the SYSGEN command, it is
                    defaulted to the group used to bring up the system
                    (normally CONFIG).

                    The base configuration group given or defaulted on
                    the SYSGEN command can be changed with the SYSGEN
                    BASEGROUP command.

newgroup            The name of a group in the SYS account which is to
                    be used as the default for keeping a new set of
                    configuration data or a copy of the configuration
                    data in the base configuration group.  If the name
                    of a new group is not specified on the SYSGEN
                    command, it is defaulted to the basegroup.  The new
                    configuration group given or defaulted on the
                    SYSGEN command can be overridden by specifying a
                    group name with the SYSGEN KEEP command.

inputfile           Actual file designator of the file to be used for
                    command input during the execution of SYSGEN. The
                    formal file designator used by the SYSGEN program
                    for this file is SYSGIN.  The default is $STDIN.

outputfile          Actual file designator of the file to be used for
                    any output requested during the Configurator/User
                    dialog.  The formal file designator used by the
                    SYSGEN program for this file is SYSGOUT.  The
                    default is $STDLIST.


     The SYSGEN command initiates the Configurator/User
     interface. Once executing, SYSGEN can be used to create new
     system configurations, to modify existing ones, and to
     create installation tapes for any MPE/iX system.

     System supervisor capability (OP) is required to view
     configuration data.  System manager (SM) capability is
     required to make configuration changes and keep them or to
     create an installation tape.  To begin interaction with the
     MPE/iX Configurator, the SYSGEN command is entered.  During
     the interaction, system configurations can be created,
     modified, or used to create installation tapes.

     The base for configuration changes or tape creation can be
     specified on the SYSGEN command with the base group. The
     group name to which the configuration is to be kept with a
     SYSGEN KEEP command can be specified on the SYSGEN command
     line with the newgroup parameter.

     Input for the configurator interaction can be redirected
     from a file with the SYSGEN command inputfile parameter.
     Any output during the interaction can be redirected to a
     file with the SYSGEN command outputfile parameter.  In
     addition, input and output can be redirected with file
     equations using the formal designators SYSGIN and SYSGOUT,
     respectively, prior to entering the SYSGEN command.

     Pressing [Break] suspends the execution of this command.
     Entering RESUME continues the execution.


     The following four examples perform the same action.  Each
     causes the group CONFIG.SYS to be used as the basis for
     configuration data, the group NEWCONF.SYS to be used for any
     KEEP command without a group specification, the file $STDIN
     to be used for input and the $STDLIST to be used for output.



Commands:   None

Manuals :   Performing System Operation Tasks (32650-90137)

            System Startup, Configuration, and Shutdown Reference
            Manual (32650-90042)

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