Generated from C.60.01 /SYS/PUB/CICAT last modified on Thu Jan 11 09:18:52 2001

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Syntax:     JINFO(jobID, item [,status])

Defn:       A CI evaluator function that returns information about
            the specified job or session.

Type:       String, integer, or Boolean depending upon option.


  JobID:    Required.  String identifying the target job or session as
            "[#]Jnnnn" or "[#]Snnnn", where "nnnn" is a number.
            "0" indicates the target job/session is the caller.
  Item:     Required.  String label specifying which information is to
            be returned.
  Status:   Optional. CI variable name where a JINFO error number can be
            returned.  Zero indicates success.  Non-zero indicates a
            failure.  Error values returned in 'status' are the same as
            the CIERROR value when an error occurs.  If the 'status'
            parm is passed the CI will not set CIERROR and will not
            report an error message.  If 'status' is not specified the
            CI performs its normal error handling.

Example:    JINFO('#J15', "exists")
Result:     TRUE
Example:    JINFO("0", 'jobQ')
Result:     HPSYSJQ
Example:    JINFO(hplastjob, 'StdlistSPstate')
Result:     CREATE

The following table summarizes the options of the JINFO function.
The description includes the item string, one or more aliases,
the data type, and a brief description of the item.

Item String         Type    * Description
------------        ----    --------------------------------------------
Account             string  account name
CIpin               int     * PIN number for the job's CI
Command             string  * command most recently executed (lockwords
                              are removed)
ConnectMin          int     number of minutes connected
ConnectSec          int     number of seconds connected
Copies              int     number of copies for $STDLIST output
CPULimit            int     CPU limit in seconds, -1 is unlimited
CPUMillisec         int     number of milliseconds of CPU
CPUSec              int     number of seconds of CPU
Deferred            bool    True if job's inpri is <= the jobfence
DegradeMode         bool    ** True if system is running in degraded
Exist               bool    True if the target job exists in any state
Exists              bool    Same as 'exist'
FmtIntroDate        string  formatted date job was introduced
FmtIntroTime        string  formatted time job was introduced
FmtPriority         string  current scheduling queue for the usermain
                            (CI) process, e.g. 'BS', 'CS', 'DS', 'ES'
FmtStreamedByDate   string  formatted date when job/session was
FmtStreamedByTime   string  formatted time when job/session was
Group               string  logon group name
HomeGroup           string  * home group name
Inpri               int     input priority
IntIntroDate        int     date job was introduced as a YYYYMMDD
IntIntroTime        int     time job was introduced as a HHMMSS
IntroDate           int     date job was introduced as a YYYYMMDD
IntStreamedByDate   int     date job/session was submitted as a
                            YYYMMDD integer
IntStreamedByTime   int     time job/session was submitted as a
                            HHMMSS integer
IPAddr              string  * IP address in dotted format (xx.xx.xx.xx)
Job User Account    string  "[jname,]user.acct" names concatenated
Job User Account    string  "[jname,]user.acct,group" names concatenated
JobName             string  jobname if supplied, else ""
JobNum              string  unique job identifier, "#J|Snnnn"
JobQ                string  job queue name, "" for sessions
JobSecurity         string  ** "LOW" or "HIGH" depending on the
JobState            string  "INTRO", "SCHED", "WAIT", "EXEC*", "EXEC",
JobType             string  "J" for jobs and "S" for sessions
JobUserAccount      string  see "Job User Account"
JobUserAccountGroup string  see "Job User Account Group"
JSMAINPin           int     * PIN number for the job's JSMAIN
LdevIn              int     Input LDEV number for $STDIN
LdevOut             int     Output LDEV number for $STDLIST, 0 for
                            spooled jobs
LocAttr             int     * user local attributes
Outpri              int     output priority
OutClass            string  Outclass name for a job's STDLIST, e.g."LP",
                            empty ("") for sessions
Numbered            bool    True is job file is numbered
PassExempt          string  ** "NONE", "USER", "XACCESS", "MAX"
Priority            int     current priority for the usermain (CI)
                            process, e.g. 150, 200, etc.
Private             bool    * True if the job's stdlist is marked
Quiet               bool    True if set msg=off in effect
RawIntroDate        int     date job was introduced in CALENDAR format
RawIntroTime        int     time job was introduced in CLOCK format
RawStreamedByDate   int     date job/session was submitted in CALENDAR
RawStreamedByTime   int     time job/session was submitted in CLOCK
Restart             bool    True if ";RESTART" specified in job
State               string  see "JobState"
StdinSPID           string  Innn identifier for the stdin spoolfile for
StdinSPstate        string  STDIN spoolfile state: "OPEN", "ACTIVE",
StdlistDelete       bool    True if SET STDLIST=delete in effect.
StdlistSPID         string  Onnn identifier for the stdlist spoolfile
                            for jobs
StdlistSPstate      string  STDLIST spoolfile state: "CREATE", "DEFER",
                            "READY" "XFER", "PRINT", "PROBLM", "DELPND",
StreamedBy          string  * full identifier of the job/session that
                            streamed or otherwise initiated the target
                            job. The same format as the HPSTREAMEDBY
StreamedByDate      int     see "IntStreamedByDate"
StreamedByLdev      int     * Ldev of job/session that submitted the
                            target job
StreamedByTime      int     see "IntStreamedByTime"
User                string  user name
User Account        string  "user.account" names concatenated
User Account Group  string  "user.account,group" names concatenated
UserAccount         string  See "User Account"
UserAccountGroup    string  See "User Account Group"

*  indicates you must have SM or OP capabilities, or the job must be
   your own job, or you must have AM capability and be logged on into
   the same account as the target job, or you must be logged on as the
   same user.account as the target job and JOBSECURITY is LOW.

** indicates you must have SM or OP capabilities, period.

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