Generated from C.65.00 /SYSADMIN/PUB/MYCICAT last modified on Sun Aug 29 15:08:37 2004

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     The FORMSALIGN command configures one spooled printer,
     or a group of spooled printers related by device class,
     to conditionally enter into a forms message dialog with
     its operator when the current spoolfile includes a forms


     FORMSALIGN [DEV {ldev     }
                     {devname }
                [[;DIALOG= {eachchange}]
                           {eachfile  }
                           {eachcopy  }
                [[,{FORMIDOVERRIDE  }]]


ldev          The logical device number of a printer.  The printer
              must be configured as an MPE type 32 device.

devclass      The device class name of a class of printers.  Each
              printer in the class must be configures as an
              MPE type 32 device.  Devclass must begin with a letter
              and consist of eight or fewer alphanumeric characters.

devname       The device name of a printer.  Devname must begin
              with a letter and consist of eight or fewer
              alphanumeric characters.  Users should note that it
              is not possible to have a device class name and a
              device name (which are the same).  If you enter an
              alphanumeric character string, the command will
              search the device class list first, and then the
              device name list.

EACHCHANGE    The spooler process conducts the forms message dialog
              only when the (case-insensitive) forms message of
              the current spoolfile differs from that of the previous
              spoolfile printed by that process.  Or if an overriding
              formid specification is not in effect (see

EACHFILE      The spooler process conducts the forms message
              dialog whenever the spoolid of the current spoolfile
              differs from that of the previous spoolfile printed
              by that process, the current spoolfile contains a
              forms message, and an overriding formid specification
              is not in effect.  Two different spoolfiles with the
              same forms message spoolfile will print
              without the forms message dialog if they
              are printed consecutively.

EACHCOPY      The spooler process conducts the forms message dialog
              for each copy of every spoolfile which contains a forms
              message if an overriding formid specification (see
              FORMIDOVERRIDE) is not in effect.


OVERRIDE      This is a subparameter of the chosen
              EACHxxx parameter.  With this feature selected, the
              Native Mode Spooler first checks its current and
              previous spoolfiles for the same non-blank, case-
              insensitive formid.  If the formid's match, both
              the DIALOG option for the spooler process and any
              forms messages in the current spoolfile are ignored,
              then, forms message dialog does not activated.
              Identical formid's override all other


The DIALOG option is not changed, it is ignored as long as
the two formid's match.

If the two formid's do not match, and the current spoolfile
is not empty, then the spooler conducts the forms message dialog using
the forms message of the current spoolfile.

If the current spoolfile has no forms message (even though it

 has a formid), the spooler:

o Conducts no dialog if standard forms are already mounted.
o Displays the STANDARD FORMS dialog if special forms are mounted.

If the two formid's do not match because the current spoolfile has
no formid and the previous spoolfile did, the spooler will always
conduct a forms message dialog, again ignoring any setting of
DIALOG.  If the current spoolfile has a non-empty forms message,
the spooler conducts a normal forms message dialog with the
device operator. If the forms message is empty, and the device
has special forms mounted, the spooler prompts the device operator
to mount standard forms.

Once both the previous spoolfile and the current spoolfile have
no formid, the spooler operates in accordance with the selected
DIALOG option once more.


OVERRIDE    This is a subparameter of the chose EACHxxx parameter.
            With this feature selected, Native Mode Spooler ignores
            any and all formid's associated with the current
            spoolfile or the previous spoolfile.  The setting of the
            DIALOG option always determines the conditions under
            which the spooler process conducts the forms message
            dialog.  The formid is then useful only as an item in
            a selection equation.

            The setting of (NO)FORMIDOVERRIDE only affects the
            spooler's function during the forms message dialog.  It
            has no effect on the use of the FORMID keyword in a
            selection equation of either the SPOOLF or LISTSPF
            command.  It is still possible to select a subset
            of all spoolfiles to alter, delete or display,
            on FORMID=, regardless of the setting of
            (NO)FORMIDOVERRIDE for a given device.  They are totally
            independent of each other.

            If the current spoolfile has no forms message but
            special forms are mounted on the device, the spooler
            conducts the STANDARD FORMS dialog.

SHOW        Specifying this option causes the configuration for
            the specified devices to be displayed.
            If no other parameters, the current configuration is
            displayed.  If other parameters are used, the

            configuration is first updated and then displayed.
            If a device class is specified, the configuration
            for each device in the class is displayed.
            If this option is omitted, nothing is displayed.

            A sample of the output might be:


            LDEV     DEVNAME   DIALOG           OVERRIDE

              6      LDEV6     EACHCHANGE       YES
             14      LDEV14    EACHCOPY         NO
             15      LDEV15    EACHFILE         YES
             19      LDEV19    EACHCHANGE       NO

     This command may be issued from session, job, in BREAK, or from a
     program.  It is not breakable while updating the configuration, but
     is breakable during the display portion of the command if the ;SHOW
     option is used. Any user may execute this command with only the
     ;SHOW option to display current configurations.  When changing a
     configuration, it may be executed from the console or by a user
     who has the ALLOW or ASSOCIATE command.


     To configure ldev 6 and use all command defaults, enter:

         FORMSALIGN 6

     To specify dialog options, enter:


     To conduct a forms message dialog for each copy of each
     file printed, enter:



The options specified in the FORMSALIGN command are stored in
the appropriate device files.  For example, options for LDEV 6
are stored in file 00000006.DEVICES.3000devs.  This is why the
options are retained even when no spooler process exists in

However, these device files are reconstructed at each system
startup, and options other than the default are not retained
across system startups.  Your SYSSTART file should
include one FORMSALIGN command per device or class for which
you want to set options other than the default.

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