MPE/iX 6.5 Commands and Variables (C.65.03)
These pages were created using slightly modified versions of Mark
Bixby's cicat2html Perl script and Donna Garverick's mkindx
CI script. cicat2html converts cicat.pub.sys into html pages, one for
each command. mkindx creates this index page. All material on these pages
is copyright Hewlett-Packard.
- abort
- abortio
- abortjob
- abortproc
- abs
- accept
- allocate
- allow
- alpha
- altacct
- altfile
- altgroup
- altjob
- altlog
- altproc
- altsec
- altspoolfile
- altuser
- altvset
- altwg
- and
- anyparm
- aphanum
- apl
- appccontrol
- associate
- autoallocate
- back to the top
- band
- basename
- basic
- basicgo
- basicomp
- basicprep
- bbasic
- bbasicgo
- bbasicomp
- bbasicprep
- bbxl
- bbxlcomp
- bbxlgo
- bbxllk
- bnot
- bor
- bound
- breakjob
- build
- bxor
- bye
- back to the top
- cachecontrol
- calc
- categories
- ccxl
- ccxlgo
- ccxllk
- changelog
- chdir
- chgroup
- choice
- chr
- cierror
- civars
- class
- cline
- cob74xl
- cob74xlg
- cob74xlk
- cob85xl
- cob85xlg
- cob85xlk
- cobol
- cobolgo
- cobolii
- coboliigo
- coboliiprep
- cobolprep
- command
- comment
- communicate
- console
- contents
- continue
- control
- control2
- copy
- creset
- csl
- csr
- back to the top
- data
- datacomm
- deallocate
- debug
- decimal
- default
- default2
- define
- define3
- define4
- define4a
- define5
- deletespoolfile
- deletevar
- deli
- deli1
- deli2
- deli3
- delimpos
- devices
- dhcfcontrol
- dirname
- disallow
- disassociate
- discrps
- diskuse
- dismount
- do
- down
- download
- dscontrol
- dscopy
- dsline
- dstat
- dwns
- back to the top
- echo
- edit
- editor
- else
- elseif
- endif
- endwhile
- eod
- eoj
- errclear
- errdump
- errors
- errors2
- errors3
- escape
- evaluator
- exit
- expression
- expressions
- back to the top
- fcopy
- file
- files
- finfo
- foreign
- formsalign
- fortgo
- fortprep
- fortran
- fqualify
- freerin
- fsyntax
- ftn
- ftngo
- ftnprep
- ftnxl
- ftnxlgo
- ftnxllk
- fullbackup
- function
- functions
- back to the top
- get
- get2
- getlog
- getrin
- give
- back to the top
- headoff
- headon
- hello
- help
- helpmenu
- helpstudy
- helpstudy1
- helpstudy2
- helpstudy3
- hex
- hints
- hpaccount
- hpacctcap
- hpacctcapf
- hpautocont
- hpcidepth
- hpcierr
- hpcierrcol
- hpcierrmsg
- hpcmdnum
- hpcmdtrace
- hpcmeventlog
- hpconnmins
- hpconnsecs
- hpconsole
- hpcontinue
- hpcpumsecs
- hpcpuname
- hpcpusecs
- hpcwd
- hpdate
- hpdatef
- hpdatetime
- hpday
- hpdoy
- hpdtcportid
- hpduplicative
- hperrdump
- hperrstolist
- hpexecjobs
- hpfile
- hpfserr
- hpgroup
- hpgroupcap
- hpgroupcapf
- hphgroup
- hphhmmssmmm
- hphour
- hpinbreak
- hpinpri
- hpinteractive
- hpintrodate
- hpintrotime
- hpjobcount
- hpjobfence
- hpjoblimit
- hpjobname
- hpjobnum
- hpjobtype
- hplastjob
- hplastspid
- hpldevin
- hpldevlist
- hpleapyear
- hplocipaddr
- hplocport
- hpminute
- hpmonth
- hpmsgfence
- hpncopies
- hposversion
- hpoutclass
- hpoutfence
- hppath
- hppin
- hpprompt
- hpquiet
- hpredosize
- hprelversion
- hpremipaddr
- hpremport
- hpresult
- hpschedjobs
- hpsescount
- hpseslimit
- hpsplityear
- hpspoolid
- hpstdin
- hpstdlist
- hpstreamedby
- hpsusan
- hpsuspjobs
- hpsysname
- hpsystimeout
- hptimef
- hptimeout
- hptypeahead
- hpuser
- hpusercap
- hpusercapf
- hpusercmdepth
- hpusercount
- hpuserlimit
- hpversion
- hpwaitjobs
- hpyear
- hpyyyy
- hpyyyymmdd
- back to the top
- if
- imf
- imfcontrol
- imfmgr
- iml
- imlcontrol
- imlmgr
- input
- inputfn
- back to the top
- jcw
- jinfo
- job
- jobcnt
- jobfence
- jobpri
- jobsecurity
- jobsess
- back to the top
- back to the top
- languages
- lastpageofintro
- ldismount
- len
- lft
- limit
- link
- linkcontrol
- listacct
- listeq
- listf
- listfile
- listftemp
- listgroup
- listjobq
- listlog
- listredo
- listspf
- listuser
- listvs
- lmount
- log
- logging
- logoff
- logon
- lsl
- lsr
- ltrim
- back to the top
- manage
- marks
- marks2
- marks3
- marks4
- marks5
- max
- min
- miodisable
- mioenable
- mod
- moff
- mon
- mount
- mpline
- mrje
- mrjecontrol
- back to the top
- nesting
- nesting2
- netcontrol
- newacct
- newci
- newdir
- newgroup
- newjobq
- newlink
- newuser
- newvset
- newwg
- nmsyntax
- nmsyntax2
- not
- nrje
- nrjecontrol
- nscontrol
- numeric
- back to the top
- octal
- octcomp
- odd
- openq
- operators
- option
- or
- ord
- outfence
- back to the top
- parameter
- parameter2
- parameter3
- partbackup
- pascal
- pascalgo
- pascalprep
- password
- pasxl
- pasxlgo
- pasxllk
- pause
- pmatch
- pos
- prep
- preprun
- print
- programming
- ptape
- punctuation
- punctuation2
- punctuation3
- purge
- purgeacct
- purgedir
- purgegroup
- purgejobq
- purgelink
- purgeuser
- purgevset
- purgewg
- back to the top
- quantum
- back to the top
- recall
- redo
- refuse
- release
- rellog
- remote
- rename
- repl
- reply
- report
- reset
- resetacct
- resetdump
- resources
- restore
- resume
- resumejob
- resumelog
- resumenmlog
- resumespool
- return
- rht
- rje
- rpg
- rpggo
- rpgprep
- rpgxl
- rpgxlgo
- rpgxllk
- rpt
- rtrim
- run
- back to the top
- sample
- sample2
- save
- secure
- segmenter
- sentence
- sentence2
- sentence3
- sentence4
- sentence5
- sentence6
- set
- setcatalog
- setclock
- setcounter
- setdump
- setjcw
- setmsg
- setvar
- setvarfn
- showallocate
- showallow
- showcache
- showcatalog
- showclock
- showcom
- showdev
- showin
- showjcw
- showjob
- showlog
- showlogstatus
- showme
- shownmlog
- showout
- showproc
- showq
- showtime
- showvar
- showwg
- shutdown
- shutq
- snacontrol
- speed
- spl
- splgo
- splprep
- spooler
- spoolf
- spooling
- spucontrol
- startcache
- startsess
- startspool
- stopcache
- stopspool
- store
- str
- stream
- streams
- subsystems
- summary
- suspendspool
- switchback
- switchlog
- switchnmlog
- switchover
- syntax
- syntax2
- syntax3
- sysdump
- sysgen
- back to the top
- take
- tell
- tellop
- tune
- typeof
- back to the top
- udc
- up
- ups
- back to the top
- variable
- variables
- vars
- vinit
- vmount
- volumes
- vsclose
- vsopen
- vsrelease
- vsreleasesys
- vsreserve
- vsreservesys
- vstore
- vsuser
- back to the top
- warn
- ways
- welcome
- while
- word
- wordcnt
- back to the top
- xeq
- xor
- xword