Generated from C.65.00 /SYSADMIN/PUB/MYCICAT last modified on Sun Aug 29 15:08:37 2004

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Syntax:     XWORD(string[,delims][,nth][,end_var][,start])

Defn:       A CI evaluator function that is the counterpart to the
            WORD() function.  XWORD() returns the input string
            minus the selected "word". The default delims are a space,
            comma, semicolon, equals sign, left and right parentheses,
            left and right brackets, single quote, double quote,
            and tab.  The default nth is 1; the default end_var is
            no variable; the default start is 1.

Type:       String

Example:    xword('file a=bb,old;rec=40,,f,ascii')
Result:     'a=bb,old;rec=40,,f,ascii'
Example:    xword('file a=bb,old;rec=40,,f,ascii',,-4,j)
Result:     'file a=bb,old;rec,,f,ascii', j=18
Example:    xword("Hi <person>, please attend...",,2)
Result:     'Hi  please attend...'

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