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     Copies disk files onto backup media so that they can be
     recovered with RESTORE.  (CM)


     STORE [filesetlist][;storefile][;option[;...]]

     where option is





        [;FCRANGE=filecode/filecode[,... ]]


        [;TREE] [;NOTREE]



        ** TurboSTORE/iX II and TurboSTORE/iX 7x24 True-Online Backup
           products only:



        ** TurboSTORE/iX 7x24 True-Online Backup product only:

                  {END  }


filesetlist         Specifies the set of files to be stored.  The
                    default set is @, meaning all files in the current
                    working directory (CWD), regardless of the user's
                    capabilities.  If the DIRECTORY option is
                    specified, the default file set is empty (no

                    This parameter has the form


                    where filesetitem may consist of ^indirectfile or

indirectfile        A file name that backreferences a disk file.  The
                    syntax is

                         ^indirectfile or !!indirectfile

                    This file may consist of fileset(s) and option(s),
                    but only options can appear after the first
                    semicolon (;) on each line.  An option specified
                    on one line will operate on all files in the

fileset             Specifies a set of files to be stored and
                    optionally those files to be excluded from the
                    STORE operation.  The fileset parameter has the


                    An alternate syntax exists for use with the RENAME


                    Any file that matches filestostore will be stored
                    unless the file also matches a filestoexclude,
                    which specifies files that are to be excluded from
                    the STORE operation.  An unlimited number of
                    filestoexclude may be specified.  However, if the
                    TRANSPORT option is used, you may specify only one
                    set of files to exclude.

                    Since "-" is a valid character for HFS syntax file
                    names, a blank character must separate it from HFS
                    file sets to obtain the special negative file set

filestoexclude      Both filestostore and filestoexclude may be
                    entered in MPE or HFS syntax.  Wildcards are
                    permitted for both MPE as well as HFS syntax.

                    The MPE syntax is as follows:


                    A lockword may be specified for files to be
                    stored, in the form:


                    The HFS syntax is as follows:




                    If the name begins with a dot (.), then it is
                    fully qualified by replacing the dot with the
                    current working directory (CWD).

                    Each of the components dir_lev_i and filedesig can
                    have a maximum of 255 characters with the full
                    path name being restricted to 1023 characters.
                    Each of the components dir_lev_i and filedesig can
                    use the following characters:

                       Letters a to z
                       Letters A to Z
                       Digits  0 to 9
                       Special characters  - _ .

                    For HFS syntax, the lowercase letters are distinct
                    from the uppercase letters (no upshifting).  Names
                    in MPE syntax are upshifted.

                    Both MPE and HFS name components can use the
                    characters @, #, and ?  as wildcard characters.
                    These wildcard characters have the following

                    @ specifies zero or more alphanumeric characters.
                    # specifies one numeric character.
                    ? specifies one alphanumeric character.

                    The characters can be used as follows:

                    n@ -- All files starting with the character n.

                    @n -- All files ending with the character n.

                    n##...# -- All files starting with character n
                               followed by up to seven digits (useful
                               for storing all EDIT/3000 temporary

                    n@x -- All files starting with the character n and
                           ending with the character x.

                    ?n@ -- All files whose second character is n.

                    n? --  All two-character files starting with
                           the character n.

                    ?n --  All two-character files ending with the
                           character n.

                    Also, character sets may be specified in the
                    following syntax:

                    [ct]   specifies letter c or t.
                    [c-t]  specifies any letter from range c to t.
                    [e-g1] specifies any letter range
                           e to g or digit 1.

                    Examples of using character sets are:

                    [A-C]@        All files that begin with the
                                  letters A, B, or C.

                    myset[e-g1]   All files that begin with the name
                                  myset and end in e, f, or g, or 1.

                    myset[d-e1-6] All files that begin with the name
                                  myset and end in d or e, or 1, 2, 3,
                                  4, 5, or 6.

                    Up to a maximum of sixteen characters may be
                    specified for each character set and brackets may
                    not be nested.  Character sets may not be used
                    with the TRANSPORT option.

                    A character set specifies a range for only one (1)
                    ASCII character.  The range [a-d]@ gets all files
                    that begin with the letter "a" through the letter
                    "d".  The range [ad-de] may cause unpredictable

                    Since the hyphen (-) is a valid character for HFS
                    syntax file names, it is allowed inside a
                    character set, immediately following a left
                    bracket ([) or preceding a right bracket (]).
                    When specified between two characters, the hyphen
                    implies a range of characters.

                    Specifying Database Files

                    When specifying TurboIMAGE and ALLBASE/SQL
                    databases to be stored, only the root file or
                    DBCon file needs to be specified.  STORE will
                    determine which other files belong to that
                    database, including third-party indexing files,
                    and will store all of them.  If
                    dataset file(s) are specified without specifying a
                    root file, then a warning will be printed for
                    each file, and they will not be stored.
                    Individual database files can be stored
                    without the root file by specifying the
                    ;PARTIALDB option on the STORE command line.

             NOTE   Database corruption may result if not all database
                    files are stored during a backup.  Be sure that you
                    only want to store certain database files before
                    overriding the default behavior with PARTIALDB.

                    MPE and HFS Naming Equivalences

                    When the MPE filename component is a single "@"
                    wildcard, the "@" will be "folded" to include all
                    MPE and HFS named files at that level and below.
                    To specify only MPE-named files, use "?@" instead.

                    MPE wildcards are not expanded in filestoexclude.
                    This means that @.@.@-@.@.@ is NOT an empty
                    fileset.  It contains all of the HFS named files
                    on the system.

                    A fileset may be entered in any of the following
                    formats and may use wild card characters.
                    Equivalent MPE and HFS formats are grouped

                              One particular file in one particular
                              group in one particular account.

                              One particular file in one particular
                              group in the logon account.

                    ./file    One particular file in the CWD.

                              All files (MPE and HFS) in one
                              particular group in one particular

                              All MPE name files in one particular
                              group in one particular account.

                              All the files (MPE and HFS) in one
                              particular group in the logon account.

                    ?  All MPE named files in one particular
                              group in the logon account.

                    /ACCT/    All the files (MPE and HFS) in all the
                              groups in one particular account, plus
                              all the files and directories under the
                              specified account.

                    ?@.@.acct All MPE named files in all the groups in
                              one particular account.

                              Any MPE file named thisisit in all the
                              groups in one particular account.

                    @         All (MPE and HFS) files in the CWD.
                              This is the default for everyone,
                              regardless of permissions.

                    @.@       All (MPE and HFS) files in the logon

                    ?@.@.@    All MPE named files in the system.

                    /         All the files and directories (MPE and
                              HFS) in the system.

targetname          Specifies the name and creator for the file on the
                    store media.  The targetname parameter has the


                    The filename can be any legal MPE filename or HFS
                    pathname.  The creator and creatoraccount must be
                    legal creator and account names, respectively.
                    The only wildcard character allowed is a single
                    '@' for each component of the filename, creator or
                    creatoraccount.  The wildcard character '@'
                    indicates that the source value for that component
                    should be used.  An HFS pathname which ends in a
                    '/' is considered an HFS directory and no wildcard
                    characters are allowed.

                    The RENAME option must be specified if the
                    targetname is used.

storefile           The name of the device to which the stored files
                    are to be written.  This may be any magnetic tape
                    or DDS device.  This file must be backreferenced
                    with an asterisk (*).  A FILE equation for
                    storefile should be set up before invoking STORE.

                    The storefile can now reference a remote device.
                    For example,

                       FILE REMOTE;DEV=REMSYS#TAPE
                       STORE @;*REMOTE;SHOW

                    NM Store will store all files to the specified
                    remote device.  Although the initial tape mount
                    request will appear on the remote console, all of
                    Store's console messages will be displayed on the
                    local console.  Currently, labeled tapes and
                    Magneto-optical devices cannot be used for remote

                    A message is displayed on the system console
                    requesting the operator to mount the tape
                    identified by the storefile parameter and to
                    allocate the device.

                    If storefile is not supplied and the STORESET
                    option is not used, then STORE creates a default
                    storefile name.  The default file name is the
                    user's logon username.  No file equation is used.

                    Sequential and parallel devices are specified with
                    the STORESET option.  Similarly, magneto-optical
                    devices are specified using the MOSET option.
                    Storefile should not be specified when using
                    STORESET or MOSET.

                    A disk file can also be specified with a file
                    equation for storefile. An example of such a file
                    equation would be:


                    Note that DEV=DISC must be specified for STORE to
                    recover files from disk backups.  All other
                    information in the file equation will be ignored
                    by STORE. STORE creates a binary, fixed
                    record file containing the backup data.  This
                    disk file can be restored using the same file
                    equation for RESTORE.

                    By default, STORE creates the disk file with a
                    4Gig limit.  If the data being stored exceeds
                    this, or an existing file with a smaller limit
                    is specified for the backup, then STORE will
                    create and write to additional disk files.  It
                    will append the "reel" number to the disk file
                    name originally specified.  For example, if the
                    backup disk file specified was
                    /SYS/BACKUPS/DAILY, and STORE ran out of room,
                    it would create /SYS/BACKUPS/DAILY.2,
                    /SYS/BACKUPS/DAILY.3, and so on.  The additional
                    files are HFS-named files.

SHOW                Specifies that STORE is to report information for
                    every file that is stored.  If you omit the SHOW
                    parameter, then only the names of the files not
                    stored are listed, along with the number of files
                    stored and the number of files not stored.  The
                    listing goes to $STDLIST (formal file designator
                    SYSLIST) unless a FILE command has been used to
                    direct the listing to some other device.  For

                    FILE SYSLIST;DEV=LP

                    entered before the STORE command would send the
                    listing to a line printer.

showparmlist        Tells STORE what information to display for the
                    files that are stored.  If you specify ;SHOW and
                    you omit showparmlist, then the default is SHORT
                    if the recordsize of SYSLIST is less than 132
                    characters, or LONG if the recordsize is equal to
                    or greater than 132. The format for showparmlist is:

                      showparm [,showparm[,showparm[,...]]]

                    where showparm may be one of the options described
                    below.  If you do not specify SHORT or LONG, then
                    the base information is SHORT if SYSLIST is less
                    than 132 characters, or LONG if SYSLIST is 132
                    characters or more.

                    If a HFS-named file is specified in the
                    filesetlist, or the expansion of a wildcard
                    includes a HFS-named file, then a HFS-style output
                    listing will be used.  This listing shows the same
                    information as the MPE format, but puts the name
                    of the file at the right end of the listing, to
                    allow for longer HFS names.  If a HFS name is too
                    long to fit in the record size of the output file,
                    it will be wrapped onto the next line.  Wrapping
                    is signified by a "*" as the last character on the

showparm            SHORT     Overrides a default of LONG and displays
                              file, group, and account name or the
                              fully qualified path name, volume
                              restrictions, file size (in sectors),
                              file code, and media number.

                    LONG      Overrides a default of SHORT and
                              displays all the information that SHORT
                              does and adds the ending reel number,
                              record size, blocking factor, number of
                              extents, EOF, and file starting and
                              ending media number.

                    NAMESONLY Displays only the filename and the
                              starting and ending media number.
                              NAMESONLY is not allowed with SHORT or

                    DATES     Displays the creation date, the last
                              date of access, and the last date of

                    SECURITY  For MPE format listing, causes SHOW to
                              display the creator and the file access
                              matrix for all the files which do not
                              have an active ACD.  For files with
                              active ACDs only, the phrase
                              *ACD EXISTS* is displayed.

                              For HFS format listing, the phrase
                              *ACD EXISTS* or *ACD ABSENT* is
                              displayed, depending on whether the
                              file has an ACD.

                    PATH      Forces all file listings to be in HFS
                              format.  Full HFS pathnames are
                              displayed instead of MPE style names.

                    OFFLINE   Sends another copy of the SHOW output to
                              the formal file designator OFFLINE,
                              which defaults to device LP.

                    If a 7x24 True-Online backup is performed with
                    the sync point at the end of the backup,
                    additional information will be written to the
                    listing.  This information consists of a single
                    character immediately following the volume
                    restrictions.  The possible values and meanings
                    of this character are as follows:

                          ^   This file has after image file label data
                          #   This file has after image file data
                          +   This file was added to the backup
                              before the 7x24 sync point
                          -   This file was removed from the backup
                              before the 7x24 sync point

                    For more information on performing 7x24
                    True-Online backups, refer the the Store and
                    TurboSTORE Manual.

ONERROR             Tells STORE what to do if there is a tape write
                    error.  If you omit this parameter, then the
                    default option is REDO.

                    ONERR is a synonym for ONERROR.

                    REDO     STORE should perform error recovery on
                             the tape write error.  First the tape is
                             rewound, and a bad record is written to
                             the beginning of the tape.  The tape is
                             then unloaded, and a new tape should be
                             loaded.  Store then continues, rewriting
                             the files that were on the damaged media.

                    QUIT     Tells STORE to abort after a tape write

moddate or accdate  Instructs STORE to store only selected files.  A
                    moddate value (indicated by >=, greater than or
                    equal to) limits the STORE to files that were
                    modified on or after the specified date.

                    An accdate value (indicated by <=, less than or
                    equal to) limits the STORE to those files that
                    were accessed on or before a particular date.

                    The date is expressed in the form mm/dd/yy[yy].
                    The year may be expressed in two or four digits
                    (for example, 87 or 1987).

PURGE               Instructs MPE/iX to purge all the files that were
                    successfully stored, after the STORE operation has
                    ended.  In an interactive session, MPE/iX prompts
                    the user to enter any lockwords that have been
                    omitted if the user does not have System Manager,
                    system supervisor, or account manager
                    capabilities.  In a job, if the user does not have
                    SM, AM, or OP capability, the lockword(s) must be

                    A file code with a negative file code can be
                    purged only by a user who has Privileged Mode (PM)

                    If a file cannot be purged, a file system error
                    message is sent to the user, stating that the file
                    was not purged.

                    This option is not valid with the SPLITVS or
                    RENAME options.

PROGRESS            Instructs STORE to report its progress at regular
                    intervals by displaying the message STORE
                    OPERATION IS nnn% COMPLETE.  For interactive
                    users, this message is displayed on $STDLIST.  For
                    jobs, this message is sent to the system console.

minutes             A positive number specifying the number of minutes
                    between progress messages.  The maximum is 60.
                    The default is 1 (one) minute.

DIRECTORY           Specifies that the system accounting directory
                    plus all HFS directories are to be stored.  This
                    option requires System Manager (SM) or system
                    supervisor (OP) capability.

                    If ONVS or SPLITVS is not specified, the DIRECTORY
                    defaults to writing ONLY the system directory.
                    Otherwise, the directories of the specified volume
                    sets are written.  This allows operators and
                    managers to store or copy private volume sets in
                    their entirety.


maxfiles            Maximum number of MPE/iX files that may be stored
                    when using the TRANSPORT option.  The default is
                    4000.  If the number of files requested is greater
                    than this number, an error occurs and the store is
                    not performed.

                    This parameter is ignored when you are storing
                    without the TRANSPORT option.  No limit is

TRANSPORT           Specifies that an MPE V/E compatible tape is to be
                    written.  TRANSPORT invokes the CMSTORE program,
                    which limits the MPE/iX STORE command to the
                    capabilities of the MPE V/E STORE command syntax.
                    Also, you may specify only one file to exclude
                    from the store.

                    The TRANSPORT option may also be activated by
                    setting the CI variable HPCMSTORE to TRUE.

                    This option is not available if you have specified
                    ONVS, TREE, or NOTREE options.

MPEXL               (optional) If MPEXL is specified, then STORE
                    creates MPE XL compatible media. If the TRANSPORT
                    parameter is used and MPEXL is not specified, then
                    MPE V compatible media is produced.  This option
                    is used to facilitate transport of files with a
                    later version attribute to older systems.  At
                    present, ACDs are the only attributes that are

COPYACD             Indicates that the access control definition
                    (ACD), if one exists, will be stored with the
                    file.  This is the default parameter .

NOACD               Indicates that the access control definition (ACD)
                    should not be stored with the file.  If this
                    parameter is not specified, the ACD will be

FCRANGE             The set of file code ranges that are to be stored.

filecode/filecode   A file code range.  A filecode is an integer
                    between -32768 and 32767.  ;FCRANGE=1000/1040
                    would store only those files having file codes
                    between 1000 and 1040.  You may specify a maximum
                    of eight file code ranges.

MAXTAPEBUF          Directs STORE to use the maximum available buffer
                    size during the store operation.  Currently, the
                    maximum tape buffer sizes for the following tape
                    drives are (in Kilobytes):

                    7974      16      7978B     32   DDS       32
                    7976      16      7979      32   MO        32
                    7978A     16      7980      32   3480      32

                    This option is also available by setting the CI
                    variable HPMAXTAPEBUF to TRUE.

NOTIFY              Notifies the user when the files being stored are
                    available to be accessed.  If an ONLINE store is
                    being done, this notification is done at the end
                    of the attach period, when the "FILES ARE NOW
                    FREE" message is sent to the console.  For a
                    non-ONLINE store, the notification is done at the
                    successful end of the entire store.  Notification
                    is done by streaming a job specified by the formal
                    file designator NOTIFY.  This file equation should
                    be set up before the store command is run:

                        FILE NOTIFY=MYJOB.PUB.SYS

                    STORE will attempt to issue a "STREAM *NOTIFY" at
                    the appropriate time.  If STORE is being run from
                    a session, and the job requires passwords, the
                    user will be prompted to enter them.  If STORE is
                    being run in a job and passwords are required, the
                    job will fail to stream.  The output from
                    streaming the job is sent to $STDLIST.  If the job
                    fails to stream for any reason, STORE will will
                    print the error, but will not abort.

ONVS                ON Volume Set.  Specifies that only files in the
                    filesetlist that reside on the volume specified
                    are to be stored.

                       ;ONVS = volumesetname[,volumesetname ...]

                    The example below stores the files on

                    STORE @.@.@;*TAPE; ONVS=VOLUME_SET_A

                    A set name included for the SPLITVS option can not
                    be specified for the ONVS option.  However, ONVS
                    and SPLITVS can be both used in the same STORE
                    command with different volume set names.  The ONVS
                    option also provides the ability to restrict, or
                    enhance the creation of directory information on
                    the store tape.  If the DIRECTORY option is
                    specified in conjunction with the ONVS option,
                    only those accounting structures on the specified
                    volume sets are stored.

                    Up to twenty volume sets may be specified.

volumesetname       A volume set name specified for the ONVS option.
                    This volume set may be a split volume set.
                    However, the files will be stored from the user
                    volumes, not the backup volumes.  If the files are
                    in use for writing, they will not be stored.

SPLITVS             SPLIT volume set.  Specifies that only files in
                    the filesetlist that reside on the backup volumes
                    belonging to the specified split volume set are to
                    be stored.  The files may be concurrently in use
                    while they are being stored, since users can only
                    access files on the user volumes.

                    ;SPLITVS = split_setname[,split_setname...]

                    The following example stores the files on a split
                    volume set called, SPLIT_SET_A:

                    STORE @.@.@; *TAPE; SPLITVS=SPLIT_SET_A

                    A set name included for the ONVS option can not be
                    specified for the SPLITVS option.  However,
                    SPLITVS and ONVS can be both used in the same
                    STORE command with different volume set names.
                    The SPLITVS option also provides the ability to
                    restrict, or enhance the creation of directory
                    information on the store tape.  If the DIRECTORY
                    option is specified in conjunction with the
                    SPLITVS option, only the accounting structures on
                    the specified split volume set are stored.

                    Up to twenty volume sets may be specified.

split_setname       A split volume set name specified for the SPLITVS
                    option.  This volume set must be a mirrored volume
                    set which was split through VSCLOSE; SPLIT.

RENAME              Renames the file, group, account, and optionally,
                    specifies a new creator for each entry in a
                    fileset.  STORE will rename the files while
                    creating the "file candidate list", which is a
                    list of files created by examination of the
                    fileset parameter of the STORE command.

                    The targetname syntax is used to specify the new
                    target name for the fileset.  For more details on
                    the use of RENAME, refer to the STORE and
                    TurboSTORE/iX Manual (30319-90001).

TREE                Forces each fileset to be scanned recursively.
                    This is equivalent to using the trailing slash (/)
                    in an HFS name.  The TREE option yields a
                    recursive scan in the hierarchical directory.
                    This option is mutually exclusive with NOTREE.

NOTREE              Forces each HFS syntax fileset to not be scanned
                    recursively.  The NOTREE option yields a
                    horizontal cut in the hierarchical directory.  The
                    NOTREE option is mutually exclusive with TREE.

STOREDIR[ECTORY]    Specifies that STORE should create a disc file
                    that contains the backup media label and directory
                    information.  This file will be placed in the
                    store_dirs directory of the HPSTORE.SYS group
                    (/SYS/HPSTORE/store_dirs/).  If this path does
                    not exist, the directory file will not be created.
                    The disc directory file can help to speed up the
                    recovery process, particularly if ONLINE=END was
                    used to create the backup. Because of this, this
                    option is automatically enabled if ONLINE=END is

                    All disc directory files are created with a file
                    name that uniquely identifies the backup.  The
                    format is:


                    where yyyymmdd represents the day the backup was
                    started, hhmmsstt represents the time the backup
                    was started, pin## is the pin number of the
                    process that created the backup, and day is a
                    three letter abbreviation of the day of the week
                    the backup was started.

storedirname        If specified, a symbolic link will be created with
                    the filename specified.  This link will point to
                    the disc directory file created in
                    /SYS/HPSTORE/store_dirs. This allows the user to
                    associate a more meaningful name to the disc
                    directory file.  The name can be specified in
                    either MPE or HFS format.  If it is not fully
                    qualified, it will be fully qualified using the
                    CWD. If the disc directory file could not be
                    created, then then symbolic link will also not
                    be created.

NOSTOREDIR[ECTORY]  Specifies that STORE should not create a disc file
                    containing the backup directory.  This is the
                    default unless ONLINE=END is specified.  Use this
                    option with ONLINE=END to prevent STORE from
                    creating the disc directory file.

PART[IAL]DB         Allows single database files to be specified.
                    Normally, all files belonging to a single database
                    must be specified.  However, if you want to store
                    only certain files from a database, PARTIALDB must
                    be specified.

             NOTE   Database corruption may result if not all database
                    files are stored during a backup.  Be sure that you
                    only want to store certain database files before
                    overriding the default behavior with PARTIALDB.

STATISTICS          Display extra statistics about the backup.  These
                    include:  amount of data written to each piece of
                    media in each parallel set, amount of time
                    required for each piece of media, throughput for
                    each piece of media, and retries for each piece of
                    media.  If software compression is used, then the
                    amount of compressed data and the compression ratio
                    for each media is displayed.  If an online backup
                    is performed, the amount of log data written is

INTER               Specifies that file interleaving is to be used.

                    This provides a higher disk data rate.
                    Interleaving is accomplished by reading from
                    several disk drives (files) simultaneously.  The
                    file data is blocked together and then stored to
                    the specified device(s).  The effect is to
                    accelerate the STORE process.

                    INTER cannot be used with the TRANSPORT option.

STORESET            Specifies parallel and sequential backup devices.

                    Sequential tapes are specified in this way

                    ;STORESET = (*tape1,*tape2,*tape3,...)

                    This instructs STORE to use only one drive at a
                    time from the specified serial pool for the STORE
                    operation.  It will select *tape1 first.  When the
                    first reel of tape is exhausted, STORE will shift
                    to the next drive specified (*tape2), leaving the
                    first free for rewinding and changing reels.
                    Thus, at any given time, only one drive is
                    occupied with the STORE operation.  The effect is
                    to accelerate the STORE process by eliminating
                    waiting for a rewind and reel switch to occur.
                    When STORE has written to the last device
                    specified, it will wrap around to the first

                    Parallel devices are specified by


                    In this example, all three tapes will be used in
                    parallel during the store.

                    A set of sequential tapes to be stored in parallel
                    use would be specified by


                    In this example, two tapes would be storing at any
                    particular moment, while the other two are
                    rewinding, permitting the operator to switch

                    This option cannot be used if the storefile
                    parameter is specified.

device              Specifies the device on which the file is to be
                    stored.  It must be magnetic tape or DDS.  This
                    device must be specified in a file equation before
                    you invoke the STORE command, for example

                    FILE DEVICE;DEV=TAPE

                    This file equation can also specify a remote
                    device.  If you are using the TurboSTORE/iX 7x24
                    True-Online Backup product, then a disk file can
                    also be specified here.  However, disk files
                    can only be used with parallel store sets, not
                    serial store sets.

                    STORESET cannot be used in conjunction with


For additional information on TURBOSTORE/iX products, refer to the
STORE and TurboSTORE/iX Manual (30319-90001).

COMPRESS            Specifies that host data compression is to be used
                    during the STORE operation.  Currently, two levels
                    of data compression are supported in backup.  If not
                    present the default is HIGH.

compressionparmlist Informs STORE what type of compression is to be
                    done.  HIGH and LOW are the only valid parameters.
                    HIGH and LOW cannot be used together.

HIGH                Specifies that the higher of the two available
                    data compression algorithms is to be used.
                    Although the data will be compressed more, STORE
                    will use more CPU resources.

LOW                 Specifies that the lower of the two available data
                    compression algorithms is to be used.  Although
                    the files will not compress as well as with HIGH,
                    STORE will use less CPU resources.

MOSET               Specifies parallel Magneto Optical (MO) backup

                    Parallel devices are specified by:

                    ;MOSET = (12),(13),(15)


                    ;MOSET = (MO),(MO),(MO)

                    All MO devices are used in parallel during the
                    STORE. Serial MO devices cannot be specified.

                    This option is not available if the storefile
                    option is specified.

NAME                If this parameter is present then the specified
                    name and ensuing options are applied to the backup
                    media.  The NAME parameter is only valid for MO
                    backup devices.  It specifies the logical name for
                    the backup.  For example:

                  STORE @.@.@;;MOSET=(12);NAME=BK1200PM.D23OCT90.BOZO

                    This name could indicate that a backup was created
                    on 23 Oct 1990 at 12:00 PM on the system called
                    BOZO.  If the name parameter is not specified, a
                    similar default name will be generated by STORE
                    based on the other backup options.  In either case
                    the backup name is displayed on the
                    SYSLIST/OFFLINE listing as:

                     THE BACKUP TO DASS NAME IS backupname

                    It is recommended that users provide CI variables
                    and scripts to generate their own unique NAMEs for
                    system backups.

backupname          A three field name of a total maximum length of 26
                    characters.  The format is fname.gname.aname.  The
                    name represents the "handle" to this particular
                    backup and can be used on a subsequent restore to
                    retrieve files from this backup.  The fname, gname
                    and aname can be up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
                    For example:



ONLINE              Online backup.  The store fileset is attached to a
                    log handler and the users can concurrently read,
                    write or purge files in the fileset after the
                    files are attached to the log environment.  The
                    files must not be open for write before STORE is
                    invoked, but the write access is allowed as soon
                    as the tape mount request appears on the console.
                    The following message indicating completion of the
                    attach phase is also sent to the system console:


                    See the NOTIFY option for an additional way to
                    notify users that the attach phase has completed.

START               Specifies that a 7x24 true-online sync point
                    should occur at the beginning of the backup,
                    before any files are stored.  All files being
                    stored do NOT have to be closed for write access
                    when the backup starts.

END                 Specifies that a 7x24 true-online sync point
                    should occur at the end of the backup, after all
                    files are stored.  All files being stored do NOT
                    have to be closed for write access at any time
                    during the backup.

        *WARNING*   Specifying the option causes file log data to
                    be written at the end of the backup.  This media
                    format is NOT backwards compatible, and media
                    created with ONLINE=END CANNOT be verified or
                    restored on a pre-5.5 system.

                    Notes on performing 7x24 True-Online Backups

                    All databases being stored will be quiesced at
                    the sync point.  This means that all current
                    transactions will be allowed to complete, and
                    no new transactions can begin.  Once STORE has
                    captured a logically consistent copy of the
                    database(s) begin stored, all databases will be
                    unquiesced.  The amount of time between quiesce
                    and unquiesce depends on how may databases
                    are being stored.  It will generally be very
                    short (less than a minute). Currently only
                    TurboIMAGE and ALLBASE/SQL databases are

                    Just before the sync point starts, the following
                    message will be sent to the console:


                    After this message is displayed, all TurboIMAGE and
                    ALLBASE/SQL databases being stored will be quiesced
                    and then unquiesced.  Once the sync point has
                    completed, the following message will be sent to the


                    For more information on scheduling, managing, and
                    performing 7x24 True-Online backups, consult the
                    Store and TurboSTORE Manual.

time                Specifies when the true-online sync point should
                    occur.  Should be specified in 24-hour format,
                    as HH:MM:SS.

                    Must be specified with either START or END.  If
                    specified with START, the sync point will occur at
                    the time specified, or after all of the files
                    being stored are attached to shadow log files,
                    whichever happens last.  If specified with END,
                    the sync point will occur at the time specified,
                    or once all files have been stored, whichever
                    happens last.

                    If the time specified is before the time the
                    backup is started, then STORE will wait until that
                    time the following day.  This is helpful if you
                    start the backup at 11:00 PM and want the sync
                    point to occur at 2:00 AM the next morning.

ASK                 When specified, will cause TurboSTORE to pause
                    with an operator request before the true-online
                    sync point.  After the user replies to the
                    console request, the sync point will occur.
                    The operator request displayed is:


                    If you reply "N" to this request, you will be
                    given the option of aborting the backup or
                    continuing to wait.

                    This option can be specified with <time>, and
                    must be specified with either START or END.

LOGVOLSET           When performing an online or 7x24 online backup,
                    this option allows you to specify where to create
                    the shadow log files.  By default, the shadow log
                    files are created on the same volume set(s) as
                    the files being stored.

volumesetname       The name of the volume set where the shadow log
                    files should reside.  Should be a valid,
                    currently mounted volume set.


     This command stores one or more disk files onto magnetic tape,
     DDS or MO disc.  It will store only those files whose home volume
     set(s) is (are) mounted.

     If you have System Manager (SM) or system supervisor (OP)
     capability, you can store any file in the system.  If you have
     account manager (AM) capability, you can store any file in your
     account, but you cannot store files having negative file codes
     unless you have Privileged Mode (PM) capability.

     Before entering a STORE command, you should identify storefiles as
     magnetic tape or DDS devices by using the FILE command to create
     a file equation.

     The STORE command may be invoked with the RUN command (for
     example, RUN STORE.PUB.SYS).  The INFO= parameter of the RUN
     command can be used to specify the STORE option, filesets, and
     keywords.  If no ;INFO= parameters are specified, the STORE:
     prompt will appear.  Acceptable responses are a complete STORE
     command, a complete RESTORE command, or a complete VSTORE

     If you have purchased a TurboSTORE/iX product, all purchased
     options will be available in the STORE program.

     If you press [Break] during a STORE operation, the operation
     continues while you interact with the Command Interpreter.  Both
     ABORT and RESUME can be used within BREAK.

     This command may be issued from session, job, or program, but not
     in BREAK.  The user must have Privileged Mode (PM) capability to
     execute this command for privileged files.


     To store all files on the system (including HFS files), enter:

     STORE /   or
     STORE @.@.@

     To store all MPE named files (and exclude HFS files and
     directories), enter:

     STORE ?@.@.@

     To store all (MPE and HFS) files in the group GP4X in your logon
     account to a tape file named BACKUP, enter:


     The console operator receives a request to mount the tape
     identified as BACKUP.  A listing of the files stored appears on
     your standard list device.

     To store all files on the system except the MPE files in the SYS
     account, enter:


     The console operator receives a request to mount the tape
     identified as TAP.  A listing of the files stored appears on both
     standard list and at the system line printer.  The listing will
     include all information available from STORE.

     To store from indirect file INDFILE which contains:




     The console operator receives a request to mount the tape
     identified as T.  Files FILE1, FILE2, FILE3, and all files in
     PUB.SYS will be stored if they have been modified since June 1,
     1987.  A listing of the files stored appears on your standard
     list device.

     To store files from a group and account with a default storefile,




     Note that the console operator receives a request to mount the
     tape identified as the user's user name.

     To store files from a group and account and to purge them after
     the STORE, enter




Manuals :   STORE and TurboSTORE/iX Manual (30319-90001)

            Magneto-Optical Media Manager User's Guide (36398-90001)

            Volume Management Reference Manual (32650-90045)

            Mirrored Disk/iX User's Guide (30349-90003)

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