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     Lists file and directory attributes through the use of 13 options.
     The main differences between LISTFILE and LISTF are: 1) LISTFILE
     accepts HFS syntax for filenames, but LISTF accepts only MPE
     syntax. 2) LISTFILE supports selection equations and other
     filtering parameters not available via LISTF. 3) LISTFILE is able
     to display information for TEMP files, whereas LISTF only
     processes permanent files.


     LISTFILE [fileset[,fileset[,...]]]
              [[;SELEQ=]select_eq  indir]
              [[;NAME=] pattern]


fileset             The set of files you want listed.  The default
                    for fileset is @, meaning all MPE-named files in
                    your current working directory (CWD).  If fileset
                    includes more than one file, be sure to separate
                    the file names with commas and enclose the set
                    in parentheses, for example:

                    :listfile (test1,test2,test3)

                    The files named in the fileset parameter can be
                    either in MPE or HFS syntax (explained below).
                    The file names dot (.) and dot-dot (..) have
                    special meaning, that is, current directory and
                    the parent of the current directory, respectively.

                    Using Wildcards

                    You may use the @, ? and # characters as wildcards
                    in any position in the file name.  You may use the
                    - character as a wildcard in any position except
                    as the first character of the file name.  These
                    wildcards have the following meaning:

                    @     matches 0 or more characters

                    ?     matches any single character

                    #     matches a single digit

                    [ ]   matches one character specified between
                          the brackets.  If used within brackets
                          ([ ]), the hyphen hyphen (-) means a range
                          of characters.  For example, "[c - g]" means
                          all the characters between c and g inclusive.
                          The character on the left must
                          alphabetically precede the character on the

                    -     If used immediately after the left bracket
                          ([), or just before the right bracket (]),
                          hyphen (-) means the character '-' itself.
                          For example, "[a-c]" means one of 'a', 'b',
                          or 'c', whereas "[-a-c]" or "[a-c-]" means
                          one of 'a', 'b', 'c', or '-'.

                          It is illegal to specify [c-a], or [a-A]
                          since 'c' does not alphabetically precede
                          'a' and uppercase 'A' comes before lowercase
                          'a' (in ASCII character evaluation).  Also,
                          it is legal to specify [A-z] and any legal
                          special characters.

                    MPE Syntax

                    If fileset does not begin with the dot or slash
                    (indicating HFS syntax), it is parsed according
                    to MPE syntax and has the following form:

                    filename[.groupname[.accountname] ]

                    A LISTFILE command using MPE syntax
                    does not display files that do not follow the
                    traditional MPE naming conventions of up
                    to eight character names for files, groups
                    and accounts.

                    If the fileset parameter does not specify groupname,
                    all MPE-syntax files in the CWD are listed
                    irrespective of whether the CWD is an MPE group or
                    not. For example: "LISTFILE @" lists MPE-named files
                    in the CWD; whereas, "LISTFILE @.@" lists all
                    MPE-named files in all groups in logon account --
                    independent of the CWD location.

                    If the CWD is not an MPE group, the information
                    about the file is displayed in the new format as
                    discussed below.

                    You may have an MPE group that also contains files
                    with HFS syntax, for example, they are lowercase,
                    have long names, or contain special characters.
                    To see both MPE and HFS files in a group, type,

                    LISTFILE ./@

                    HFS Syntax

                    If the fileset begins with a dot (.) or a slash
                    (/), it is assumed to be in HFS syntax. The
                    characters composing the name may be selected
                    from the following set:

                    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - _ .
                    $ % * + : ^ ` { | } ~

                    If the fileset parameter begins with a slash (/),
                    the pathname is assumed to be an absolute pathname;
                    otherwise, begins with a dot and is a relative (to
                    the CWD) name.

                    If fileset ends in a slash, it is treated as a
                    directory name, and pattern is used to determine
                    the file names that match.  All the directories and
                    files that match fileset are found and searched
                    recursively to display the files and directories
                    that match pattern.  For example, if fileset is
                    /SYS/@/, all files and subdirectories within
                    SYS, and all files and directories within those
                    subdirectories are displayed.  The default for
                    pattern is @.

                    If fileset does not end in a slash, all files that
                    match fileset are displayed.  For example, if
                    fileset is "/SYS/@", you will see a list of all,
                    files, subdirectories and groups in the SYS
                    account (directory), but not any files or
                    subdirectories underneath SYS.

                    If you have specified TREE, a trailing slash is
                    assumed at the end of the fileset.  For example,
                    the command "LISTFILE /SYS/@;TREE" behaves like
                    "LISTFILE /SYS/@/".  On the other hand, if you
                    specify NOTREE, the trailing slash, if present at
                    the end of a fileset, is ignored.  Hence, the
                    command "LISTFILE /SYS/@/;NOTREE" behaves like
                    "LISTFILE /SYS/@".

format_opt          A format selection.  This parameter has no effect
                    on the files selected for display, but affects the
                    information about the files that you see.  If
                    fileset begins with a dot (.) or slash (/), or if
                    the CWD is different from your current MPE group,
                    or if you specify the ;TREE option, then you will
                    see the HFS output style.  This, in part, means:

                    o  Account, group, and directory names will end
                       in a slash (/).
                    o  File names will appear at the end of the
                       output lines.
                    o  Output begins in column two so that you
                       can more easily detect filename wraparound
                       from the previous line (which, if wrapping
                       occurs, will begin in column one).

                    The following table displays the format options

                          Format Options
 Option  Name          Displayed Information

   -2    ACD           Displays the file's ACD (access control
                       definition). System Managers can view the ACD
                       for any file. Account Managers can view the ACD
                       for files in that account. File creators can
                       view the ACD for their files. Other users can
                       view an ACD only if that ACD specifies that the
                       user has RACD (read ACD) access.

                       For each directory, it displays PATH=absolute
                       directory name ending in a slash. Next, for each
                       HFS file within the directory, it displays the
                       same information as MPE, except that it displays
                       the file name (at most 255 characters) at the
                       end of all other information.

   -1    LABEL         Shows only the file label in hexadecimal.

    0    FILES         For each file, shows the name of the file
                       in a multicolumn format.  This is the default.

    1    SUMMARY       Displays the file name, file code, record size,
                       record format, and other file characteristics
                       such as  ASCII or binary records, carriage-
                       control option, file type, current end-of-file
                       location, and the maximum number of records
                       allowed in the file.

    2    DISC          Displays the file name, file code, record size,
                       file type, current end-of-file location, and the
                       maximum number of records allowed in the file.
                       It also displays the blocking factor, number of
                       sectors in use, number of extents currently
                       allocated, and the maximum number of extents

  3,-3   DETAIL;PASS
         DETAIL        Displays the file name, record size, extent
                       size, number of records, access rights for the
                       user, and other file characteristics including
                       the date created, modified, and last accessed.
                       The same information for MPE and HFS files is
                       displayed except for the following differences:

                       o  Fully qualified MPE file name is replaced by
                          an absolute pathname.

                       o  Creator field displays the fully qualified
                          user ID (user.acct) of the file owner.

                       o  The SECURITY field contains an additional
                          field SAVE for MPE group entries.  It is
                          blank for entries other than MPE groups.
                          All file access matrix fields are blank for
                          anything other than MPE account, MPE group,
                          and a file in an MPE group.

                       o  The LOCKWORD field is omitted.

                       The creator, group id, and label address are
                       omitted in FORMAT=3.  These can be obtained by
                       specifying -3 if you have sufficient capability
                       (AM or SM).

    4    SECURITY      Displays the security matrix for the file. This
                       includes account, group and file-level security,
                       and the access rights for the user.

                       For MPE groups and accounts, the security
                       matrix for group, account, and account-only are
                       displayed.  The rest of the fields of the file
                       access matrix are blank.

                       For HFS directories, and files within HFS
                       directories, all the fields of the file access
                       matrix are blank.  In addition, LISTFILE
                       displays the message "ACD EXISTS".

    5    DATA;PASS
   -5    DATA          Shows LISTFILE,3 data and all file-specific data
                       in LISTFILE, 3 type format (that is, KSAM and
                       SPOOL).  If the file has no unique data, only
                       the option 3 data is shown.

    6    QUALIFY       Shows the fully qualified (absolute pathname)
                       of the file.

    7    UNIQUE        Shows all file specific data in LISTFILE,5 type
                       format, but does not show LISTFILE,3 data.  If
                       the file has no unique data, only the file name
                       is displayed.

    8    ACCESS        Shows all accessors for the listed file.

    9    LOCKS         Shows all format 8 data plus more details about
                       the processes accessing the file, including
                       locking data.

  10    SUMMARYWIDE    Shows the same data as format 1 (SUMMARY),
                       but in a wider format to allow for display of
                       larger file sizes. Also more information is given
                       on how each file is currently being accessed. One
                       or more of the following accesses can be reported
                       for each file; Exclusive, Read, Write, or Store.

   11    DISCWIDE      Shows the same data as format 2 (DISC), but in a
                       wider format to allow for display of larger file
                       sizes. Disk space consumed by each file is
                       reported in Kilobytes (KB) rather than 256 byte
                       sectors. Information on current access of each
                       file is displayed in the same manner as format


                    A selection equation, used as a filter on fileset.
                    From the set of files matching the fileset, only
                    files that match the select_eq requirements are
                    listed. You may select on file types by using the
                    FTYPE option, or you may select on object type by
                    using the OBJECT option. Selection equations have
                    the following format:

                    [FTYPE  = KSAMXL|SPOOL]
                    [CODE   = filecode mnemonic|number|PRIV]
                    [ACCESS = INUSE|OPEN|LOCK[ed]|EXCL[usive]]

                    You must enclose selection equations in square
                    brackets, for example:

                    LISTFILE ./@ ;SELEQ=[OBJECT=DIR]

                    You can also use your text editor to make a file
                    that contains the OBJECT or FTYPE statement, for
                    example [OBJECT=DIR], and save it with a filename.
                    Thereafter, you can select this file by entering:

                    LISTFILE ./@ ;SELEQ=^FILENAME

                    The OBJECT option applies to all files, and may
                    have any one of the following values.

                    ACCT      Lists only the MPE ACCOUNT directory.
                              The synonyms are ACCTS, ACCOUNT, and

                    GROUP     Lists only the MPE GROUP directory.
                              The synonym is GROUPS.

                    FILE      Lists only the files and not
                              directories, groups and accounts.  The
                              synonym is FILES.

                    DIR       Lists only directories including
                              groups/accounts and the system root
                              directory /.  Synonyms are DIRS,
                              DIRECTORY, and DIRECTORIES.

                    HFSDIR    Lists only directories other than root,
                              accounts, and groups

                    SYMLINK   Lists only symbolic links.

                    mnemonic  Selects files based on the file code

                    number    Selects file based on the file code number
                              negative and positive values supported.

                    PRIV      Selects files that have a negative file

                    INUSE     Selects files that are accessed in any way

                    OPEN      Selects files that have been formally
                              opened via a supported language or an
                              intrinsic call.

                    LOCK[ed]  Selects files that have one of three
                              semaphores locked. The accessor may own
                              the semaphore exclusively, shared or be
                              waiting. The three semaphores considered
                              are: FLOCK, OPEN, and the GUFD.

                    EXCL      Selects only files opened for exclusive

pattern             When POSIX syntax is used in the fileset, pattern
                    is exactly the same as the filename components
                    of fileset as previously described. The name
                    parameter applies only to HFS syntax. The
                    LISTFILE command displays only those file names
                    that match pattern. For example, the following
                    displays all the files/groups/directories under
                    the SYS account that start with OFF, off, Off,
                    and so on.

                    LISTFILE /SYS/;NAME=OFF@

                    If pattern is specified within single or double
                    quotes, it is case sensitive. For example, the
                    following command displays all the
                    files/groups/directories under the SYS account
                    that start with OFF.  It will not display names
                    that start with off, Off, and so on. The default
                    for the pattern parameter is @; that is, it
                    matches all names without regard to case.

                    LISTFILE /SYS/;NAME=`OFF@'

                    You cannot use the NAME parameter for an MPE
                    fileset because the pattern can be specified as
                    the part of the fileset.  For example, instead of
                    entering "LISTFILE @.@.@;NAME=@DOC" you should
                    enter "LISTFILE @DOC.@.@".

PASS                Use this option to display sensitive data.  Using
                    it depends on your access rights to the data; that
                    is, if you are the owner or if you have AM or SM

PERM                Use this option to display permanent files only.
                    PERM is the default.

TEMP                Use this option to display temporary files.  You
                    can only use TEMP with MPE-syntax files, not
                    HFS files.

PERMTEMP            Use this option to display both permanent and
                    temporary files.  The permanent files are listed
                    before the temporary files.

USENAME             The USENAME option applies only to HFS-named
                    filesets.  Use this option to tell ``LISTFILE'' to
                    use the name to determine how many levels to
                    display. If the fileset ends in a slash (/), then
                    all files at all levels below the target file are
                    displayed.  If the name does not end in a slash
                    (/), then only the objects at the specified level
                    are displayed.  For example, you would enter /@/@/@
                    to display all objects at the third level.  USENAME
                    is the default.

TREE                Use this option to display objects at all lower
                    directory levels.

NOTREE              Use this option to display only objects at the
                    specified level.  The NOTREE option overrides an
                    HFS fileset that ends in a slash.


     You can use LISTFILE to list descriptions of one or more
     disk files at the level of detail you select.  You must have
     traverse directory entries (TD) and/or read directory entries
     (RD) access for the directories in the pathname of the files
     that will be displayed by LISTFILE.  (Refer to the ALTSEC
     command for further information on directory permissions.)

     For example, if the fileset is /dir1/dir@/@, you must have TD
     access for the root directory (/) and dir1.  Also, you must have
     RD access for dir1 since the next name is wildcarded (dir@) and
     have RD access to each directory within the path specified by
     /dir1/dir@ since the next (and final) name is a wildcard (@).

     For format options -1, -2, -3, and -5, you must have either SM or
     AM capability for the file.  A file description is not listed
     unless the file's home volume set (PV) is mounted.

     This command may be issued from a session, a job, a program,
     or in break mode.  Pressing [[Break]] aborts execution.

     If the fileset is in MPE syntax, LISTFILE only displays file
     names that follow MPE naming syntax.  For example, LISTFILE @,2
     will not display the file am_pm, whereas LISTFILE ./@,2 will
     display the file.

     If fileset ends in a slash (/) or the ;TREE option is specified,
     then the contents of every matching directory will be displayed
     recursively. To see just a directory name, but not all the files
     under it, use the ;NOTREE option or omit the trailing slash.




FILE1        FILE2        FILE3    etc.



FILENAME  CODE  ------------LOGICAL RECORD-----------  ----SPACE----
                  SIZE  TYP        EOF      LIMIT R/B  SECTORS #X MX

F4                 80B  FA         411        411  16      144  2  *
F5                 80B  FA         199        199  16       64  1  *

15 Accessors(O:15,P:15,L:0,W:0,R:15),Share
#S265   MIKEP.HPE                P:2,L:0,W:0,R:2      LDEV: 49
#S263   JEFFV,MGR.JVNM           P:3,L:0,W:0,R:3      LDEV: 47
#S261   KROGERS.MPENT            P:2,L:0,W:0,R:2      LDEV: 50
#S231   SUSANC.MPENT             P:2,L:0,W:0,R:2      LDEV: 46
#S219   FAIRCHLD.MPENT           P:2,L:0,W:0,R:2      LDEV: 39
#S214   CATHY,MGR.BOSS           P:2,L:0,W:0,R:2      REM :
#J434   FTPMON,FTP.SYS           P:2,L:0,W:0,R:2      SPID: #O21905

5 Accessors(O:5,P:5,L:5,W:0,R:5),Share
#S263   JEFFV,MGR.JVNM             P:3,L:3,W:0,R:3      LDEV: 47
 #P147   (LFCI.PUB.SYS)
   ACCESS: R-excl            REC#: 0                    FNUM: 13
    LOCKS--Owner--   --Waiter--
 #P154   (CI.PUB.SYS)
   ACCESS: R-excl            REC#: 0                    FNUM: 13
    LOCKS: none
   ACCESS: R-excl            REC#: 336                  FNUM: 16
    LOCKS--Owner--   --Waiter--

#J434   FTPMON,FTP.SYS             P:2,L:2,W:0,R:2      SPID: #O21905
 #P79    (CI.PUB.SYS)
   ACCESS: R-excl            REC#: 0                    FNUM: 14
    LOCKS: none
   ACCESS: R-excl            REC#: 336                  FNUM: 15
    LOCKS--Owner--   --Waiter--
         OPEN        FLOCK

HFS Examples

The sample file system below illustrates a hierarchical directory
structure.  In this figure, directory names are shown as the character
d plus a number (for example, d0), and file names are shown as the
character f plus a number (for example, f1). The examples following
<xref fs> assume the directory structure shown.  They also assume
that the current working directory (CWD) is /ACCT/GROUP/d0.

Sample File System

                              /ACCT/GROUP/d0  = CWD
  |               |                        |                  |   |   |
  d1              d2                       d3                f1  f2  f3
                  |                        |
    --------------|---------------     ----|--------------
    |     |   |    |       |     |     |     |   |   |   |
    d4    f4  f5   d5      d6    f6    d7    f7  f8  f9  f10
    |              |       |           |
 ---|--         ---|  -----|----     --|-----------------------
 |    |         |     |    |   |     |    |    |    |    |    |
 f11  f12       d8    f13  f14 f15   d9   f16  f17  f18  f19  f20

In this first example, the user sets the HPPROMPT variable to show the
current working directory, changes directories using the CHDIR command,
and requests a listing of all files one level below the CWD.

           hello manager.acct,group

           setvar hpprompt "!!hpcwd:"
           /ACCT/GROUP:chdir ./d0
           CWD is "/ACCT/GROUP/d0".
           listfile ./@

            PATH= /ACCT/GROUP/d0/

            d1/ d2/ d3/ f1  f2  f3

In the next example, using FORMAT=2 (DISC) option produces a listing of
all files one level below the CWD.

           /ACCT/GROUP/d0:listfile ./@,2
            PATH= /ACCT/GROUP/d0/

 CODE  ------------LOGICAL RECORD-----------  ----SPACE----  FILENAME
         SIZE  TYP        EOF      LIMIT R/B  SECTORS #X MX

          16W  DBH          4   67107839   1       64  2  *  d1/
          16W  DBH          4   67107839   1       64  2  *  d2/
          16W  DBH          4   67107839   1       64  2  *  d3/
          80B  FA          12         12   1       16  1  1  f1
          80B  FA          12         12   1       16  1  1  f2
          80B  FA          12         12   1       16  1  1  f3

In the next example, specifying the absolute pathname produces a
listing of all entries one level below the group.

/ACCT/GROUP/d0:listfile /ACCT/GROUP/@,2


 CODE  ------------LOGICAL RECORD-----------  ----SPACE----  FILENAME
         SIZE  TYP        EOF      LIMIT R/B  SECTORS #X MX

          16W  DBH          4   67107839   1       64  2  * *d0/

In the next example, specifying the NAME parameter produces a
listing of all entries with names beginning with a lower case "d".
The FORMAT=6 (QUALIFY) option is used to show the absolute pathname
of ll HFS entries.

/ACCT/GROUP/d0:listfile /;name=`d@';format=6


The next example illustrates the use of the OBJECT=ACCT parameter to
show all accounts on the system.

/ACCT/GROUP/d0:listfile /;name=@,6;seleq=[object=acct];


In the next example, specifying the OBJECT=GROUP parameter produces
a listing of all groups on the system.

/ACCT/GROUP/d0:listfile /;seleq=[object=group];format=qualify


The next example illustrates the use of the OBJECT=DIR parameter to show
all directories on the system.  This is similar to the FINDDIR UDC.

/ACCT/GROUP/d0:listfile /,qualify;seleq=[object=dir]



The next example illustrates a summary listing (format option 1) of all
files in subdirectory d3.

/ACCT/GROUP/d0:listfile ./d3/@,1


 CODE  ------------LOGICAL RECORD-------  FILENAME
         SIZE  TYP        EOF      LIMIT

          16W  DBH          4   67107839  d7/
          80B  FA          12         12  f10
          80B  FA          12         12  f7
          80B  FA          12         12  f8
          80B  FA          12         12  f9

The next example illustrates a detail listing (format option 3) of all
files in subdirectory d3.

/ACCT/GROUP/d0:listfile ./d3/@,3
 FILE: /ACCT/GROUP/d0/d3/d7/

 FILE CODE : 0                   FOPTIONS: DIRECTORY
 BLK FACTOR: 1                   OWNER   : **
 REC SIZE: 32(BYTES)             GROUP ID: **
 BLK SIZE: 32(BYTES)             SECURITY--READ    :
 EXT SIZE: 0(SECT)                         WRITE   :
 NUM REC: 4                                APPEND  :
 NUM SEC: 64                               LOCK    :
 NUM EXT: 2                                EXECUTE :
 MAX REC: 67107839                       **SECURITY IS ON
                                 FLAGS   : NO ACCESSORS
 NUM LABELS: 0                   CREATED : TUE, JUL 21, 1992,  2:20 PM
 MAX LABELS: 0                   MODIFIED: TUE, JUL 21, 1992,  2:23 PM
 DISC DEV #: 1                   ACCESSED: WED, JUL 22, 1992, 12:05 PM
 SEC OFFSET: 0                   LABEL ADDR: **

 FILE: /ACCT/GROUP/d0/d3/f9

 BLK FACTOR: 1                   OWNER   : **
 REC SIZE: 80(BYTES)             GROUP ID: **
 BLK SIZE: 80(BYTES)             SECURITY--READ    :
 EXT SIZE: 13(SECT)                        WRITE   :
 NUM REC: 12                               APPEND  :
 NUM SEC: 16                               LOCK    :
 NUM EXT: 1                                EXECUTE :
 MAX REC: 12                             **SECURITY IS ON
 MAX EXT: 1                      FLAGS   : NO ACCESSORS
 NUM LABELS: 0                   CREATED : TUE, JUL 21, 1992,  2:21 PM
 MAX LABELS: 0                   MODIFIED: TUE, JUL 21, 1992,  2:21 PM
 DISC DEV #: 2                   ACCESSED: TUE, JUL 21, 1992,  2:21 PM
 SEC OFFSET: 0                   LABEL ADDR: **

The next example illustrates the use of the FORMAT=-3 option to show
the owner of a file.  To use this option, you must be the file's owner,
or you must have AM or SM capability.

/ACCT/GROUP/d0:listfile /ACCT/GROUP/@,-3

 FILE CODE : 0                   FOPTIONS: DIRECTORY
 BLK FACTOR: 1                   OWNER   : MANAGER.ACCT
 REC SIZE: 32(BYTES)             GROUP ID: ACCT
 BLK SIZE: 32(BYTES)             SECURITY--READ    :
 EXT SIZE: 0(SECT)                         WRITE   :
 NUM REC: 4                                APPEND  :
 NUM SEC: 64                               LOCK    :
 NUM EXT: 2                                EXECUTE :
 MAX REC: 67107839                       **SECURITY IS ON
                                 FLAGS   : 1 ACCESSOR,SHARED
 NUM LABELS: 0                   CREATED : TUE, JUL 21, 1992,  1:10 PM
 MAX LABELS: 0                   MODIFIED: TUE, JUL 21, 1992,  2:16 PM
 DISC DEV #: 2                   ACCESSED: WED, JUL 22, 1992, 11:40 AM
 SEC OFFSET: 0                   LABEL ADDR: $000000E1 $0009A220

The next example illustrates the use of the FORMAT=4 (SECURITY) option
to display the security matrix for all objects one level below the group
(in this case, d0).

/ACCT/GROUP/d0:listfile /ACCT/GROUP/@,4

 ACCOUNT ------  READ :
                WRITE :
               APPEND :
                 LOCK :
              EXECUTE :

 GROUP --------  READ :
                WRITE :
               APPEND :
                 LOCK :
              EXECUTE :
                 SAVE :

 FILE ---------  READ :                    FCODE:    0
                WRITE :                  **SECURITY IS ON
               APPEND :                    ACD EXISTS
                 LOCK :
              EXECUTE :


The next example illustrates the use of the FORMAT=-2 (ACD) option to
display the access control definition (ACD) for file f4 in subdirectory
2.  Note that all users (@.@) have read ACD (RACD) access for this file.

/ACCT/GROUP/d0:listfile ./d2/f4,-2

 PATH= /ACCT/GROUP/d0/./d2/

 -----------ACD ENTRIES--------------- FILENAME

 @.@                : RACD             f4


            LISTDIR (UDC), LISTSPF (for spool files), ALTSEC


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