Generated from C.65.00 /SYSADMIN/PUB/MYCICAT last modified on Sun Aug 29 15:08:37 2004

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     Compiles and prepares a Compatibility Mode SPL/V program.
     SPL/V is not part of the 900 Series HP 3000 Computer System
     Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased
     separately.  (CM)


     SPLPREP [textfile][,[progfile][,[listfile][,[masterfile]



textfile            Actual file designator of the input file from which
                    source program is read.  This can be any ASCII input
                    file.  Formal file designator is SPLTEXT.  Default
                    is $STDIN.

progfile            Actual file designator of the program file to which
                    the prepared program segments are written. When you
                    omit progfile, the MPE Segmenter creates the program
                    file, which will reside in the temporary file domain
                    as $OLDPASS.  If you do create your own program
                    file, you must do so in one of two ways

                    o  By using the MPE/iX BUILD command, specifying a
                       file code of 1029 or PROG, and a numextents value
                       of 1.  This file is then used by the PREP

                    o  By specifying a nonexistent file in the progfile
                       parameter, in which case a job/session temporary
                       file of the correct size and type is created.

listfile            Actual file designator of the file to which program
                    listing is written.  This can be any ASCII output
                    file.  Formal designator is SPLLIST.  Default is

masterfile          Actual file designator of the master file that is
                    merged against textfile to produce composite source.
                    This can be any ASCII input file.  The formal file
                    designator is SPLMAST.  Default is that the master
                    file is not read; input is read from textfile, or
                    from $STDIN if textfile is not specified.  If two
                    files being merged have identical line numbers, the
                    lines from textfile or from $STDIN will overwrite
                    those in masterfile.

newfile             Actual file designator of the file produced by
                    merging textfile and masterfile.  This can be any
                    ASCII output file.  The formal file designator is
                    SPLNEW.  Default is that no file written.


The formal file designators used in this command (SPLTEXT, SPLLIST,
SPLMAST, SPLNEW) cannot be backreferenced as actual file designators in
the command parameter list.  For further information refer to the

quotedstring        A sequence of ASCII characters bounded by a pair of
                    single quotation marks (apostrophes) or by double
                    quotation marks.  If you want a quotation to appear
                    within quotedstring, the quotation and its quotation
                    marks must also be bounded by quotation marks.  For
                    example, to insert "and" into a quotedstring, it
                    must appear as ""and"".  Similarly, 'and' must
                    appear as ''and''.  The maximum length of the
                    string, including delimiters, is 255 characters.

                    Refer to "OPERATION".

                    For SPL to recognize quotedstring, a dollar sign ($)
                    must follow the quotation marks at the beginning of
                    the quotedstring.  This feature is used to specify
                    compiler options which will appear at the beginning
                    of the source listing.


     Compiles and prepares an SPL program into a program file on disk.
     If textfile is not specified, MPE/iX expects you to enter your
     source program from your standard input device.  If you do not
     specify listfile, your program output will be sent to your
     standard list device.

     The User Subprogram Library (USL) file created during compilation,
     $OLDPASS, is a temporary file passed directly to the MPE
     segmenter.  It can be accessed only if you do not use the
     default for progfile. This is because the segmenter also uses
     $OLDPASS to store the prepared program segments, overwriting
     the USL file of the same name.

     This command may be issued from a session, job, or program. It may
     not be used in BREAK.  Pressing [Break] suspends the execution of
     this command.  Entering RESUME continues the execution.


     To compile and prepare an SPL program entered from your
     standard input device and send the output to your standard
     list device, enter


     The following example compiles and prepares an SPL source
     program from the disk file SFILE into the program file
     MYPROG.  The program listing will be sent to your standard
     list device


     In the next example, the first positional parameter is
     omitted.  This indicates to MPE/iX that you intend to enter
     the source text from your standard input device.  The object
     code will be stored in the default USL file $OLDPASS, and
     the prepared program segments will be stored in FILEZ.
     $OLDPASS is then saved in the permanent file domain under
     the new name NUSL.



Commands:   SPL, SPLGO

Manuals :   MPE Segmenter Reference Manual (32650-60026)

            Systems Programming Language Reference Manual (30000-90024)

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